Z-Wave Universal Device Scanner - eventual goal is to bundle the features of the multiple utility drivers into one, plus additional features. Features to be included from the generic 'Device' driver, Basic Z-Wave Tool, and Z-Wave Tweaker.
If you are using this driver PLEASE like this post
Current Package Version: v0.4.0 - 2024-07-16
Advanced features should work on ALL 800 series devices, and many 700 series.
Features List:
- Get Info - this mimics the output from the same command in the 'Device' driver. However this tool actually requests the make/model info from the device and updates the device data. Then prints the fingerprint in the logs.
- Command Class Report - Similar output as the Basic Z-Wave Tool, but I have added a description for each command class making it easier to read.
- Delete Child - Similar to command in 'Device' driver except you can specify only a single child to delete for more flexibility.
- Query Device
- Parameters: This fully scans the device using ConfigurationPropertiesGet (and optionally ConfigurationNameGet and ConfigurationInfoGet). Saves all the info returned to the device data, then generates a parameters list on the fly from it. An option in the preferences can disable the Name and Info scanning.
- Associations: This scans the devices for supported associations and then syncs up any existing associations set on the device. Options to configure are presented in the settings.
- Sync Only: Use to sync over the current settings, run if you have made changes outside of this driver before saving so you do not overwrite your current settings!
- Remove Data - Similar to delete buttons in 'Device' driver except you can specify the exact entry to delete instead of deleting everything. BE CAREFUL deleting device data!
- Set Lifeline Association - Useful after a firmware update if the device is no longer reporting back to the hub, try sending this command which might fix it without having to re-pair.
- Set Wake Interval - This was added for battery devices so you can set the interval in which the device will wake up to receive commands from the hub. After clicking the command button, wake the device up manually so the command can be sent to it.
Please try this out on various devices, it may not work on older devices so don't be surprised if it says it is not supported.
Reporting Issues
Please use GitHub to report any issues so each one can have its own conversation and tracking. Please provide as much info as you can including model, firmware and the "configVals" data string. Issues · jtp10181/Hubitat · GitHub
Known Issues
Known Issues:
- Do not try to scan multiple devices at once
Find on Hubitat Package Manager (HPM):
Package Name: Universal Z-Wave Drivers
HPM Install Docs: HPM Documentation
NOTE: The scanner driver is marked as required in the package so it is always installed no matter what other drivers you select to install with it (or select no other drivers to get just the scanner).
OR Manual Download from GitHub
Full Repository Link: Hubitat/Drivers/universal at main · jtp10181/Hubitat · GitHub
Z-Wave Univeral Scanner [Raw File Import Link]
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