Fibaro RGBW controller built in driver stuck on effects mode

Hi all, wondering if anyone can help me set the Fibaro RGBW controller back to RGB mode. Once it's set to Effects mode, there is no way to turn off the effects. Setting effect to "0" doesn't work.

I know there's a Zwave tool for setting parameters, which might be the way.

I have a ZEN31 driver I created, that device is actually made by Fibaro, may be the same thing and just re-sold by Zooz, not sure. I would have to compare the manuals, do you have an exact model number or a link to the manual?

Also you could try using this tool to scan for all the settings if you want, it does not work on all devices, they need to support some newer command classes. [RELEASE] Z-Wave Universal Device Scanner

I think on the ZEN31 if you are in effects mode via the parameter and then send color commands it takes it out of effects mode right away. So maybe your devices has slightly different firmware. I know for sure setting the parameter to 0 disables the effects mode.

Aye, manual is here:

I wasn't able to get the Universal Device Scanner to pull anything, but I wasn't entirely sure about the order of operations. I did try your Zen31 driver, which allowed me to turn off the effects at least, but all of the parameters are messed up now when I switch back to the Fibaro driver and I don't know how to get them back.

The built-in Fibaro driver shows this:

Which doesn't show '0' as an option... I'm not even sure it's in there.

Your Zen31 driver shows 0 as an option, but has the effects as different numbers, so things might be quite a bit different.

The parameter options should be dependent on the driver. Is this a system driver you switched back to or a custom? Did you run a configure after switching back?

Also can you post the info from the data section at the bottom of the device page. I can look it up online to find the full parameter details.

Yes, switched back to the system driver 'Fibaro RGBW Controller" and ran Configure after. Now the On button no longer works, so it's quite flummoxed.

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The On command from the driver wont turn the device on anymore? I will see if I can figure something out. Possibly some parameter that overlapped with the ZEN31 driver and is now set incorrectly. Although, they should have all been hidden since its not the correct device, the only one you would have had access to was the effects parameter.

I will compare the manuals and info on the two.

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Correct. Remember I used the Universal Device Scanner as well, which may have something to do with it.

The scanner should not have done anything harmful, it sounded like it did not work to scan in your settings anyway. I am digging into that device right now.

Just confirmed on my ZEN31, it does not respond at all to the request for parameter info, so yours probably is in the same boat. Its a newer standard, possibly required on new devices with 700 chips (or maybe only for 800).

The ZEN31 param for effects mode is 157, which according to the docs I found does not exist on the Fibaro device you have, so using the effects commands from my driver should not have had any effect. This matches the deviceType and ID you posted (0x0900, x0x2000): Z-Wave JS Config DB Browser

Have you tried just unplugging and restarting the device? Maybe it got locked up.

No dice on that. Should I reset it or do you want to try and dissect what went wrong?

Change the device type to Device. That lets you clear out some stuff that might be from the old driver. Change back to the one you want. Be sure to hit Config each time you change it.

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Thanks for that! I hit the "Delete all states" as well. It cleared everything out, but strangely the 'On' still doesn't work with the system Fibaro driver. (After hitting config) Setting color and level will turn it on, and 'Off' works... But not 'On'...

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Yea, I forgot to mention to mash all the buttons.

According to the compatibility list the only supported device is the FGRGBW-101, which I think might just be an older model of what you have, probably has same settings and whatnot. I loaded up the system driver on a virtual device, there are pretty much no settings on there. So I have no idea what it is doing under the hood.

Have you tried setting the level for each channel to 100 from the system driver? Did it just get dimmed down to 1% somehow?

I don't think my scanner tool or the ZEN31 driver could have even done anything that would have caused it to stop working.

If you want to dig into it more you could use the Basic Z-Wave tool to read all the parameter settings, and/or set them back to the defaults per the manual. Super basic Z-Wave parameter tool

Otherwise a reset and pairing it again should get you back to working as it was before. The Z-wave "replace" feature is not working right on 2.3.7 right now, if you would have used that, so you may need to pair it to a new node.

That's very odd, have you checked the logs for any errors being generated?
Usually setting the level and On send the same type of command to the device.

Seems 'On' is being confused with setEffect... Or they are somehow linked.

Is the lightEffects list missing from the device page now? Normally a configure should set everything up again, but only if the driver is coded to do that.

Just thinking if that is missing maybe it is causing an issue with whatever the on command is trying to do with the setEffect function.

Not having much faith in this driver right now.

This seems to indicate the Zooz RGBW Dimmer system driver works on the 442, maybe it will work right on your 441 as well? Fibaro RGBW Controller - #15

Although the whole reason I made the custom ZEN31 driver was due to numerous complaints about the system driver having issues....

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Yes, I'm officially condemning the system driver.

Both the system Zooz RGBW Dimmer driver and your Zen31 Advanced handle on/off correctly. The system Zooz RGBW Dimmer doesn't have a color palette though, so I'm using yours. However, the color pallette does a weird thing when you setColor: it changes color and then immediately levels down to off. But I can still work with it though, so thanks!

@bcopeland not sure if the Fibaro system driver is bugged, or maybe made for the "101" model as the compatibility list indicates, leaving no support for the "441" model?

I think the system Zooz driver might have the setColor command only on the "color" child device.

For my driver, try these two settings. If the White/RGB setting is off, it tries to automatically make sure that both the RGB and White are not on at the same time, it could be not working right with your device. I would for sure turn it on to allow free control. The Force brightness setting, could try it both ways, see if one works better than the other. This was to avoid the main device level being very low on accident.


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I believe the reason it was turning off after setColor was this:

When disabled, setColor works as intended.

Ok that is odd but glad it works. That just makes the driver send a refresh shortly after a change is requested. I guess when it gets the refresh request it is not done transitioning and is setting it back to what it was before, which it should not be doing.

Let me know if you find any other quirks with my driver, if it needs a minor patch to work better with your device I can make an alternate version for you.

If the manual made more sense about how the effects modes worked I could make that work for yours as well. This is all it says, just 1-10 and nothing else...?? I could just make it cycle through 1-10 but no clue what they all are supposed to be.

  1. Starting predefined program when device set to work in RGB/RGBW mode (parameter 14) - relevant for main controllers other than Home Center 2 only.
    Default setting: 1
    1-10 animation program number
    Parameter size: 1[byte]
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