[iOS Mobile App Beta 2.0.0] What’s new in build 248

See this post for the initial release: [BETA RELEASE] New Hubitat Mobile App available in TestFlight for iOS - version 2.0.0

  • Dark mode implementation
  • Geofence navigation changed
  • Multiple crashes reported on Open Beta fixed

Check this post for Known Issues: [iOS Mobile App Beta 2.0.0] Known issues in build 248

  • Dark Mode option doesn't seem to be available on iPad. Works fine on phone.
  • Zwave SmartStart still not working. Trying to add a device, I scan the QR code, Name the device then the screen goes back to the black screen to add a device. It seems like it is just immediately throwing out whatever you try to add.

252 fixes SmartStart


Confirmed SmartStart is mostly working. Observations:

  • Previously added devices are now displayed (that was not happening for me for many months)

  • It does now add the device to the hub correctly, However the device doesn't populate in the slit of smart start devices. I initially thought it was not working until I looked at the actual device page and found it added there.

  • Dark mode isn't working on the dashboards page. Still eyeball burning white.

I found Smart Start now added the device but ignores the name you type in and copies the same name as the last item in the list.

It has always been like that for me. The name shows up in the smartstart list, but on the device page it shows the default name.

For the device i added today, i did t have a plan for it yet, I used a generic name that was very close close to the default, so i really did not notice.

Im just happy its working at a basic level. Nut would be nice for it to show in the smartstart device list.

I am taking about in the Smart Start list on the app itself. I did not even include the device. When I scanned the code and typed in a name it did not use it in the list in the app, it just defaulted to the last device in the list.

To be sure we are on the same page, I included this device using SmartStart (scanned the code) , got the screen to name the device but DID NOT set the screen for S2 inclusion. Once I named the device it went to the smart start list, which now had device listed. I thought these were devices that were previously included with SmartStart, but they were not all included that way. In fact, most included the classic way. When I didn't see this device listed at all on the SmartStart list. I looked at the device page on the hub and it was there and working. It did not have the name I gave it in SmartStart, but just the default device name

Previously, when I could get SmartStart to work, the name I gave the device would apply in the smart start list, but never carried over to the device mage. I have always had to go into each device in the device page and rename it from there.

I noticed that too. But unlike the rest of the main app screens, that screen is a wrapper for a webpage.

So perhaps there’s a way to display it in a dark mode. Or maybe not, since safari on iPhone has no native dark mode.

But I wouldn’t expect the app’s new dark mode to do anything on that screen automatically.

Here is the issue I am taking about: [iOS 2.0 (252)] Smart start using name from last device already in list

Your issue sounds about normal for the app historically and is a different issue. Sometimes when you scan something in, the visible list of devices does not refresh or glitches. You have to back out of it and go back in then it will be displayed correctly. This should be reported as a separate issue @moncho1138

Also, the only way device can get into that list is if you scan the code. So if you see devices that you included manually, you must have then later scanned in the code for some reason.

Smart Start has always had all sorts of issues in the mobile app which I brought up before but there was not much interest in fixing them. Now it is getting a little more attention for certain reasons we cannot talk about out here :wink:

I sort of suspected that might be the case. On both my phone and iPad i use Safari with he Dark Reader extension, as well as Brave which has its own dark mode. But on both devices it doesnt respect the browser and stays white.

This begs the question, which I have seen requested before, can we get Dark Mode for the Hubs? Usually the community answer is use Dark Reader or something similar (I do), but that has its drawbacks as well. Heck, I would be happy with a more neutral to darker gray. I think i'll head over to the feedback thread and suggest it again.