Ok, and this may be related, I see that your motion sensors are paired S0. That causes 3X the traffic of S2, and even S2 has more overhead than None. I can understand having S0 secure pairing on your Front Door Lock because it is a perimeter device and is not Z-Wave Plus (no 0x5E cluster, not capable of S2). I can understand wanting to have the Garage Door paired securely, but I can’t understand the S0 security.
I would suggest excluding and re-pairing the Garage Door S2 for 1/3 traffic. Easiest way to do that without breaking automations, dashboards, etc., is to make a virtual device of the same type, temporarily swap the virtual device in for every instance of the Garage Door’s “in use by” list on the device page until nothing is using the Garage Door, then exclude, reset the Garage Door device to factory defaults, then Re-include, then swap it with each instance of the virtual device’s “in use by” list.
But that’s probably not the big issue here because your Garage Door isn’t running all the time.
I can’t understand having the Motion Sensors paired S0 (with the high 3X packet traffic) or having any secure pairing at all for an indoor motion sensor. Because the S0 motion sensors are Z-Wave Plus (long story about difficulty of getting S0 only devices to pair with “None” security, requires a USB Z-Stick and PC Controller, search the forum), and thus can be paired “None” security, I would use the same procedure given above to exclude, factory reset, include the motion sensors with “None” security.
Finally, you have a bunch of devices with weak signals (negative dB RSSI). You might benefit from judicious sprinkling of repeaters in areas where the mesh is weak. I use the Ring Alarm Extender Gen 2 (I have 6 now, I believe). The Aeotec Range Extender 7 is also good (I have 2). The reason I use the Ring is that it has an internal battery backup, and also can provide power fail events (power source switch to battery) to your hub (hopefully, on a UPS) so a rule can do a graceful shutdown before the UPS goes dead.
Hope this helps.
Edit: you would benefit from installing Tony Fleisher’s (@tony.fleisher’s) excellent Hub Mesh Details app, that can be installed by Dominic Meglio’s (@dman2306’s) Hubitat Package Manager (“HPM”). It concisely shows you neighbors, routes, errors, etc.