2.2.4 Release - Congrats to the HE team!

But I would say you are in the minority.

So I am genuinely curious why this doesn't work for you, but it does for others, me included. I have just started to move from a C5 to C7, and these were the first things I tried. And they didn't have any apparent issues.

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Same, I have a daily service restart and weekly hub reboot and my C7 is super responsive.

Tbh I could probably change the reboot to monthly.

Ps works perfectly for me. I’m not sure what changed but my hub is now even faster.


So I was literally installing an Aeotec Door Sensor 7 and having trouble when the .143 firmware update landed. After update, no issues!!! Perfect timing..

Thanks again!


I've got the Aeotec Door Sensor Gen5 and find that every time I upgrade the Hub FW it shows up as "Failed" until I open and close the door. Then it's fine.

I'm wondering if that is due to me using a Generic z-wave contact sensor driver?

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I thought I'd just found a bug .... but after investigating a bit deeper I discovered my C7 is running perfectly, it's just Netatmo having service issues. :relieved:


In case folks just arriving didn't see, is out, as has been already been noted above. This release replaces which was pulled due to a gnarly bug as well as a generally bad attitude.

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I'm going to wait to see how snappy my system is tomorrow morning on 2.2.3. It had been slowwwww 2.2.4 mornings, so I reverted back today.

Chicken! :wink:

Good comparative test. A day + overnight on 2.2.3 vs. 2.2.4.

I'll be on the edge of my throne awaiting results. :slight_smile:

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I definitely found 2.2.4 slower than 2.2.3 until was released, now it's faster across the board.

The Dashboards, on mobile in-particular, were really sluggish.

Not an image I'd want to dwell on.

It's been massively slower last few days in the morning. Like open a door with a contact sensor and wait 30 seconds for the light to go on.

or didn't turn on at all in some cases - I just assumed a bug in Motion Lighting as none on my RM automatons were impacted (until .142).

That too, for me.

Heh heh heh...too late, you'll never unsee it!! :smiley:


For me the devices were working (I checked), but it was ML that wasn't - so far ML has been flawless and very fast on .143.

Yeah I have both the 5 & 7. Was migrating over from my C-4 to C-7 this afternoon. The 5's all wanted to pair S0 so I had to use the Z-Stick to get them included with no authentication. This also happened with my Aoetec Doorbell Gen 5 (Siren Only).


Mine are running in S0 without issues (aside from the one noted). It's mildly annoying there isnt a proper HE driver for it seeing as the Gen 7 version is natively supported.

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Yeah but they are overly chatty that way which could be a concern.

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Does it need to be a 500 stick to join them w/out SO, or a 700? Or both?

That's a good question. I do have both but have always used the Z-Stick out of habit. I assume you could though as auth doesn't traverse controllers - is my understanding.

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I’m still on :flushed:. Safe to update to this? On a C-5