Yale Lock w/ Ring & Hubitat simultaneously?

I am troubleshooting a variety of issues and one of them relates to my Yale Z-Wave Lock (‎YRD226-ZW2-BSP). It works perfectly on Ring but doesn't appear properly on Hubitat Dashboard (shows as unknown using smartly) .

When I open the device (Yale Lock) in Hubitat and send the command to Open or Close, it works. Is this something that can be operated using both Ring and Hubitat networks (obviously not at the same time).

I like Ring but would like to have a button on Hubitat dashboard to activate the lock.

As a newbie, I am a little confused on how a device can be on both networks. If only one, which one should I do?

Presently, I have roughly 30 Waters Sensors & Valve on Hubitat and roughly 30 contact sensors on Ring.

Thanks in advance for your input.

Sounds like you’re using the Ring Alarm system with this, is that correct? If so, maybe the Unofficial Ring Integration would be right for you. I used this when I owned a Ring Alarm system (sold it with my last house), and it worked perfectly. It allows you to use the sensors with both systems and should give you control of the lock from both too.

Problem solved. I had the tile set using smartly to Door Control when it should have been set to Lock.


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