Zemismart Zigbee 1/2/3/4 gang light switches

what settings? i have an issue where it only manages to use one gang and not both

I want to confirm the built-in Generic ZigBee Multi Endpoint Switch driver worked for me. Using it a Zemismart 2 gang KS-811 wall switch. Hubitat can control the 2 switched individually, or as one.
That's the first device I have with children, and it's slick.

Hi, I bought a 3 gang zigbee switch. The driver doesn't work for me. When I press the child switches all the lights are understood as if I touched the parent device, everything turns on/off.

I don't know if it's possible to get some help or know where to go since I never use this language or protocol

Thanks in advance

Is your 3-gang switch the zemismart brand? I just installed my 3-gang yesterday using the Generic ZigBee Multi Endpoint Switch driver and it is working perfectly.

Temporary switch to the inbuilt driver named ‘Device’, Press the ‘Get Info’ button, and please copy/paste here the fingerprint info line that should appear on the Logs page,


An updated version of Muxa's "Zemismart ZigBee Wall Switch Multi-Gang" driver can be found at :


There are a lot of new 1/2/3/4 Gang Zemismart (Tuya) switches that are now supported by this driver.

As a general rule, always check first if HE inbuilt Generic ZigBee Multi-Endpoint Switch driver works for your Zemismart/Moes/Avatto/Any-Tuya-White-Label multigang switch. Most of the Tuya white-label manufactured switches should work fine with the stock driver.

Muxa's driver currently supports Tuya models TS0001 and TS0011 single gang switches; TS0002 and TS0012 2-gang switches, TS0003 and TS0013 3-gang switches and TS0004 4-gang light switches.

Revisions history

  • Ver. 0.0.1 2019-08-21 Muxa - first version
  • Ver. 0.1.0 2020-02-05 Muxa - Driver name "Zemismart ZigBee Wall Switch Multi-Gang"
  • Ver. 0.2.1 2022-02-26 kkossev - TuyaBlackMagic for TS0003 _TZ3000_vjhcenzo
  • Ver. 0.2.2 2022-02-27 kkossev - (development branch) 10:03 AM : TS0004 4-button, logEnable, txtEnable, ping(), intercept cluster: E000 attrId: D001 and D002 exceptions;
  • Ver. 0.2.3 2022-03-04 kkossev - Power outage options
  • Ver. 0.2.4 2022-04-16 kkossev - _TZ3000_w58g68s3 Yagusmart 3 gang zigbee switch fingerprint
  • Ver. 0.2.5 2022-05-28 kkossev - _TYZB01_Lrjzz1UV Zemismart 3 gang zigbee switch fingerprint; added TS0011 TS0012 TS0013 models and fingerprints; more TS002, TS003, TS004 manufacturers
  • Ver. 0.2.6 2022-06-03 kkossev - powerOnState and Debug logs improvements; importUrl; singleThreaded
  • Ver. 0.2.7 2022-06-06 kkossev - command '0B' (command response) bug fix; added Tuya Zugbee mini switch TMZ02L (_TZ3000_txpirhfq); bug fix for TS0011 single-gang switches.
  • Ver. 0.2.8 2022-07-13 kkossev - added _TZ3000_18ejxno0 and _TZ3000_qewo8dlz fingerprints; added TS0001 wall switches fingerprints; added TS011F 2-gang wall outlets; added switchType configuration
  • Ver. 0.2.9 2022-09-29 kkossev - added _TZ3000_hhiodade (ZTS-EU_1gang); added TS0001 _TZ3000_oex7egmt _TZ3000_b9vanmes _TZ3000_zmy4lslw
  • Ver. 0.2.10 2022-10-08 - _TZ3000_hhiodade fingerprint correction
  • Ver. 0.2.11 2022-11-07 - added _TZ3000_tqlv4ug4
  • Ver. 0.2.12 2022-11-11 - added _TZ3000_cfnprab5 (TS011F) Xenon 4-gang + 2 USB extension; _TYZB01_vkwryfdr (TS0115) UseeLink; _TZ3000_udtmrasg (TS0003)
  • Ver. 0.2.13 2022-11-12 - tuyaBlackMagic() for Xenon similar to Tuya Metering Plug; _TZ3000_cfnprab5 fingerprint correction; added SiHAS and NodOn switches
  • Ver. 0.2.14 2022-11-23 - added 'ledMOode' command; fingerprints critical bug fix.
  • Ver. 0.2.15 2022-11-23 - added added _TZ3000_zmy1waw6
  • Ver. 0.3.0 2023-01-07 - noBindingButPolling() for _TZ3000_fvh3pjaz _TZ3000_9hpxg80k _TZ3000_wyhuocal
  • Ver. 0.3.1 2023-01-16 - restored TS0003 _TZ3000_vjhcenzo fingerprint; added _TZ3000_iwhuhzdo
  • Ver. 0.4.0 2023-01-22 - parsing multiple attributes;
  • Ver. 0.4.1 2023-02-10 - IntelliJ lint; added _TZ3000_18ejxno0 third fingerprint;
  • Ver. 0.5.0 2023-03-13 - removed the Initialize capability and replaced it with a custom command
  • Ver. 0.5.1 2023-04-15 kkossev - bugfix: initialize() was not called when a new device is paired; added _TZ3000_pfc7i3kt; added TS011F _TZ3000_18ejxno0 (2 gangs); _TZ3000_zmy1waw6 bug fix; added TS011F _TZ3000_yf8iuzil (2 gangs)
  • Ver. 0.5.2 2023-06-10 - added TS0002 _TZ3000_5gey1ohx; unschedule all remaining jobs from previous drivers on initialize(); added _TZ3000_zigisuyh
  • Ver. 0.5.3 2023-10-19 - added TS0001 _TZ3000_agpdnnyd @Sekenenz; added TS011F _TZ3000_iy2c3n6p @TomG
  • Ver. 0.5.4 2023-10-29 - added TS0002 _TZ3000_qcgw8qfa
  • Ver. 0.6.0 2024-01-14 - Groovy lint; TS0004 _TZ3000_a37eix1s fingerprint correction @Rafael;
  • Ver. 0.6.1 2024-01-29 - added TS011F _TZ3000_pmz6mjyu @g.machado
  • Ver. 0.7.0 2024-02-29 - (dev. branch) more Groovy lint; E000_D003 exception processing; ignored duplicated on/off events for the parent device; added ping() and rtt measurement;

The latest development branch driver version, which contains the last added new devices fingerprints and/or bugfixes/improvements can be manually downloaded from this link:

An archive of the previous driver versions can be found here.

Update May 2024 : this driver is now available for installation and update from HPM.



Manufacturer: _TZ3000_w58g68s3

Product Name:

Model Number: TS0003

deviceTypeId: 914

manufacturer : _TZ3000_w58g68s3

idAsInt : 1

inClusters : 0003,0004,0005,0006,E000,E001,0000

endpointId : 01

profileId : 0104

application : 52

outClusters : 0019,000A

initialized : true

model : TS0003

stage : 4

manufacturer :

idAsInt : 2

inClusters : 0004,0005,0006,E001

endpointId : 02

profileId : 0104

application :

outClusters :

initialized : true

model :

stage : 4

manufacturer :

idAsInt : 3

inClusters : 0004,0005,0006,E001

endpointId : 03

profileId : 0104

application :

outClusters :

initialized : true

model :

stage : 4

manufacturer :

idAsInt : 242

inClusters :

endpointId : F2

profileId : A1E0

application :

outClusters : 0021

initialized : true

model :

stage : 4

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@Hector thank you for the detailed device pairing information!
Is the latest driver version working OK with your 3-gang switch?
Including the powerOnState configuration?

I have to try this latest driver. I did a test this morning before going to work but I couldn't get all three lights to appear, only the parent. I have to retry again.

I have seen the new functionality, but did not have time to try.

I will try later and comment again.

Thanks in advance

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Hey guys little help please just got a Tuya zigbee Model SML-03Z-L module Zigbee ID: "TS0013"; "_TZ3000_jl7qyupf"
All installed switches working manually perfect also found on hubitat but none of the switches are working through hubitat with this driver and generic zigbee multi endpoint.
Help :weary::weary:

@ADDs Is your device is a 3 gang switch?
This driver has a fingerprint for the 2 gang version, if you confirm I will add your 3 gang switch in the driver.

What happens when you press the Initialize button? Do you have 3 child devices created?

Please make sure the Debug option is turned on, then press the on/off buttons on n the device web page and if it doesn’t work, copy and paste the debug logs.

@kkossev Thanks for the quick response seems like I’ve got it working now I had to remove the device and do a reset on it then pair it again and it paired straight to your driver this time.

Yes it is a three gang Zigbee module it dose initialise and creates 3 child devices.

Thanks again for your help is there anything else you’d like to know.

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Hi. I just tried again the last indicated driver. Now it works perfectly, thank you very much.

The power on state function is preset to off. In this state it runs correctly. But even though I try to change it (ON/Latest) in the dropdown button, and click save, it shows up as "OFF" again.

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Currently, the Power On parameter is implemented as a Command in this driver (not as a Preference parameter). So yes, it may be confusing because the HE drivers commands parameters lists always start with the first parameter when the web page is refreshed, no matter what the actual state is.. To avoid confusion I have changed the command like this, so it should be more intuitive now that you should first make a choice, and then pres the "Power On State" button

If the power on behavior change command was confirmed by the device, now you should see also a confirmation on the parent device log page:

These changes are made in the driver development branch, the second link in this post. ( driver ver. 0.2.6 )

If it is possible with your setup. can you please try again changing the power on mode with your wall switch? ( its not very easy to test, as you need to turn off the circuit breaker that powers the lights switch ).

I think I understand now what you say. However, I couldn't get it to work. I'm not sure if I did the test anyway even though it didn't reflect what I selected. I'll try again Asap and commented but I don't promise it will be in 2-3 days. I understand that you have to test with several devices, unfortunately I don't know how to program with this language although I would like to learn. I am working on yours with a lux sensor similar to one of your drivers that does not work correctly for me either.

No rush for tests, the power on behavior is not the most important feature, just an opinion that is nice to have IMO.

On the Lux sensor issue - you can post your device details in this thread,

I check it now. It works great (ON/OFF/Latest).

Thanks a lot.

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I’ve noticed the device(tuya ts0013) doesn’t refresh status when switched manually anybody else had this problem?

I’ve created a 30second rule to refresh for now.

Please turn the Debug logs on and copy/paste the logs when the switches (1 2 and 3) are turned on/off manually.

You can use the forum editor 'Hide Details' feature (select the log lines first) :

Refreshing every 30 seconds will work but is not the best solution long term.

dev:2902022-06-04 08:08:38.940 pm debugoff()

dev:2902022-06-04 08:08:34.662 pm debugon()

dev:2902022-06-04 08:07:35.623 pm infoChild switch 01 turned off

dev:2902022-06-04 07:57:35.302 pm infoChild switch 01 turned on

dev:2902022-06-04 07:49:28.755 pm debugon()

--- Live Log Started, waiting for events ---
The switch was turn off manually almost instantly but took 10mins to show

I'll try getting the other logs just not easy in a busy house