Pushover Notifications Driver [Slightly Enhanced]

The Pushover Driver is now included as part of the Hubitat Firmware. The Hubitat team included a version of the driver below to simplify the process for setting this up. You do NOT need to add the custom Pushover Driver below. Just be sure your Hubitat hub's firmware is up to date.

UPDATE: IF you want to use some of the enhanced features (since September 2020) of the Pushover driver described below, you will need to use my community driver from my GitHub repository below.

My wife really likes to get a notification whenever the washer or dryer finishes a cycle, and on a busy day, that can mean quite a few messages. I also use notifications to let us know if a door has been left open for too long.

So, based on a tip from @Jonovan.Boutte , I discovered Pushover. I grabbed the ST DTH and cleaned it up a bit for use as a Hubitat Driver. I also simplified it for my needs. One significant addition I made to this version was to add the 'Speech Systhesis' Capability. This allows Rule Machine to 'Speak' a notification via this Pushover Driver. Credit for this idea goes to @mattw! (Note: If you use the 'Speech Synthesis' Capability of this driver, you will still simply get a push notification on your phone/tablet. This driver has nothing to do with Text To Speech (TTS).)

[UPDATE] Rule Machine now has the option to 'Send notification to device(s)?' This is probably the best way to send a request to your Pushover Device(s).

To use this, you'll need a Pushover Account (https://pushover.net) and Mobile App installed on your phones/tablets. You use the same account to sign into the mobile app on all devices. At https://pushover.net, you'll need to 'Create an Application/API Token' which is used to configure the Hubitat Pushover Device's Preferences.

From your account at https://pushover.net

And here is the Pushover Device configuration screen where you will paste in your tokens from your Pushover account.

[Update] I have added an updated screenshot showing all of the new user preferences added by @stephack. Stephan has made some great additions to this driver, exposing many of the Pushover API's options. You can create multiple Pushover devices on your Hubitat hub, each using the same Keys, but with unique options. For example, you could create a Pushover Device for each of your family members' phones, thereby allowing you to select which user(s) get each message.

And finally, here is the Pushover Driver for Hubitat [Note: A early version of the Pushover Driver is included in the Hubitat firmware. To used advanced features (see below) you’ll need to use the Community version of the driver. ]

Again, just wanted to thank @stephack, @mattw and @Jonovan.Boutte for their ideas and ingenuity!

Documentation of available prefix options thanks to @stephack :

  1. You can now set the default priority of your Pushover Notification in the preferences of the driver. With the Pushover app you can set up different notification sounds and visuals based on the priority of the message. You can create a separate virtual device for each priority level and route notifications accordingly...
  2. If you are like me and don't want to dig through a stack of virtual devices...you can now also add a prefix to the message you send that would override the default priority to one of your choosing.

[S] - Lowest Priority (only available in custom community driver v20221204)
[L] - Low
[N] - Normal
[H] - High

E.g.. Message "[H]This is a test" will send "This is a test" with High Priority to your mobile app.

[E] prefix is now used for emergency notifications and requires the following parameters
retry - how often to resend notification until it is acknowledged (in seconds with a minimum of 30 seconds)
expire - timeout for resending notifications if they are never acknowledged (in seconds with a maximum of 10800)

Note: The following features are not included in Hubitat’s built-in driver.

Recent Additions - September 23, 2020

Much thanks to @TMLeafs for the following 3 additions

  1. Added custom title in message by encasing it in ^^

    • example ^This is my title^
  2. Added choose sound from message by encasing it in ##

    • example #bike#
  3. Added Default title in preferences

An example message:

"[H]^My Title^ My Message #bike#"

The title & sound can go anywhere and in any order in the message except before priority if it used

And, per a request from @jpoeppelman1, I have added the ability to use HTML formatted messaging by adding [HTML] in the message, which can go anywhere and in any order in the message except before priority if it used.

An few example messages (remove the double quotes):

"[M][HTML]This is a <b>BOLD</b> example"
"[HTML]<a href="http://example.com/">word</a>"

Recent Addition - September 27, 2020

Much thanks to @s1godfrey for the following addition

  1. Added ability to send the Pushover Device Name in message by encasing it in **
    • example My-iPhone
    • or, simply adding "**" to the message will send to all Pushover Devices on the account.

An example message:

"[L]*My-iPhone* My Message" - sends only to "My-iPhone"
"[L]** My Broadcast Message" - sends to all registered Pushover devices on the account

Update 11/16/2021 - @tsaaek added ability to change the supplementary URL and URL-Title with prefix/suffiix combinations.

"§[http://example.com](http://example.com/)§ ¤Example¤"

See Pushover: API for more details around the html formatting.

Update 12/04/2022 - User @neerav.modi added the new "Lowest Priority" [S] option from the Pushover API. See Pushover: API for details.


Great addition and takes 5 minutes to set up.
FYI...you can also use the "Send notification to device" as well. Both speak and notify worked in my tests.

Where this does not work however is in Hubitat Safety Monitor. I get the following errors from that app


Aha! Bruce @bravenel must have added that to Rule Machine in a very recent firmware update.

Thanks Bruce!

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Let’s hope HSM gets some love too then. Cuz I prefer to have all my safety alerts in one place rather than a bunch of scattered RM rules…but that probably just me.

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I hope that Pushover gives you a cut because I am so impressed with the speed of this app (and the fact that notification can be grouped so they don’t take up my notification shade) I just bought it for $5. Not many apps convince me to spend 5 or more…thankfully I got a surplus banked in the Android Play Store because of Google Opinion Surveys.


Thanks @ogiewon! This is one interesting apps and easy to setup. So far it’s working great since I usually max out the sms before I even get out of bed.

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Great idea, we get no speech on any device which sucks… think I’ll go eat dinner.

So apparently its a Samsung S7 issue, wife’s worked for a few tries and stopped and mine never did.

I’m good with the text notification actually so this works great until the Hubitat app comes out. Thanks for pointing me to this solution over SMS.

Was just thinking about pushover today. Thanks for putting this together.

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Thanks to this great driver I have now added PushOver to 'Presence Central’
So you can now get pushover messages for arrivals & departures

Thanks @ogiewon !



I made a few edits to @ogiewon's FANTASTIC pushover driver that work for me and save me time. He has updated his github repo with these changes and asked that I give a brief explanation of the additions.

  1. You can now set the default priority of your Pushover Notification in the preferences of the driver. With the Pushover app you can set up different notification sounds and visuals based on the priority of the message. You can create a separate virtual device for each priority level and route notifications accordingly...
  2. If you are like me and don't want to dig through a stack of virtual devices...you can now also add a prefix to the message you send that would override the default priority to one of your choosing.

[L] - Low
[N] - Normal
[H] - High

E.g.. Message "[H]This is a test" will send "This is a test" with High Priority to your mobile app.

I use high for Intrusion/leak alerts and normal for my Arrival/Mode change notifications. Low can be used for any informational alerts that you like to keep track of but don't want to alert you on the phone. See pushover FAQ's for greater details on how you can benefit from using priorities.



this is a brilliant addition.
I have updated Presence Central to allow priority selection via the GUI

You guys ‘rock’ :slight_smile:

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A couple more updates were added last night:

  1. You can now choose the notification sound in the driver. If nothing is selected, it will use the default sound chosen in the Pushover app.

  2. Supplementary URL's (with custom titles)
    This adds a link at the end of your message and can be any url. For example, I may add a link to my Hubitat's device list page for quick access. I also plan to test android intent urls that can open apps. I will update this post if I get it working.

See Pushover Url details below


Latest update seems to have broken the driver for me. No longer able to send pushover messages.

update: got it working. Had to go into driver and select save under driver settings again.

Any errors in the Live Logs?

I tested it here and everything seems to still be working fine.

Please post logs. Don’t forget to block out your keys first

Evidently, when you “update” driver code, it’s important to re-save driver preferences in device settings. Once I did that for my pushover devices everything started working again.

Thanks for the quick replies

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Another quick update now with a driver version to keep track (although I think there won’t be many more updates).

New in version v1.0.20180324:

  • Validates key before allowing further configuration (must hit Save after entering keys)

  • Autopopulates device list (multiple device selections don’t appear to be supported in drivers)*

  • Cleaned up logs (does not display tokens any longer)

  • Fixed error created by changes in previous update with customPriority

  • Added version info (as state variable)

  • If there is a need by anyone for multiple devices, let me know. I can add another input where multiple devices can be listed (manually entered and separated by commas). I don’t plan to do this unless it is critical for someone else.


Does a Pushover account allow unlimited text messages, or does it require the app?
If not, anyone have an idea how unlimited text messages might be accomplished? I know IFTTT allows it, but…

A) They are slow
B) There’s no IFTTT integration with Hubitat

Wondering if I can somehow use Google Voice to accomplish it. I’m not too keen on that one though. I pay extra to unlimited text messages from US numbers without charge, but my wife and daughter would get a charge for every US based number that texts them.

7,500 messages per month for free
