iPhone App says beta expired. No non-beta app at the app store

I tried to go into the Hubitat app on my iPhone and it told me the Beta expired. I did a search before I posted this and I found a link that was supposed to take me the non-Beta app on the App Store. However, it took me to one from TestFlight and it said I need some invitation code (which, of course I don't have). I didn't see any other Hubitat up there.

UPDATE: That was literally 2 minutes ago. It is now working. Was there something on Hubitat's end that went down for a bit but is now fixed?

I’m using the current beta app in testflight but can also see the publicly available App Store version as expected.

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No they would have nothing to do with that. They just push the beta versions out and they usually expire in 90 days if not updated. You must have installed a beta app and never updated it. To fix it you either you went back to the normal app or you got the beta version updated.

Beats me. When I first went there it just said Open and when I did it was TestFlight. Oh well. I’m fine now and appreciate the fast response.

BTW, speaking of the app, under Lights/Switches they have never fixed that some devices show they are on even though they are off. The 2nd big dislike I have about that tab is that I can't collapse all of them. No matter what I do, at least 1 opens up. I really, really, wish they would let us have them all collapsed. And, of course, it is just on and off from there, for example, on my dashboard there are sliders for my dimmable lights, etc. So I'm not really sure what purpose the Lights/Switches tab provides (except maybe showing a switch I didn't put on a dashboard?)

Are you referring to the current beta app in TestFlight? Or the App Store version?

Mine says version 1.3.2.

The beta is version 2, anyone can sign up from this thread here, if interested:

There’s a few notable improvements in the new version, and there’s pretty active development of the app in TestFlight (e.g. fixes for reported bugs). But it is a beta so some things may not work as expected.

I got the Beta and I saw I could collapse all the rooms. I also saw that I can either turn a light on or off directly, and also adjust the dimmer. So some very good improvements there.

But if I touch the "main" icon for any ceiling fan (not just the small on/off button in the upper left) it always crashes. I did report that through the screen that comes up when a crash occurs.

I also have a lamp plugged into a smart plug that I turned on with the app, but it wouldn't turn off. Strangely, when I went into it, it had a dimmer slider, even though it is only an on/off (being a smart plug). I took a screen shot of it showing it was off, but I could't see how to submit it. After I typed this message I went back into Devices and it went back to showing that plug was on, and this time when I touched the on/off button it did go off right away.

So it's definitely some big steps forward, but certainly still isn't ready for prime time.