Hubitat Device Firmware Updater: Current States for Device Stopped Updating

App = Device Firmware Updater
Hubitat Version =

Device = ZOOZ Zen72 Version 2
Firmware File = ZEN72_V02R10.gbl
Upgrade = 2.0 -> 2.10

The upgrade was successful, however I noticed in Devices -> My Zen72 Device -> Current States, I noticed the "level" and "switch" fields were no longer updating. This occurred when I physically used the switch or via digital commands.

I tried rebooting the hub and doing a "repair" on the individual device. It wasn't until I did a "Zwave Exclude" + "Include" in Hubitat on the device that it started working again.

Not clear on what happened that would have caused this. Any insight / advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

This is something that can happen with some Z-Wave firmware updates and is noted in the docs for that reason:

It is more common with some vendors than others (Zooz being one of the more common). If the command classes change, it will likely need re-inclusion, with that being the reason why; in other cases, some have surmised that the device just lost lifeline association, which includes the hub in status updates from the device. With some drivers, a "Configure" might fox that, or there are dedicated drivers that can restore this and might help if it's the only issue. Here is one such driver: [RELEASE] Z-Wave Universal Device Scanner


Thank you, really appreciate the help, documentation and explanation. Just tried out the Z-Wave Universal Device Scanner - pretty cool.

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