Zemismart zigbee wall switch multi-gang

I was trying to update my drivers as I some some error events in the logs.
I found the latest for Zemismart zigbee wall switch multi-gang at

first off, kkossev, many thanks for all you do on these awesome drivers.
There was a note that you needed to repair your devices if you updated to this driver.

I had several issues, prob unrelated but I deleted the devices, then pressed the pairing button on the mini smart switch, the blue light flashed... in all cases, the find zigbee device DID find the device, but in several cases, the device kept blinking as if trying to pair. I could not turn on or off the device. I power cycled at the breaker several times and in some cases the blue light did turn off and things worked after pairing. In another case, on a unit it had rediscovered, the blue light keft flashing...but i waited several minutes and the blue light stopped flashing and it worked...
Is there tricks or tips relative to this ?
Last, one unit I did NOT re-pair and it works fine.... what was the reason that I needed to repair?
Oh, and I see that many of the drivers are in HPM, this one does not seem to be.

Hi Tim,

Deleting a problematic Tuya device and pairing it again to HE with the proper driver pre-installed was the sure way to make it work.... until recently.

Pairing as a new device with the dedicated driver was needed because some Tuya devices will not work with other Zigbee coordinators, except if they are initialized properly during the initial pairing. A typical symptom of multi-gang switch not being initialized properly is that the individual switches can not be controlled, all gangs will switch on or off at once.

With the new C-8 Zigbee 3.0 stack some of these devices may have a problem pairing again to the HE hub if they paired once, but were deleted (removed) later. This problem seems to be reported mostly with C-8 hubs. So I do not recommend removing the successfully paired devices anymore, in most of the cases just pairing it again (without removing it) works as well.

BTW, do you still keep your TS011F _TZ3000_okaz9tjs Tuya smart plug?
Did you manage to pair it to C-8 hub?

I never got that smart plug to work properly. Also I do not have a C-8 (still using a C-7)

Back on re-pairing ...if the switch is working (can be controlled via dashboard)...then can I assume I don't need to re-pair?

oh and the error I'm getting (below) is from one that I believe i did re pair - suggestions?

dev:9202023-07-31 03:08:00.176 AMerrororg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MissingMethodExceptionNoStack: No signature of method: user_driver_muxa_Zemismart_ZigBee_Wall_Switch_Multi_Gang_1055.autoPoll() is applicable for argument types: () values: [] (method autoPoll)


On the error you see in the logs - this is a scheduled job from a previous driver.
If you temporarily switch to HE inbuilt driver named 'Device' you can remove this scheduled job. Then revert to the driver you are using now.

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sorry if this is not in the right place but has anyone used one of these door sensors? They are really small which is very cool

Hi Tim,
The new Aqara E1 contact sensor MCCGQ14LM may be problematic to pair with Hubitat, it’s better to not risk.

Better get a Tuya device, all of them work with HE, most contact sensors will work with HE stock driver.

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hi @kkossev
I recent rebuild caused me a small stumble - wondering if you can work a feature request -
on the Zemismart multi-gang - my children names are ep01 and ep02 and can';t be edited.
When I rebuilt my dashboards it pulls the device names - so I have 4 EP01, and 4 EP02 - I was able to override them at the tile but was hoping you could review your driver to see if its actually critical to lock that name. I see the code checks and it looks possible but I don't want to deviate from your releases with customizations!
Thanks for your consideration. I LOVE your work.

Hi @jshimota , Happy New Year! :partying_face:

I am afraid, that changing the driver logic related to the identification of the child devices as it is now may result in backward compatibility problems with the previous versions.

Isn't the Dashboard picking the device label, not the automatically created device name?

I only use HD+ - no other dashboard meets me needs. In the case of HD+, it pulls Name by default. I can hand edit, and have - I was hoping to get HE to work cleanly in case of a future rebuild so I didn't have to track them down - it's a small thing - no worries sir!

All other HE apps use the device label if set by the user. Only if the device label is empty, the app should use the device name. So the best approach would be to ask the HD+ developer for a change, it may be a global option in the HD+ app.

NOT trying to argue - but I've always thought that HE recognized devices by the device ID, the name and labels are really superfluous - of all my drivers none hard-lock the name. @jpage4500 does indeed allow the user to decide what he/she wants - no need there. However, I just wanted the freedom not to be hardcoded when it seems to me to be unncessary. In the case of a child device, I get how it occurs, I just wish it didn't,

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So you know - you're in my top 5 dev's ... :slight_smile:
You've solved numerous issues for me and allowed me a wider array of devices because of your work - my HE does more for me, because of you!

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I am currently working on a very big new project, that may change the way that any new Tuya gadgets are accessible in HE :


lol. I remember - I pay attention when you speak! :slight_smile: I'm sooo looking forward to being able to really dive into Tuya devices - they are cheap, effective and readily available - I'm hoping a central libary ... well - anyways. I'll watch with a weathered eye !

You know what is the problem with the Tuya devices - every manufacturer implements its own protocol (Tuya Datapoints), so it is very time-consuming to keep up with the new devices that become available on the market every new month. I have a waiting list of probably 10 or more devices to add to my existing drivers... : (

A Tuya Zigbee -> Matter Gateway should (theoretically) make the new devices available in Hubitat immediately, without making any changes in the HE drivers. Of course, it has a lot of limitations (and bugs at the moment), but I don't see another way to continue. The Tuya device specifics should be handled in the Tuya Gateway.

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FWIW I had to check since I was curious and by default HD+ picks the label if it's set. Then, the name if not set. You can override both though and it'll use that instead.

There is a setting though to switch the order -- so name would come before label - but that's not the default


The name of the central library is 'Matter Gateway'. Did you order your Zemismart M1 Matter Gateway hub already? :slight_smile:

ARGH! tried too! unavailable in USA and Aliexpress has it late February.... crap. Great price tho!

I tried to pair Zemismart 4-gang zigbee wall switch to HE. I selected 'Zemismart zigbee wall switch multi-gang' driver and found one one switch was shown and even the switch is not working. The finger print is:

  • endpointId: 01
  • application: 46
  • manufacturer: _TZE200_1n2kyphz
  • model: TS0601

What is this message meaning?
In order to operate normally, please pair the device to HE after changing to this driver!

After changed to this driver I cannot pair without removing device because it is already paired.
Please help.

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Following is the log:

dev:4282024-03-07 01:57:54.552 PMdebugMain Lights Parent createChildDevices

dev:4282024-03-07 01:57:54.550 PMinfoMain Lights model: TS0601 gangs:1 child devices: 0

dev:4282024-03-07 01:57:54.547 PMdebugMain Lights Parent deleteChildren

dev:4282024-03-07 01:57:54.546 PMdebugMain Lights Parent setupChildDevices

dev:4282024-03-07 01:57:54.541 PMdebugMain Lights sendZigbeeCommands : [he raw 0x4480 1 0x01 0x0000 {10 00 00 04 00 00 00 01 00 05 00 07 00 FE FF}, delay 200, he wattr 0x4480 0x01 0x0000 0xFFDE 0x20 {0D} {}, delay 50, zdo bind 0x4480 0x01 0x01 6 {A4C13827EA1605D1} {}, delay 2000, he cr 0x4480 0x01 6 0 16 0 600 {}, delay 2000, he rattr 0x4480 0x01 6 0 {}, delay 2000]

dev:4282024-03-07 01:57:54.534 PMdebugMain Lights configure()..

dev:4282024-03-07 01:57:54.524 PMinfoMain Lights InitializeVars()... fullInit = true

dev:4282024-03-07 01:57:54.522 PMdebugMain Lights Initializing...

dev:4282024-03-07 01:57:50.609 PMinfoMain Lights initialize aborted! (str=--- Select ---)

dev:4282024-03-07 01:57:36.544 PMdebugMain Lights sendZigbeeCommands : [he raw 0x4480 1 0x01 0x0000 {10 00 00 04 00 00 00 01 00 05 00 07 00 FE FF}, delay 200, he wattr 0x4480 0x01 0x0000 0xFFDE 0x20 {0D} {}, delay 50, zdo bind 0x4480 0x01 0x01 6 {A4C13827EA1605D1} {}, delay 2000, he cr 0x4480 0x01 6 0 16 0 600 {}, delay 2000, he rattr 0x4480 0x01 6 0 {}, delay 2000]

dev:4282024-03-07 01:57:36.539 PMdebugMain Lights configure()..

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