[Re-release] Hubitat Ring Integration (Unofficial)

I want to preface this by making it abundantly clear that I did not write this application. If you would like to see the history of how it came to be, and why I'm posting this, please see here: [WITHDRAWN] Unofficial Ring Integration

This is a re-release of the Unofficial Ring Integration, originally by @codahq. I have forked the latest apparent release of the code, and packaged it for easy install through the Hubitat Package Manager

If anyone wants to work on adding or improving to the code, I welcome pull requests and will do my best to make sure they work and are released in a timely manner. While I am a user of this code, my skills with groovy script are limited at best, so my own ability to further the code may be limited.

Update Oct 10, 2021: I have finally finished removing all the Ring products from my house. I'm not going to take the integration offline or anything like that, I just wanted to make it clear that I am no longer using this integration myself and am unable to do any sort of testing of it going forward. I strongly encourage anyone who doesn't have a Ring system already to seriously consider looking for something else, as Amazon isn't a particularly trustworthy company, IMO.


Thanks for providing access to your fork on Github - its will help a bunch of current/future Ring users.

Can I suggest you to edit your post to link to the post in which @codahq specifically indicated that he had no objection to anyone using his code as along as the license wasn't changed and he was properly credited?

Here's the post in which he said all that:



I was trying to not steer people toward the drama too much. Considering the original release was under the Apache 2.0 license, it really doesn't matter if he says it's okay to re-release it or not, but I suppose it is good courtesy to point that out.


Firstly, thankyou for taking this on.
I just looked at HPM and could not see you on the list of available repositories.
Are you under artichoke?

Just do a search for Ring.

I don't have any of those devices.
I was assuming it would be under ardichoke not Bryan Copeland.
Couldn't see anything about the Ring API or virtual devices that codahq released.

I believe @bcopeland has written some drivers for the Ring security devices that are z-wave compatible, whereas @ardichoke re-released @codahq's ring integration app so that it's compatible with the package manager.


thank you for saving the code. I hope the orignal dev returns one day. But until then i look forward to seeing how the community continues to grow this. What does it take to go from a community app to something hubitat officially takes over? seems like most of the work is done for them.


Yes, the repository is filed under ardichoke: hubitat-packagerepositories/repositories.json at master · dcmeglio/hubitat-packagerepositories · GitHub

It can also be installed by plugging the package manifests file URL into HPM: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ardichoke/hubitat_ring_integration/master/packageManifest.json

I updated the documentation on the repo last night to reflect this.

In this case that won't happen as this integration does not use any Ring approved APIs as Ring has shut down most (if not all) of their developer APIs for integrations. The brilliance of CodaHQ here was to work around that with IFTTT integration and speaking directly to the webhooks the Ring devices use. Point being, for HE to officially have a Ring integration Ring would need to be open to have official partners again.


Spot on, and I wouldn't hold my breath on that happening as long as Amazon owns them.

Just an FYI for anyone using this with HSM, Today was the first time that I'd left the house since installing Hubitat a month or so ago due to lockdown restrictions etc.

I have Ring devices integrated (doorbell, floodlight cam, stiuck up cams and alarm) and I'd click the use all motion and contact sensors in away mode on HSM. Turns out that uses any motion on your cameras. So when my doorbell picked up a truck going past the house Hubitat triggers all the security features and set off the alarms. needless to say i've chaged that setting but just worth noting don't automatically click the use all function!


thanks for the heads up. ill go look at that now.

Yep, you definitely have to be picky in HSM as "all" really means all motion.
Typically you would reserve HSM to only care about indoor motion + door/window contact sensors to reduce fall positives.

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As a big time novice, is there a place that can walk me through this install? Sure appears simple based on everyone's comments but I cannot figure this out.

I have a Ring alarm system and cameras, have the Ring app and have connected Ring to IFTTT.

Getting this app installed into the Hubitat environment is where I'm struggling. I am copying and pasting the code from this link - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ardichoke/hubitat_ring_integration/master/packageManifest.json into the App code section of the Hubitat web app. I click App Code, New App, then paste the code and hit Save. At that point, I get this error:

Ambiguous expression could be either a parameterless closure expression or an isolated open code block; solution: Add an explicit closure parameter list, e.g. {it -> ...}, or force it to be treated as an open block by giving it a label, e.g. L:{...} @ line 1, column 1.

Any ideas? I realize I may be doing this completely wrong. Trying to connect my Ring alarm and cameras to Hubitat. I have successfully installed a couple of regular apps, but this is the first time I've used the app code feature. Thanks!

Have you tried using Package Manager to install, and updates your apps? If not check it out, and use it to install this app, and update all your other updates automatically!

If you chose to do this, I would delete the app code you have that is not working, and start fresh.

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As @TechMedX said, I'd suggest using Hubitat Package Manager. The packageManifest.json file is meant to be used with that app, it is not a Hubitat app in and of itself.

If you are installing manually instead of using HPM, you need to install the groovy file that is under src/apps in Apps Code, and add whichever devices you need from src/drivers to Drivers Code on your Hubitat.

Seriously though, save yourself some time and just use [BETA] Hubitat Package Manager

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I would use the package manager app as others instruct to get everything installed, then I would follow then scroll down to the "Brief Installation Instructions" in the original post by the original developer.

From there if you have questions, ask here and we the community can help out.

Hi there! Thank you for the help everyone!

Yes, I reviewed this link but really have no idea how to "install" or "use" the package manager. I see all the files listed, read the instructions both on the page, as well as the read me file. I guess I'm overlooking the first step.

What is the process to use the package manager?

I started here - [BETA] Hubitat Package Manager
Then noticed it directs you here for instructions and files - GitHub - dcmeglio/hubitat-packagemanager

In looking at the files on the second link, what do I do with them? Which one installs where and how?

Do I somehow install the Package Manager first, then install the Ring code?


Copy and paste this code into the Apps Code > New App section of HE, and save it. Then go the the "Apps" section and New App > Add User App > Package Manager. Once installed I think you will be able to navigate it pretty easily.

EDIT: @dman2306 maybe you could add a "To Install PM" to the top of your read me, unless I missed it somewhere? Thanks again fabulous app!