webCoRE for Hubitat Updates


webCoRE is now available for new installs as a built-in app on HE

  • this is installed via HE console -> apps -> "Add built-in App", then select webCoRE

webCoRE provides a rich common programming environment and code sharing across different home automation platforms. webCoRE provides an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), including debug, trace, and performance analysis for developing, testing, monitoring and optimizing your automations (known as pistons). It also has the ability to create dashboards that can be accessed from different locations. webCoRE is one of the few apps that provides both execution and performance information on your automations.

There is a webCoRE community that has many example pistons (automations you write with webCoRE) that can be imported, as well as get questions answered. Tips are also available on using webCoRE and HE efficiently.

  • webCoRE on HE makes it much easier to move your existing automations to HE from SmartThings, and run all your pistons locally on the HE hub.

  • This is the latest port of webCoRE onto the HE platform and has many optimizations for HE.

  • Simple pistons normally execute on HE in less than 10ms (which is a dramatic improvement vs. operations on SmartThings which is commonly > 150ms for the identical piston)

  • webCoRE is integrated with homebridge V2 and Echo Speaks, both of these apps can execute pistons or trigger on piston execution

Current Release May 30, 2024

  • added hub event manualReboot and update
  • updated dashboard files if running local copy of webCoRE IDE/dashboard
  • improved logging for some comparisons if full debug is on
    • fixed logging of larger json requests
  • adding gzip replies to cloud requests to a piston or webcore IDE, or graphs - reduces network traffic consumed, will help with HE 128KB limit on cloud requests

Previous release March 11, 2024

  • updated time calculations, and fixed bugs for EVERY and if time/date happens daily
  • bug fixes

Previous release March 5, 2024

  • update sunrise, sunset calculations in future
  • update for compiler issue

Previous release February 24, 2024

  • updates for IDE fixes for expression evaluation in while editing a piston
  • fix for hsmAlerts events
  • $weather includes sun azimuth and altitude values
  • fixes for graphs with current value
  • new location events lowMemory and cloudBackup
  • updates for displaying in use global variables by piston
    • can be seen HE console -> webCoRE -> Settings -> Dump global variables in use
    • note this updates as pistons run, so shortly after a reboot/re-install, it may be incomplete
  • Improvements in future scheduling events and DST offsets, sunrise, sunset in the future.
  • IDE updates to show subscriptions on switch statements, more detailed views of condition evaluations, $utc display
  • Added sin, asin, cos, tan, atan2, log, to radians, to degrees functions
  • added roundTImeToMinutes function
  • pistons can set a custom timezone for itself via setTzid
  • updates to webCoRE presence device to limit repeated events, optimizations

Previous Release Update July 12, 2023

  • Added rooms support (ability to see all rooms ($rooms), and get device attribute room [device:room])
  • optimizations

Previous Release Update May 12, 2023

  • fuel stream NP fixes and cleanups

  • timegraph improvements (thx @tj4293)

  • http arguments fix

  • fixes for 'was' handling

  • Improved attribute options for device variables and allow choosing attributes available to a subset of devices (thx @ipaterson ! )

  • fix for user of statement restrictions on every statements

  • cleanups and optimizations

Previous Release Update April 6, 2023

  • New piston option to ignoreSSL issues on http requests (IDE update on staging) - thx @ipaterson
  • graph optimizations, fixes - thx @tj4293
    • reduce memory consumption in web browser
    • remove moment.js
    • time span improved handling
  • improvements for $weather when used with openweathermap
    • improved condition codes for weather status
  • logging improvements for pistons
  • fix for DST problem found when scheduling future events when using sunrise or sunset
  • time parsing improvement

Previous Release Update March 22, 2023

  • updates for DST calculations on every schedules
  • improvements in graphing to reduce browser memory usage (thanks @tj4293 )
  • optimizations and cleanups

Previous Release Update March 5, 2023

  • updates for setLevel command with and without delay argument
  • reductions in data sent when displaying fuel streams in webCoRE IDE
  • updates to $weather for openWeathermap api options
  • use of new HE methods for file access
  • fixes for HSM events and status
  • updates for IDE when using devices with custom commands and parameters

Previous Release Update January 2, 2023

  • improved webUI / IDE caching
  • improved initial setup during initial install
  • added deleteFile command
  • ability to dump execution counts for pistons (HE console -> apps -> webCoRE -> Settings)
    • need Full logging enabled on main webCoRE to see option
  • improvements for 3 axis devices
  • improved monitoring of tracking triggers (many warnings in IDE removed)
  • improved logging of schedule cancels
  • Added ability to use Hubitat hub account hash as webCoRE account (default when installing new instance)

Previous Update December 14, 2022

  • updates to IDE for icon locations (that broke due to ST shutdown)
  • more optimizations for graphing, piston code
  • added function ispistonpaused(piston name)
  • added function parseDateTime(string)
  • added system variable $tzInDST for understanding if in DST
  • http functions can accept gzip data
  • updates for tracking trigger changes and condition optimizations
  • subscription improvements and reporting of devices in use in IDE
  • fix for using multiple weeks in if (happens)
  • updated custom command reporting to webCoRE IDE

Previous Update September 17, 2022

  • Fix for un-implemented fuel stream command
  • fix for queued commands and tracking trigger operation
  • adjust http command handling for 401 responses
  • added followRedirects to deal with multiple redirects resulting from a single http request
  • added ignoreSSLIssues for internal https requests
  • if you have 'full' debug enabled on main webCoRE application, there is now a report of global variables in use (variable with piston list)
    • HE console -> apps -> webCoRE -> Settings -> Dump global variables in use
    • this is updated as pistons run, so paused pistons will not add to the in-use report
  • allow list of numbers to sort, min, max, avg, median, least, most, sum, variance, stdev, count, size
  • Many more optimizations
More Previous Releases

Previous Release Update July 30, 2022

  • release of experimental graphing in webcore
  • Ability to subscribe to a pistonResume event within a piston that notifies it was resumed.
  • if using staging.webcore.co you can now backup all your pistons in single operation from IDE
  • bug fixes
    • removed time offsetting webcore did on time comparisons (was 2 seconds)
    • fixed some time as string parsing and comparison issues reported by folks
    • fix for restrictions (only when in your piston) were not properly restricting operation is some cases
    • fix for empty $args when executing a piston with arguments

Previous Release Update April 20, 2022

  • Improvements to scheduling time event triggers that have time restrictions
  • Improvements to Capture attributes and Restore attributes to handle more attribute types and ordering requirements
  • added new trigger gets any
    • This trigger allows a match on any momentary event value for a device:attribute

Previous Release Update April 2, 2022

Bug fixes:

  • HE global set not working properly
  • If location events were enabled for piston execution, some notifications generated device not found error

Previous Release Update March 30, 2022

Please note this version only runs with or later of HE firmware (this is the current released version as of today)

Key changes:

  • a lot of optimizations and improved Groovy compilation (these are what requires the latest HE version)
  • more dashboard improvements from @ipaterson (currently on staging.webcore.co or if you install local dashboards)
    • improvements in refresh and updates
  • improved logging for pistons when in 'FULL' logging, that timer schedules and cancels have more data on what is being scheduled / cancelled and where in the piston restarts are occurring.
  • improvements in else if statement processing that Task Cancelation Policy should correctly be matched to the else if (the bug was it was tied to the if)
  • improvements in condition optimizations to deal with condition true/false statements properly when determining optimizations.
  • added new file commands for HE hub files (thx to @thebearmay ) for assistance.
    • adds commands
      • Write to file
        • will create the file if it does not exist
      • Read from file
        • file data is put into a system variable $file
      • Append to file
        • will create the file if it does not exist
    • adds a new function exists(filename) which returns true/false if a file exists
    • files are text files. You can use webCoRE json commands/functions to use other data types
    • files are managed in HE console -> Settings -> File Manager

Previous Release Update February 10, 2022

  • couple bug fixes for NP and variable access (not very common issue but has hit a few folks)
  • updates for $currentEventDevice
  • updates for handling sleep wakeups that original reason piston fired is still accurate.

Previous Release Update February 3, 2022

  • Significant reduction in network bandwidth usage for dashboard and IDE
  • Improvements in IDE 'db' loads by separating 'db' update from piston load
  • New warnings in IDE for improper trigger usage/coding
  • UI updates to choose is/are correctly (html, css, js updated)
  • dashboard.webcore.co has rolled out dark mode theme
  • flash/fade and other possibly long running commands have been significantly optimized
    • these commands can cancel via normal tcp rules
  • Many thanks to @ipaterson for UI improvements and db load.

Previous Release Update December 16, 2021

  • latest optimizations and cleanups (quite a few)
  • there is also a fix if you run local webCoRE CSS/HTML server so you want to update the changed files if you have this deployment

Previous Release Update October 19, 2021

Previous Release Update August 25, 2021

  • updates to latest HE capabilities and device api updates.
  • Many JVM optimizations resulting if further performance improvements (simple piston now runs in < 10ms)

Previous release Feb 20

Previous Release Update February 9, 2021

  • further optimizations
  • Updates for http requests that return binary data
  • Updates to 'stays unchanged' operation to cancel properly
  • updates for setLevel command on switch to support command calls with duration for transition
  • corrections for running multiple webCoRE instances
  • added lifx support from original webCoRE

Previous Release Update January 23, 2021

  • Further JVM optimzations
  • Fixes for IDE displays of various 'stays' triggers
    • correction of trace information for webCoRE IDE
    • updates of wording for 'stays' triggers to describe behavior better
  • updates for $sunrise, $sunset based on new HE apis
  • correction of incorrect types used for time parsing
  • use of new HE APIs for trace, exceptions (if running 2.2.4 or later HE firmware)
  • updates to webCoRE IDE (on staging.webcore.co, or if you run local) for dark mode theme selection

Previous Release Update December 8, 2020

  • added $longitude, $latitude, $zipCode and $tzId based on current hub settings.
  • system variables are now sorted in IDE display
  • for users running local web server for webCoRE, the html / css has been updated (use the repo listed in this note)
  • Updates for homebridge V2 can execute webCoRE pistons.
  • There is a new driver for users of $weather, that provides an event when $weather is updated - so pistons using $weather can be event driven, to run after an update occurs to $weather variable. The piston will need to decide what changed for values, the 'updated' event provides notification that webCoRE updated $weather. If you use HPM, you have to use 'modify' to select to add this device handler. Example: webCoRE for Hubitat Updates - #774 by nh.schottfam

Previous Release Update November 20, 2020

  • added system variables for $tzName and $tzOffset
  • updated time parsing for 'HH:mm:ss' formats
  • added timeouts of 20 seconds for all http requests
  • some adjustments for 3 axis devices (I don't have one to test with, and I don't see a virtual device on HE for 3 axis)
  • subscription adjustments improving trigger vs. condition checking
  • further optimizations for JVM
  • improvements for integration with homebridge-v2

Previous Release October 16, 2020

  • Update to handle HE changes on http requests and decode64
  • Time handling improvements.
    • Can convert epoch time in seconds to time or datetime format without additional math
  • support for devices that have a setVariable command
  • fix for $device initialization
  • further optimizations for JVM and locking

Previous Release September 16, 2020

  • Fix for HSM alert events, display in webcore console, and clearing
  • corrections for local html web server deployments
    • do note if deploying local html web server, use the files from the HE repository / branch, not older files from other repos.
  • added option in webCoRE main app to clear all piston's logs, traces, stats, and caches if debugging logging is enabled for main webCoRE app
  • further cache and JVM optimizations

Previous Release July 26, 2020
Further JVM optimizations

  • further heap reductions
  • locking improvements
    Fixes for time handling
    Fixes for device 'mixups' (this was done July 15)

Previous Release Update July 5, 2020
Further optimizations to help improve JVM performance on HE.

  • Primarily reduction in heap variables and further code optimizations
  • change to support decode64 for binary data returned on an http call due to HE api changes
  • Added further time parsing based on common webCoRE issue(s)
    • periods in meridians
    • Unix time in seconds (vs ms).
  • updated to support much larger pistons > 20 chunks

Previous Release Update June 9, 2020

  • Fix for recent HE firmware changes in regard to received web event headers causing web calls to not trigger to piston
  • various performance updates, and further state reduction

Previous Release Updated May 25, 2020

  • Bug fix for parameter mapping for executePiston and http requests
  • further performance optimizations
  • further state space and access reduction
  • webCoRE is available in Hubitat Package Manager

Previous Release Updated April 4, 2020

  • Adds use of async http for ifttt access
  • expanded use of attribute value subscriptions (device GETS, device RECEIVES triggers)
  • optimizations to reduce code size and execution
  • latest fixes for webCoRE on ST
  • Ability to reset your webCoRE access token (will affect all external URL access to require new URL)

Installation and Updating

There are two install types for webCoRE

  • using built-in the HE firmware install
  • user app install (typically using HPM)

Built in Install:

  • this is installed via HE console -> apps -> "Add built-in App", then select webCoRE
  • it is updated automatically when you update HE firmware

If you are using a user install of webCoRE:

It is recommended to use HPM to install webCoRE if you choose a user install

Notes on Updating:

  • it is good practice to UPDATE the webcore-piston.groovy code first, then the webcore.groovy last when installing new webCoRE version in HE.

    • Using HPM, it will notify you of an update, or you can force update via 'hpm repair' on webCoRE
  • Hygiene after an upgrade: going into the Hubitat Console and selecting: "Apps" -> "webCoRE" -> "Settings" -> "Cleanup and rebuild data cache" is a good thing to do.

  • HE has a limitation on the amount of data that can be returned on a http call from a server (128KB - headers) to its cloud endpoints.

  • if you are running local webCoRE dashboards (this is an uncommon optional deployment described in note 2 of this thread), I would suggest updating webcore-piston.groovy and webcore.groovy and, ensure everything is ok with any code updates there, before updating your local dashboard.

    • this will allow you to more easily check things out in a new release.

Details on the webCoRE port to HE

  • Here's a link to a thread that has links to the original github webCoRE code that was forked for use with Hubitat. It was this version of code that I started working with to optimize for Hubitat. Patched webCoRE for Hubitat (2018/09/09). This is quite old now...

    • While a noble goal to keep the source code (groovy) in the hub the same as ST, this is impractical because of sheer code size, numerous platform differences architecturally, and the inherent higher horsepower ST requires running in the cloud.

    • Fixes found during the HE optimizations have been provided back to the ST webCoRE team to resolve bugs.

      • separate hub code makes QA and release management easier, both on developers and users (users on one platform don't get changes destined for another platform).
    • we keep the source / apis common for the webCoRE servers so that interoperability and piston sharing can work between platforms.

The HE code has :

  • Less overhead on HE platforms:

    • state (storage) reduction for webcore pistons

    • many parent/child calls have been removed

    • reduced watchdog activity

    • reduce sending of location events (causes Hub db activity)

    • Should have less resource usage and execute statements much faster on Hubitat, especially if Parallel execution is turned (left) off for your pistons.

New Features

  • Added new trigger capabilities

    • if Device receives attributeValue or if Device gets attributeValue (for momentary devices like buttons)

      • receives / gets triggers have the piston only subscribe to attributeValue (vs all state changes) of the attribute. (ie switch.on (only on events of switch) vs. switch (all switch state changes). This is also interesting for buttons (gets 1) to only receive button pushes for button 1.
    • global variables as triggers only wakeup pistons subscribed to that variable Screen Shot 2020-12-20 at 10.19.41 AM

    • ifttt events only wakeup pistons subscribed to that event

    • Adds ability to have a piston trigger from a HE system restart event

      • this is not typically needed for proper piston operation, but can be helpful if you want a piston to check modes or other state that may not be correct (changes happened while hub was down).

      • this is done 'if System Start event occurs'

        • so select a virtual device System Start, and the trigger verb 'event occurs'
        • note that just after reboot, the hub is 'busy', so you may want to limit / delay the actions you take
  • uses Async http calls for http commands (http, email, ifttt)

  • Pistons that run a long time will automatically "be nice" and release/share the cpu so other things can run / operate. Adds pauseExecution() for long running pistons to avoid 'hangs' of Hubitat hub due to compute bound applications. webCoRE will terminate long running pistons after 40 seconds runtime for a single event.

  • Reduced thread usage by pistons significantly by quickly queuing activities that can be delayed

    • Note Hubitat can run 4 threads at a time (cores) and has about 20 threads available for event processing.
  • Added new functions from latest webCoRE master

  • Has an HE version number in addition to webCoRE version number to understand what is deployed.

  • Ability run rules from Rules Machine.

  • Bug fixes for time handling, sunrise, sunset, daylight savings time.


  • The piston bin (backup code) is located in state and settings variables for each piston (you can see these in Hubitat console by "Apps" -> select settings gear next to the application /piston.)
    • The backup code is also available in the webCoRE dashboard when you select the piston

    • it is good practice to enable automatic piston backups

webCoRE Differences / Restrictions (vs webCoRE on SmartThings platform):

  • Buttons operate differently in HE than ST, so when importing pistons from ST, these portions will need to be adjusted to the HE button devices and attributes.

    • Hubitat's button implementation

      • This is a simple edit to use holdablebutton, pushablebutton as the attribute vs. button after import.
    • Some users have found they needed to recreate the if statement for a button if ST import brought in a device subIndex.

  • HE port has removed a lot of source comments (that caused problems compiling/saving on Hubitat)

  • Smart Home Monitor (SHM) does not exist in HE, but it does have Hubitat Safety Monitor. This is supported by webCoRE. Hubitat Safety Monitor API - #3 by bravenel

  • Hubitat does not support $twcweather, so you would need to use a weather device for Hubitat with webCoRE or the experimental $weather support (below)

  • There is experimental support $weather variable access in webCoRE based on openWeatherMap (free), darkSky data (free but going away due to Apple purchase) or apiXU (payment required apiXU.com).

    • This requires installation of the webcore-storage.groovy app (HE Console -> Apps Code)

    • Enter your openWeatherMap, darkSky, or apiXU key in the webCoRE app (HE Console -> Apps -> webCoRE -> Settings). $weather should be populated for your pistons.

    • This link has information on viewing $weather data: webCoRE for Hubitat Updates - #3 by nh.schottfam

    • There is a new driver for users of $weather, that provides an event when $weather is updated - so pistons using $weather can be event driven to run after an update occurs to $weather variable. The piston will need to decide what changed for values, the 'updated' event provides notification that webcore updated $weather. If you use HPM to install, you have to use 'modify' to select to add this device handler. Example: webCoRE for Hubitat Updates - #774 by nh.schottfam

  • sendPushNotification command does work, it requires:

    • HE mobile app, pushOver, twilio or some other notification driver on HE to be installed & configured on HE and this driver set for notifications in webCoRE (in the HE Console, Apps -> webCoRE -> Settings).
  • HE has removed SMS support (Previously it limited SMS messages to 10 per day). You can subscribe to a separate service and use an appropriate device handler.

  • webCoRE on HE uses the 'us' (USA) region webcore servers (when using dashboard.webcore.co). I have not found a way to auto detect region on HE, and HE currently only has USA servers. (if anyone knows differently/more let me know via private message)

As mentioned in other notes, it is a good idea to:

  • Avoid enabling parallel execution in piston settings (under options when editing a piston), this should not be needed as Hubitat has much less available CPU than a cloud. (and this is a big hog of hub resources)

    • This causes webCoRE to use atomicState much more (which is slow in Hubitat)
  • Control use of logging, both in code in your piston, and in the webCoRE dashboard when enabling logging on pistons. It is a good idea to leave it on "none" or minimal once you are done debugging a piston to reduce load on the hub and the database.

  • Piston Design paradigms part 1: if a lot of things need to happen near the same time:

    • If you need a bunch of Pistons to run at the same time (say nightly or to run off the same trigger), you have a couple of design choices:
      • you can have a each piston with its own timer/trigger "At midnight..." (MORE OVERHEAD, as it causes a lot of threads to be consumed at the same time in Hubitat)

      • you can have one Piston called nightly work (or event work), and it calls each of the other Pistons that need to be run (BETTER in that less threads will be consumed (assuming you leave wait option set to true))

  • Piston Design paradigms part 2: In many pistons, you may be subscribing to more device attributes or states than you intend. If a piston is dealing with motion (and controlling a switch), it may not need to be subscribed to the switch (but commonly you may see it is).

    • Look for the "lighting bolt" in your piston code (in webcore dashboard/IDE) and ensure you need all the subscriptions that you see. These cause the piston to wake up (and consumes a Hubitat thread) for each wakeup.

    • Key is to choose your comparisons correctly (trigger vs. condition) in your pistons - if the piston has a trigger, then conditions are not subscribed to.

  • Piston design paradigm part 3: In many pistons, you may read / compare the same device attribute repeatedly. In most cases the attribute will not change during a single event execution. If this is the case, you can at the start of the piston access/ store once the attribute value to a variable, and use the variable throughout execution. Device attribute access is slower than variable access.

  • avoid enabling log piston executions in the webCoRE app as this adds a bit of overhead on the hub and database (this is a webCoRE app setting; not a piston/code dashboard setting).

    • If you have applications that want to trigger based on a piston execution, this does need to be enabled. Examples include Echo Speaks and Homebridge V2 (if you need this feature).

Installation Notes:

Reporting issues:

  • Apologies in advance if you have problems

  • See instructions for what data to provide

  • A private message (here in this discourse forum) is many times best, and if you have a sample piston that shows the issue and/or logs, this makes things much easier to diagnose/fix.

If you need general webCoRE assistance on coding, examples, etc, the webCoRE community forum is a good place to visit, find programs you might reuse, have discussions with experts, etc.


  • Credits to all those who before me who wrote this, got it working, and keep it working


Adrian presenting on webCoRE:

Note Adrian is the original author of webCoRE, and not directly involved in the port to HE.


Additional details on how things work:

webCoRE Operations

Your pistons execute locally and if the webCoRE servers/internet are down, pistons keep working (unless the piston is using one of the below mentioned webCoRE server functions).

  • It is possible to run the webCoRE [dashboard] server locally (see below)

Your piston is stored in HE hub (inside the piston child application). When in the webCoRE dashboard and you want to edit a piston, the webCoRE dashboard requests the code from HE, and when you "save", it stores the code back into HE into the piston.

  • This is why it is good in general for HE to take regular backups on your hub and store off your hub.

webCoRE dashboard (server) functions

webCoRE uses the cloud webCoRE servers for webCoRE dashboard operations (when you use the cloud instances of webCoRE dashboard such as dashboard.webcore.co or staging.webcore.co). The webCoRE cloud servers allow:

  • get html, css, js files without running your own local webserver
    • you create/edit/debug pistons (regardless of your location)
  • share, import pistons with others
  • cloud backup and restore of pistons
  • provides some services such like email (outbound)

staging.webcore.co is the newest / beta of the wc servers (WC team puts updates there before they release them). You generally do not need to use this site unless instructed to, as it may have code that is not fully tested/released.

Piston Backups

  • When you backup your HE Hub, you do have a backup of all apps, pistons, and settings

  • Note there are two types of backups:

    • the HE hub backup (done from HE console -> Settings)

      • it logically is a full, and it only allows a full restore
        • when running automatically it is stored on your HE hub, or in the HE cloud if you signed up for the cloud service
        • you can download a backup to your computer via HE console -> Settings -> Backup / Restore
        • when you restore it roll the entire hub back to the backup point (restore everything back in time)
    • webCoRE piston backups (done from webCoRE IDE)

      • webCoRE contains the ability to backup pistons locally (to the system you are running your browser on) from the webCoRE dashboard.
      • this backup can be all your pistons (if using staging.webcore.co) and selected set of pistons
        • it is stored as a file on your computer
      • on restore you can restore selectively only the pistons you want from what is in the backup

Miscellaneous Details:

  • Notes on making http requests:

    • if you have an application that makes http requests to a webCoRE piston (or other HE applications running on your hub), there are limits on the response size that can be sent thru the HE cloud gateways.

      • specifically HE platform limits responses to (128KB-header sizes) in size
      • currently HE does not allow gzip responses
  • webCoRE will terminate a piston execution if it runs for more than 40 seconds for a single event - so in addition to the "being nice", this should terminate a runaway piston.

  • When the webcore dashboard is open at the main dashboard page (listing your pistons), it updates every 10 seconds with Hubitat. While not a lot of overhead, be aware that it is updating

    • if you open the "Dashboard (beta)", there is much more overhead on Hubitat (while it is open)
  • Time Handling

    • HE platform handles time string parsing differently than ST. If you find time strings are not converting properly please report this (ideally private message, and logs and/or example piston).

    • When scheduling things that you want to run on "day changes" - for example midnight:

      • keep in mind that schedules can run up to a second or two early, so if you want to ensure it runs at or after midnight, set the piston to run "Every day at 1 minute after midnight", to ensure it runs on the new day.
    • the design paradigm of having a single "nightly" piston run, and it calls other pistons is more friendly to the resources on Hubitat.

    • If you are in an area that has daylight savings time (DST), Be careful scheduling work to happen during the change periods of DST, as things may not run, or run twice depending on the DST change happening. - 00:01 - 00:58 or 03:01 and later may be better choices.

  • If you need a larger application, you can use multiple pistons, and have a main piston call the sub-pistons. Again, leave the wait = true on when performing "execute piston"

    • do note:
      • to pass data to a piston, you can use arguments on the piston call, or global variables.

      • to get data returned from a piston execution, global variables are often the best choice.

      • note that a piston can subscribe to a global variable change. (globalvariable changes). This design paradigm can make it easy to not worry about the loading comments below.

        • global variables are "loaded" when a piston starts, and saved when a piston exits, so if:
          • Piston A calls piston B, and B modifies a global variable, piston A will not see the change until the next time piston A executes.

          • Piston A modifies a variable and calls piston B, since A has not exited yet, the change to the global variable is likely not to be seen by B until B runs again after A has exited (and saved changes)

  • If you are using older zwave devices (and some zwave plus devices), these devices may not report physical switch state changes in a timely manner, so you may need to add a refresh in your pistons before checking state for conditions.

    • For triggers or conditions, Zwave Poller should be enabled for these older devices. This is due to ST vs. HE differences in handling of older zwave devices. If you choose Zwave poller, you won't need the refresh commands in you pistons:
  • Version numbers

    • interoperability with the dashboard.webcore.co site requires compatible version numbers for dashboard server interactions. For server interactions webcore reports the webcore version number understood by the dashboard.

    • An HE version number is also in the code for webcore.groovy and webcore-piston.groovy. These are checked that they are the same, but they do not provide an update notification of newer version available (only the webcore version number is checked for the notification)

Running a Local webCoRE Server

It is possible to host the webCoRE web server files (html, js, css) locally (on your own computer in home, such as a raspberry PI).

This is an advanced/complex configuration, and when setup properly removes part of the webCoRE web server cloud dependencies - shifting the dependencies to your local deployment. This feature is only available on the HE port of webCoRE. Note that this is for webserving the IDE web pages, other webCoRE server functions (piston sharing, email, ifttt outbound, $nfl, store media still use the webCoRE servers)

  • Because your local copy is providing the web server server files, you need to ensure it is kept running, and you should run webCoRE or HE backups to ensure no service or data loss.

  • If you want remote access to the webCoRE dashboards, or have multiple locations and want to share pistons across them (when running a local webCoRE server) you have to enable access to the webCoRE server on your local network to the desired locations (VPN, remote desktop access, etc.)

  • It is not required to host the webCoRE webserver files locally and doing so is not likely to change performance for most folks. For information/discussion on running the webCoRE servers locally, see the threads:

  • Note you should use the files (html, css, js) from the latest repo for webCoRE in note 1 of this thread (not the older files in the older instructions links as the web server files have changed since those notes were written).

  • webCoRE can be hosted with superstatic (NPM package), and it has a superstatic config file as part of the repo if you clone the repo in note 1.


The webCoRE dashboard can display / graph data. Fuelstreams is a groovy module to store data for piston fuelstream requests locally on the HE.

Older Release History

Previous updates History / Changes:

Previous Release Updated February 24, 2020

  • more optimizations and performance improvements
    • These are primarily reductions in code size, cpu, memory and db (storage) consumption
  • bug fix for flash command

Previous Release Updated January 7, 2020

  • Many more optimizations and performance improvements both for piston execution and dashboard operations.
    • further reduction in accesses to state (HE db)
    • reduced operating memory and operating piston size
    • bug fixes

Previous Release Updated December 17th, 2019

  • Improved logging
  • changes for runtime changes
  • Adds ability to have a piston trigger from a HE system restart event
    • this is not typically needed for proper piston operation, but can be helpful if you want a piston to check modes or other state that may not be correct (changes happened while hub was down).
    • this is done 'if System Start event occurs'
      • so select a virtual device System Start, and the trigger verb 'event occurs'
    • do note that just after reboot, the hub is 'busy', so you may want to limit / delay the actions you take

Previous Release Updated December 9th, 2019

  • Improved logging
  • additional optimizations

Previous Release Updated October 28th, 2019

  • Bug fix for cast errors
  • update to webcore Server code (for those running a local webCoRE server) for recent fix added

Previous Release Updated October 12th, 2019

  • Updated to work with latest webCoRE server updates to improve device loading, and support for more devices. This should alleviate most issues with having to open a small piston first.

    • Note if you use the public webCoRE servers, you need to be running this latest software
    • Note if you run a local webCoRE server, your local webCoRE server software MUST be updated to work with this new release
  • Optimizations, and fixes

    • Further performance improvements
    • HSM incidents / alerts reported via $incidents, $hsmTripped
    • added $weather support for Darksky weather data (must be configured in webcore application)
    • improved handling of webCoRE global and superGlobal variables
    • version numbers updated to meet webCoRE servers.

Updated Release Updated August 30, 2019

  • update for device optimizations

Updated Release Updated August 25, 2019

  • few bug fixes for color settings
  • more cleanups

Updated August 22, 2019

  • Fix for HSM settings issues
  • Few more optimizations
  • import URLs are added to main modules to make easier updating
  • updated version number to match recent webCoRE release in IDE
  • Normal update procedures should be followed (see below)

Updated August 15, 2019

Significant updates to webCoRE on HE to reduce overhead and improve performance

As always, before upgrade, do take backups of your hub, and store the backup off the hub on your computer. (HE console -> Settings -> Backup and Restore)

It is good practice to reboot your hub prior to upgrading, and to let it settle its internal DB for a few mins, then install the new webCoRE version (HE console -> Settings -> Reboot Hub)

Install the main webCoRE.groovy application last when updating the groovy components (HE console -> Apps Code -> webCoRE Piston; webCoRE Storage then webCoRE (main app).

After upgrading recommendation:

  • go into the HE console, Apps -> webCoRE and then scroll down to hit "done"
    • wait about 1 minute for updates to occur as part of the upgrade
  • open the webCoRE dashboard/IDE in a new browser window
  • THIS SHOULD NOT BE REQUIRED WITH OCT 10 and later updates select a small piston so that db uploads to the IDE will not exceed HE limits. It is possible this small piston may need to be loaded twice (without editing the piston) for all the IDE uploads to complete. This may occur if you have a lot of global variables, variables, or devices. HE logs (HE Console -> Logs) will show if you need to load twice or not.


  • much improved performance due to many optimizations - These together can reduce overhead by up to 50%
    • reduction of state usage (HE database)
    • improved locking performance
    • code optimizations to improve performance
  • Added new trigger capability
    • if Device receives attributeValue or if Device gets attributeValue (for momentary devices like buttons)
      • receives / gets triggers have the piston only subscribe to attributeValue (vs all state changes) of the attribute.
  • updated version numbers to match updated webCoRE release

Updated June 27, 2019

  • webCoRE servers updated with HE changes - no longer need to use staging site.
  • updated version numbers to match updated webCoRE release

Updated May 31st, 2019

  • Updates for device capabilities and commands (auto-fill in IDE)
  • fix for physical and programmatic device trigger filters
  • Experimental support for $weather variable based on APIXU data
    • this can be enabled by:
      • installing the storage app
      • entering your apiXU key in the webCoRE app (HE Console -> Apps -> webCoRE -> Settings)
    • data format is apiXU data format (pistons need to be modified to this data layout)

Updated May 12th, 2019

  • Fix for subscription publishing (if you think you hit this issue, pause/resume of the piston, or edit/save (both in webCoRE dashboard) will resolve.
  • Ability to set default notification device used when you call sendPushNotification. This can be the HE mobile app, pushOver or twilio (or any other driver that supports deviceNotification.

Updated May 5th, 2019

  • Ability to execute Rule Machine rules from webCoRE. To use this capability you need to use the webCoRE dashboard site staging.webcore.co when editing pistons that call RM.
  • Improved DST processing
  • improved sunrise/sunset events to avoid double executions
  • cleanups and bug fixes

Updated April 20th, 2019

  • Fix for time schedule subscriptions

Updated April 16th, 2019

  • fix for improper hashing of location ID
  • async http for email requests
  • fix for subscriptions to be properly updated after save of piston code
    • After installing this update, in the Hubitat console, "Apps" -> select each piston and hit done so the updates are applied.
  • update of color code. Note webcore manages hue for colors as a range 0...360
    • webcore automatically scales this to 0..100 range required by color devices that accept hue calls on HE.

Updated April 6th, 2019

  • fix ifttt calls into webCoRE

Update April 4th, 2019

  • fix for access error on field.

Updated April 2, 2019

  • Fixed an issue with editing new pistons.

Updated March 30, 2019

  • Key update is code changes to dramatically reduce state (storage) usage by webcore pistons

    • side effect to be aware of once this new version is installed, you cannot easily go back to an earlier version of webcore on HE due to the state changes / reduction in the piston.
    • piston backups, restores from webcore server work as normal (no changes).
  • Benefits:

    • I have observed startup, and atomicState accesses to be much faster (likely due to having to load/store much less state during startup and piston end)
    • Many operations run faster, especially ones that accessed atomicState and piston startup
  • How to install: (this is consistent with instructions below)

    • Do restart, and backup your HE Hub (download the backup to store off your hub)
    • Install webcore-piston.groovy, then webcore.groovy under "Apps Code"
    • After installed and operating, you should take another backup of your hub and download the backup to store off your hub.

Updated March 23, 2019

  • ifttt events are directed to specific pistons vs. all pistons
    • This change requires you on installation to this March 23 version to pause pistons that subscribe to ifttt events, and then after the groovy code update is complete, unpause them so that the subscriptions are properly updated by the new code. This is done in the webCoRE dashboard, selecting each piston that subscribes to ifttt events / callbacks.
  • time parsing fixes for iso 8601 strings
  • this release has beta / experimental display of local fuel streams in the webcore dashboard. (currently requires staging.webcore.co as dashboard URL)
  • small bug fixes

March 20th changes:

  • Avoid duplicate commands to physical devices
  • Additional time cleanups

March 16th changes:

  • command cleanup and ensure webcore dashboard updates with command changes
  • use this version to avoid issues with recent Hubitat platform changes

March 15th changes:

  • Many time handling and DST changes based on bugs found in original webCoRE

March 14th changes:

  • Global Variables do not wake all pistons on change (only pistons subscribed to that variable)

    • This change requires you on installation to this March 14 version to pause pistons that subscribe to global variables, and then unpause them so that the subscriptions are properly updated by the new code. This is done in the webCoRE dashboard, selecting each piston that subscribes to global variables.
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Taking over this note for instructions

You can see the $weather data format by

  • make sure you installed the webCoRE storage app (it gathers and updates the $weather variable)
  • setup the webcore main app to enable $weather and your source and key, and done your way out.
  • Go to the webcore storage app (HE console -> apps -> select the webcore storage app) and click on "dump weather structure" - this will let you see what you have to work with based on your source
  • In your piston, that is accessed via $weather... (of what you see in the dump).

The different sources for $weather have different data, formats/spelling of variables, so hence you need to see the dump.

There are many example weather pistons in the webCoRE forum (most of these are for $twc as a source which ST uses (which is a paid service, so not on HE), but these examples can help you start with something and then adjust the data reference).

The storage app does attempt to add icon references to the $weather data as well as a $weather.weatherType variable to give you the source setting into the piston.

Another note - many times $weather data has times embedded as integer numbers (these could be seconds since epoch, or milliseconds since epoch). HE webcore can make these time or datetime directly (ie dateTime(value)) vs. all the gyrations you may see in ST pistons to fix time as numbers...

See also:

On webCoRE and hub stability:

Old note contents:

Updated March 20th See original note for fixes.

Updates on hub lockup discussions on HE


I get this warning and even though I cleared the cache and restarted the browser it won't go away.

A newer UI version (v0.3.10a.20190223) is available, please hard reload this web page to get the newest version.

I think for some reason it’s looking at the ST value?

on HE make sure you have updated both webcore.groovy and webcore-piston.groovy.

If you have done this correctly, you can then go into Apps -> Webcore and hit done

The webcore dashboard checks the webcore version number. The code (webcore.groovy and webcore-piston.groovy) check the HE version number (that they match) - this would show up in the HE dashboard under "Logs" if there is a problem.

Not working.... I must be doing something wrong.

i dont care webcore can suck it

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Updated version today with a few fixes.

See note 1 in this thread

for anyone using local fuel streams on HE,

There are fixes pending testing on the staging.webcore.co dashboard site. (do note these are unreleased and under testing) that enable display of local fuel streams in the webcore dashboard -> "FuelStreams"

You can just ignore this.

It normally should only show up once if the webcore servers are updated.

If you are running a local copy of the webcore servers, this will continue to come up until you update your copy of the webcore server.

Generally older server and newer groovy files should work, however some features may be missing (if this message continues to come up).

As stated in the instructions in message 1 here, when updating (potentially groovy and local webcore server) it is good to update one thing at a time, so you can more easily checkout that everything is good in your environment (ie do groovy first, run for a while, then do your local webcore server).

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New Update posted . March 30, 2019

  • Key update is code changes to dramatically reduce state (storage) usage by webcore pistons

    • side effect to be aware of once this new version is installed, you cannot easily go back to an earlier version of webcore on HE due to the state changes / reduction in the piston.
  • Benefits:

    • I have observed startup, and atomicState accesses to be much faster (likely due to having to load/store much less state during startup and piston end)

    • Many operations run faster, especially ones that accessed atomicState and piston startup

How to install:

  • Do restart, and backup your HE Hub (download the backup to store off your hub)
  • Install webcore-piston.groovy, then webcore.groovy under "Apps Code"

If we are updating to this version from an old version (pre 2019) do we have to do all the installation workarounds listed in the previous versions also? Do we have to step through and install all the previous versions first? Or can we jump right to this version?

You should be able to go straight to it.

Hi, I just try to install : webcore-piston.groovy in this link : webCoRE/webcore-piston.groovy at hubitat-patches · jp0550/webCoRE · GitHub

When I hit Save on HE, it say : Metadata Error: Parent App 'ady624:webCoRE' not found on line 301
I can not save this app ! Please help. Thanks.

Just like it says, you need to install the webcore app code 1st then piston.

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Now I need to install " webcore.groovy " 1st , is that right ? Thanks.

Update April 2, 2019

  • Fixes a bug that editing new pistons did not open the dashboard edit screen properly.

Thx @Royski for the report on finding this.


When I open the Dashboard Webcore on HE, and hit new piston, nothings happen! Did I miss something?
Thanks a lot for your help.