Detect Ring Doorbell button push

I would like to set a rule that when the Ring doorbell button is pushed, an action is taken. Any idea how to do this? Attached is a screenshot of the trigger I set up in the Rule Machine.

There's no reason that shouldn't work. Are you having problems? If so, enable all logging for the rule and provide the output along with a description (in plain language, not Rule Machine terms) of your desired outcome.

I assume the Ring device in your screenshot is a real one on your hub; if not, the first task will be to actually get that device integrated. There is no official integration, and last I checked, doorbells/chimes could only work via polling (so not instant) from any unofficial integration I was aware of. If that is a problem for your use case and you want such a device in Hubitat, you may have better luck with a different doorbell -- but that's a separate issue from the rule, of course.

I have enable the all the logging options and tested it again. Nothing shows up in the logs or the events for the app. I am including a screenshot of the whole rule.

What I want to do is have a my Neo Siren play chime 1 when the doorbell is pressed. If I run the action in the rule, it does work. But if I press the Ring doorbell, it does not play. I have a Ring chime and it does ring properly. But I have the siren in a different part of the house and would like the chime to play so it can be heard elsewhere.

Nothing will normally show up for Events in most apps (this feature is rarely used).

What you will probably want to do is go to your Ring device and look at "Events" there. This will show you what events are being generated by this device, if any. One must be there that matches your trigger event selection in Rule Machine. No event, no trigger.

I'm also not sure how you're testing, but if it's a physical press of the Ring button, keep in mind this:

If you are using the Unofficial Ring Connect app, you defo want to setup the IFTTT integration to ensure you get the ring and motion events.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I am trying to avoid getting another application involved. Was hoping to do it thru Hubitat directly.

I can appreciate not wanting to get another application involved, but think about how polling works. If your ok with not being notified that someone rang your doorbell for a full polling interval then polling should be fine. Also if you poll too frequently and ring will rate limit you and you’ll get no updates. If youre not getting motion or button status updates, this could be why. IFTTT allows for immediate updates without the risk of rate limiting… it’s why it highly preferred.

Thanks for the explanation. I am not well versed in the workings of Ring. But I think with you explanation, I understand it a bit better. It is frustrating that Ring does not allow for direct integration with Hubitat.

Is this the integration you are using? [Re-release] Hubitat Ring Integration (Unofficial)

I am using virtual switches via Alexa with routines but this looks a little cleaner, despite going through IFTTT. I might have to check it out.

100%, While the IFTTT integration is a little tricky to setup it is reliable and i’ve never had to mess with it afterwards.