Release Available
This hot fix includes:
New Driver
- Lutron VCRX Output. This replaces the previous component elements of the VCRX driver. Each VCRX output has its own Integration ID in the Lutron system. The output can be pulsed on for a settable amount of time, either by pushing a button, or by turning it on. The driver will show the state of the output based on timing the pulse, as Lutron does not report the pulse off event. See page 139 of the Lutron Integration Protocol.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Z-Wave Firmware MD Report CC null on v3+ when only 1 firmware target exists.
- C7: Device Firmware Updater:
- Fixed invalid fragment size error.
- Clear inputs on complete or failed result.
- HomeSeer WD200+: Fixed set led indicator command.
- Zooz Double Switch: Fixed child events for S2 included device with new firmware.
- Jasco Dual Switch/Dimmer: Fixed error when componentOn is sent on dimmer models.
- Hub core: updateDataValue/getDataValue now work properly.
- Hub core: revised memory settings for C4 hubs.
- Hub mesh: no state change event spamming on full refresh.
- ChromeCast: added automatic reconnect attempts.
- AppUI: Time input width fix for 24 hours format.
- Motion and Mode Lighting Apps: fixed bug when saving a ML rule.
- Simple Automation Rule: fixed restrictions, sunrise/sunset offsets, days of week bugs.
- Sonoff Zigbee Button Controller: Add doubletapable and missing battery capability and function.
- Leviton VRSC4 Z-Wave Controller: Add multicast frame option, fix some devices not reporting.
- GE Enbrighten Z-Wave Smart Dimmer: fix error when included with S2 security enabled