[BETA RELEASE] New Hubitat Mobile App available in TestFlight for iOS - version 2.0.0

A new version of the Hubitat Mobile app for iOS is now available to install from the TestFlight.

To join the Hubitat Elevation beta, open the following link on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac (the device you want to install the app on) after you install TestFlight app:


  • the new app requires hub running version 2.3.8 or later. For more details on the platform release, please check out this section: Release Notes - Hubitat
  • for known issues with the beta app, please check out [this thread]
  • as with any beta release, your experience may be different than that of the final and public version of the app.

FWIW, I'm still seeing 1.3.2 as the latest available in TestFlight.

You need to click on the « Join the Hubitat Elevation Beta » link above to get version 2.0.0.

Love the new app!

Found a few bugs, but that is expected with a new release… :blush: I’ve reported them through the app… and will stop now for a bit… :wink:


There are two different apps. Be sure to follow the above link to sign up for the new app.


Ah, my bad. Thanks Bobby.


Is this the correct place for the iOS beta feedback?

If so (and this may be a known item), when adding a device, there is no “ Z-Wave Inclusion button”

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Sure, you can post your feedback on this or other related topics.

Thanks for reporting this. You can expect a bug fix in the next release.

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There is an option to start normal Z-Wave inclusion but it is buried in the Smart Start menu.

@bobbyD See this post where I reported it before.

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Most of these will be addressed in the next release.


Just downloaded the app. I’m on
I have two ceiling fans linked via Bond. On the devices page, I can turn fans on by touching the small fan icon, there is no speed choice, just toggles on and off. If I touch anywhere else on the tile for a fan it closes the app.

This is a known issue that will be addressed in the next update.


Looks like it has a hard time doing geofencing with two hubs in different locations. Works with the first one but wrongly out of geofence for the second one because it thinks it’s located at the same place

"To join the Hubitat Elevation beta, open the link on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac after you install TestFlight." Where is the link? Testflight says I need a redeem code. Will I get it in an email?

This link: Join the Hubitat Elevation beta - TestFlight - Apple

Yes that's the page I got the quote from, so had already followed that link. There were a lot of instructions but nothing seemed to address how to get the redeem code that testflight is asking for or how to choose which app you want.

It says "you’ll need to accept an email or public link invitation from the developer " So that's what I am waiting for

Later: Ah I may be behind the times - the betas have gone public as of a couple days ago!

There is still new betas coming out for version 2.0.1

That link IS the public invitation. You just open it on your device you want the beta on, after the TestFlight app is installed. It says that right at the top if I open it on a PC

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I believe you, but for me the app wanted a redeem code I didn't appear to have, No problem, I have installed the Hubitat app from the Apple Play store now, as it's been published there.

Should I have been clicking on the link on the iPad? Cos I don't usually use small screens for browsing. I thought I'd get an email with a code like testflight suggests. I guess that's it, I was using my chromebook to read these forums and click on the link, thinking it would generate the suggested code. I think I'll leave it as it is as I don't have any other reason to install a browser on the iPad.

Yes, thats what I said to do and it also says at the top of the page that I drew a red box around.

It comes with one that I dont think you can remove, Safari.

Yes you're right it says that, but the addition of "or iphone or mac" made me think it was just ok to do it anywhere - but in a context that was aimed at Apple users. I guess it could have said "the device you installed test flight on" for complete idiot proofing. Also Testflight's own guidance is a little misleading about how the process works what to expect - talk of emails.

Thanks for the help, if I need to use the beta I'll remember.

Safari... I didn't see it on my pad.