updated code with character count
* dashboard iFrame Advanced
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
* on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* Directions:
* 1 Create a virtual device with this driver.
* 2 add the url you want to embed to the preferences of this device.
* 3 add this device to your dashboard, select the attribute and choose the "iFrame" attribute
* optional:
* 4 update the css to style the iframe tile on the dashboard:
* // replace '#tile-33' with this driver/device on your dashboard
* #tile-33 .tile-title {
* display:none;
* }
* Change History:
* Date Who What
* ---- --- ----
* 07-02-2021 mbarone initial release
def setVersion(){
state.version = "1.0.1"
preferences {
input("src", "text", title: "iFrame Url", required: true)
input("openText", "text", title: "Button text to Open iFrame", defaultValue:"Show", required: false)
input("closeText", "text", title: "Button text to close iFrame", defaultValue:"Close", required: false)
input("refreshText", "text", title: "Button text to refresh iFrame content", defaultValue:"Refresh", required: false)
input("width", "number", title: "Width of iFrame when in view as a percentage (default: 100)", defaultValue:100, required: false)
input("height", "number", title: "Height of iFrame when in view as a percentage (default: 100)", defaultValue:100, required: false)
input("delayLoad", "bool", title: "On Demand iFrame Loading", description: "When DISABLED the iFrame will load with the dashboard and remain connected even when not visible. When ENABLED the iFrame will only load content when visible, it will unload when closed and reload each time you open it.", defaultValue:false, required: false)
metadata {
definition (name: "iFrameAdvanced", namespace: "mbarone", author: "mbarone", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/michaelbarone/hubitat/master/drivers/iFrameAdvanced.groovy") {
capability "Actuator"
attribute "iFrame", "text"
attribute "iFrameLauncher", "text"
attribute "urlSize", "text"
def installed() {
def updated() {
def setIframe() {
if(src && src != ""){
sendEvent(name: "iFrame", value: "<div style='height: 100%; width: 100%'><iframe src='${src}' style='height: 100%; width:100%; border: none;'></iframe><div>")
String posL = (100 - width )/2 +"%"
String posR = (100 - height)/2 +"%"
String launcher = ""
if(delayLoad == true){
launcher = launcher + "<button style='height:100%;width:100%;' onclick=document.getElementById('${device.displayName.replaceAll('\\s','')}').style.display='block';document.getElementById('${device.displayName.replaceAll('\\s','')}-iframe').src='${src}';>${openText}</button>"
} else {
launcher = launcher + "<button style='height:100%;width:100%;' onclick=document.getElementById('${device.displayName.replaceAll('\\s','')}').style.display='block';>${openText}</button>"
launcher = launcher + "<div id=${device.displayName.replaceAll('\\s','')} class='modal' style='display:none;position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:100;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.85);'>"
if(delayLoad == true){
launcher = launcher + "<button onclick=document.getElementById('${device.displayName.replaceAll('\\s','')}').style.display='none';document.getElementById('${device.displayName.replaceAll('\\s','')}-iframe').src=''; style='float:right;margin:20px;'><font size='+3'><b>${closeText}</b></font></button>"
} else {
launcher = launcher + "<button onclick=document.getElementById('${device.displayName.replaceAll('\\s','')}').style.display='none'; style='float:right;margin:20px;'><font size='+3'><b>${closeText}</b></font></button>"
launcher = launcher + "<button onclick=document.getElementById('${device.displayName.replaceAll('\\s','')}-iframe').src='${src}'; style='float:right;margin:20px;'>${refreshText}</button>"
if(delayLoad == true){
launcher = launcher + "<iframe id='${device.displayName.replaceAll('\\s','')}-iframe' src=''"
} else {
launcher = launcher + "<iframe id='${device.displayName.replaceAll('\\s','')}-iframe' src=${src}"
if(width > 90 && height > 95){
launcher = launcher + " style='height:${height}%;width:${width}%;border:none;'></iframe></div>"
} else {
launcher = launcher + " style='height:${height}%;width:${width}%;border:none;left:0;position:absolute;top:${posR};left:${posL};'></iframe></div>"
theCount = launcher.size()
sendEvent(name: "urlSize", value: theCount)
sendEvent(name: "iFrameLauncher", value: launcher)
launcher = ""
else {
log.warn "No website to embed. Set iFrame Url in device preferences."