[RELEASE] Tuya NEO Coolcam Zigbee Water Leak Sensor

'Tuya NEO Coolcam Zigbee Water Leak Sensor' driver is available for installation from Hubitat Package Manager (HPM).

The latest driver code is available from GitHub repository: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkossev/Hubitat/development/Drivers/Tuya%20NEO%20Coolcam%20Zigbee%20Water%20Leak%20Sensor/Tuya%20NEO%20Coolcam%20Zigbee%20Water%20Leak%20Sensor.groovy

TS0601 model sensors (like the NEO model) will not work with the HE inbuilt drivers, so this one is the correct driver.

TS0207 models may or may not work with HE inbuilt drivers. It is advised to try first with the HE stock drivers - assign the system 'Generic Moisture Sensor', click on the 'Save Device' button and pair the TS0207 sensor again to HE, 1 meter away close to the hub.

If the HE system driver did not work for your TS0207 water leak sensor, you can alternatively use this custom driver.

Important: some of the Tuya water leak sensors are difficult to pair to HE. Make sure you are pairing the device really close to HE hub, at a less than 1 meter distance. If after the first Zigbee pairing the wet/dry status change is not working, try pairing it second time, again very close to HE hub!

Supported models

Device Links
NEO Coolcam Water Leak Sensor image Model: TS0601
Manufacturer: _TZE200_qq9mpfhw
Battery: CR2

Walmart: (link)
Amazon.com : (link)
Amazon.de : (link)
Water Leak Sensor
Model: TS0207
Manufacturer: _TYZB01_sqmd19i1
Walmart: (link)
AliExpres: (link)
Amazon .de: (link)
Amazon: (link)

Review: (link)
Water Leak Sensor image Model: TS0207
Manufacturer: _TZ3000_upgcbody
Walmart: (link)
Amazon .de : (link)
AliExpres:s (link)
AliExpress: (link)

Review: (link)
MEIAN Water Leak Sensor
Model: TS0207
Manufacturer: _TZ3000_kyb656no
AliExpress: (link)


ThirdReality Water Leak Sensor


Amazon .de : (link)
Amazon .uk : (link)
Amazon .au: (link) |


  • Tuya specific cluster 0xEF00 water leak sensors (TS0601)
  • Tuya water sensors using standard IAS messaging (TS0207)
  • ThirdReality Water Sensor * model: 3RWS18BZ


  • capability "WaterSensor"
  • "dry" and 'wet' commands from the device web UI (for testing purposes)
  • Battery reporting for all models
  • healthStatus (online/offline)


  • ver. 1.0.1 2022-03-26 - Inital release
  • ver. 1.0.1 2022-04-12 - added _TYST11_qq9mpfhw fingerprint
  • ver. 1.0.2 2022-04-14 - Check-in info logs; model 'q9mpfhw' inClusters correction
  • ver. 1.0.3 2022-04-16 - 'Last Updated' workaround for NEO sensors
  • ver. 1.0.4 2022-05-14 - code cleanup; debug logging is off by default; fixed debug logging not turning off after 24 hours; added Configure button
  • ver. 1.0.5 2022-08-03 - added batterySource, added watchDog, set battery 0% if OFFLINE
  • ver. 1.0.6 2022-11-15 - fixed _TZ3000_qdmnmddg fingerprint; added _TZ3000_rurvxhcx ; added _TZ3000_kyb656no ;
  • ver. 1.0.7 2022-11-19 :
    • offline timeout increased to 12 hours;
    • Import button loads the dev. branch version;
    • Configure will not reset power source to '?';
    • Save Preferences will update the driver version state;
    • water is set to 'unknown' when offline
    • added lastWaterWet time in human readable format;
    • added device rejoinCounter state;
    • added Feibit FNB56-WTS05FB2.0;
    • added 'tested' water state;
    • pollPresence misfire after hub reboot bug fix
  • ver. 1.0.8 2023-05-13 - 'unprocessed water event unknown' fix; lastWaterWet update bug fix;
  • ver. 1.1.0 2023-07-11 - (dev. branch) replaced Presence w/ healthStatus; added TS0207 _TZ3000_js34cuma; removed manipulating the powerSource and dropping the battery level 0% when offline.
  • ver. 1.1.1 2023-07-28 :
    • added ping rtt;
    • added zigbee.enrollResponse() in the configuration;
    • added TS0207 _TZ3000_2wcynpml
  • ver. 1.1.2 2024-05-11 - added ThirdReality 3RWS18BZ
  • ver. 1.1.3 2024-08-02 - added Sonoff SNZB-05P
  • ver. 1.1.4 2025-03-01 - added TS0207 _TZ3000_k4ej3ww2 _TZ3000_d16y6col _TZ3000_ww9i3e0y _TZ3000_qhozxs2b _TZ3000_85czd6fy _TZ3000_ocjlo4ea _TZ3000_fxvjhdyl _TZ3000_eit7p838 _TZ3000_it1hm1cr _TZ3000_awvmkayh _TZ3000_kstbkt6a _TZ3000_arw23zcs _TZ3000_wuep9zng

The development branch, which contains the latest additions and bug fixes can be updated manually from here : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kkossev/Hubitat/development/Drivers/Tuya%20NEO%20Coolcam%20Zigbee%20Water%20Leak%20Sensor/Tuya%20NEO%20Coolcam%20Zigbee%20Water%20Leak%20Sensor.groovy


Hi @kkossev Can I assume that with this driver the device will work directly with HE?



Brilliant! Thanks very much.

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Driver code was updated with a correct fingerprint for the new Neo model;
Tuya check-in messages (usually received every 1 or 4 hours) are now shown in the device log page.

Version 1.0.3 provides a workaround for 'Last Updated Time' for NEO sensors. The value should be updated every hour,

I am using the excellent app [RELEASE] Device Activity Check - Get notifications for "inactive" devices by bertabcd1234 :

Yesterday I had my first REAL water leaking problem alert :


The leak sensor is the third one (the cheapest) shown in the first post. Tthe sensor box was mounted on the backside of the cabinet under the kitchen sink. The extension cord with the actual sensor at the end was simply thrown to the bottom, as I had not good visibility inside because... uhh.. of the many items that were put in the closet and I was too lazy to first remove and then rearrange all that stuff...

So in my case, the investment in these leak sensors has already paid off!


In my opinion, leak sensors are essential in North American homes, given that they often they are constructed as a wood frame with drywall, and wood floors.

To make things worse, my home has a 50 gallon water tank in the attic.


Do you also have a water shutoff unit attached to the sensors?

Yes, I have a shutoff unit, but it is still sitting on my desk.. :smiling_face: I need to pull a power supply line close to the valve box, which is not an easy task.

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I have one of the Model: TS0207 Manufacturer: _TZ3000_upgcbody as shown at the top of this topic.

The sensor seems to join easily. The logs:

Events generated:

State of joined device:

At this point the device goes radio silent. No wet/dry events, no logs, nothing.
Any suggestions...

Did you click configure?

Try pairing the sensor once again to HE. Do it close to the hub.

Yes I tried that.

That did it! Thanks. Wish I would have thought of that.


thanks for the awesome driver! that looks like a ton of work!
I don't see anything about battery status ...should there be?
I have the Model: TS0207
Manufacturer: _TZ3000_upgcbody

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A famous landmark known to locals as "The Aaiyar Falls." :wink:


@tim.ocallag my _TZ3000_upgcbody sensor is reprting the battery percentage remaining every 4 hours. You can try to pair it again to HE and keep the debug logs for 24 hours to see if there are any battery reports.

You can also check the past logs ( you may need to press 'show more' several times

dev:31312022-07-10 18:20:32.105 infoSensor Water Leak Under Sink in the Kitchen battery is 24% (physical), water:dry

dev:31312022-07-10 14:22:15.774 infoSensor Water Leak Under Sink in the Kitchen battery is 24% (physical), water:dry

I notice that the battery level reported is suspiciously low, will check the code in the next days. Almost all sensors report the battery level in 0..100%, but some Tuya devices report in the 0..200 range, probably there is a bug here.

I am also planning to add a watchdog / offline timer so that we get an event 'powerSource unknown' if the device falls off the network. Also, the battery level will be forced to 0%, so that the HE apps that monitor battery levels are triggered to send an alarm.

Sorry ..i guess you are right .. i had to wait... I see now..thanks !!

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Just got a slightly different water sensor ..looks like one of your pictures but has slightly different data...

the data is

  • endpointId: 01
  • model: TS0207
  • application: 41
  • manufacturer: _TZ3000_kyb656no

I thought I'd be smart and try and add the new device to your driver....but I can't tell what to put for the profileId, inClusters or outClusters
I thought I could google _TZ3000_kyb656no and find that info....but I don't see anywhere....how did you figure out what to put on the fingerprint lines?
Thanks again for your help !

p.s. cannot get it to register wet...i've checked the battery, removed the battery,etc