I started developing this in ST earlier this year as a weekend project, and now have ported it to HE and have got it to a place where I think it is usable for a wider audience. Please let me know if you find it useful and if you encounter any problems or have any suggestions for improvements.
Install using HPM
As of v0.1.16-beta, this is now available for install from Hubitat Package Manager. It can be found in the "Monitoring" or "ZWave" tags.
(If you installed from github, please use HPM matchup so you can stay up to date)
This tool has only been developed and tested on a C7 running 2.2.4+ and is not expected to work on previous firmware or prior hardware due to differences in the Z-Wave stack. (If someone finds otherwise, please let me know.)
This tool does not interface directly with your Z-Wave network; it just provides some alternate views of data that is already collected and maintained by the HE hub.
As a consequence, some of the data is not real-time and is only updated on a periodic basis by the HE firmware.
This tool loads in a new window and depends on a few external javascript and CSS resources, as well as gathering information from the HE hub. As a result, there are a few requirements:
Browser must have access to the internet
Browser must have (admin) access to the HE hub
The App must be installed and have OAuth enabled
[Post Updated 2021-01-04 with screenshots from 0.2.17-beta]
Thanks. This tool grew out of my annoyance with having to go back and forth between multiple screens to find the information I was wanting.
One of the things I plan to add in the future is preferences to choose what filters to display. If you have any suggestions for additional filter options, let me know.
Does the RTT and LWR reset with every reboot and do you know what constitutes a neighbor? I don’t understand why one of my repeaters is not considered a neighbor to a device right by it. Your report agrees with the topology so no issue with the app which is awesome btw. I was doing this on paper all day today!!!
Yes, I believe that the stats (rtt, route changes, etc.) reset at reboot.
Neighbor is based on what the router sees as the topology, but it isn't clear when or how this is updated. I think it may not be kept updated for sleepy slaves and other battery powered devices.
Perhaps @bcopeland can provide more details on this.
This is actually reported by the device and happens when a node neighbor update request is sent out. The most common activity that triggers this is a repair.
@tony.fleisher this app is simply fantastic. I had a failed device (physically dead) and a number of my outside devices that were unresponsive so I moved a couple repeaters to “better” places. I was trying to see the differences in the routes post repair and doing it on paper. Last night I saw and installed this and it fulfills all my wants and need for data! It’s so easy to see which repeaters are being used, the devices that are changing routes, etc. Awesome work.
With the new release, after moving devices is it still better to do a single node repair or does the new zwave topology consideration make a full zwave repair better? Any considerations one should use when choosing one over the other (if on the latest update)
I am glad to see that there are many of you that are getting some value from this tool.
A new version has been committed with the following changes:
Minor style and color adjustments
The tool has been updated with a new sortable column (and ranged filter) with the calculation of the square root of the mean of the difference between the sum of Transmission Times Squared and the mean of the square of the sum Of Transmission Times.
(For convenience I have labeled this as "RTT StdDev".)