Right way to add ZWave LR (for new and previously included devices)

Yah - knew specs were in various stages of review - didn't mean to imply it was ALREADY available :wink:

Indeed, thanks, I should have said S2 non-zero -- will make this change now.

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Going in a few circles after reading all the detailed posts. Such a Luddite for a 45 year IT guy :wink:
I have a Zooz 800 LR.
I factory reset it as it was in use before; manually added and worked fine.
I have never used SmartStart before so it took me a bit to find the ST place of origin; don't use the HE app much.
Remove the power after reset. Scanned the code. Opened the SmartStart Manager and set the boot mode to LR.
Opened the Logs and restored power.
Waited a while and nothing ever happens.
It did join once many resets ago but it came in as A0 so not LR.

Is your hub updated to 2.3.9 platform? You need 2.3.9 to use Long Range.

What's A0? The node number? If it joined as that then the boot mode was not set to Long Range when it paired. Since the mobile apps are not 100% yet, do NOT open the entry in the app, you may accidentally change the boot mode. Make sure boot mode is set to LR using the HE App (looks like you have it already). Do not edit the Grants, most devices should have S2 Auth and Unauth set when you scan the code and sometimes S0 will be enabled, do not change it.

Is it still paired in that node A0?
Either way, once it you have the boot mode set correctly, you can exclude the device, it should then reset/restart and pair again shortly after that.

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Forgot to mention, beta tester
A0 was the DNI so less than FF - not LR.
HE mobile app only shows S2 Boot Mode or SmartStart Boot Mode, no LR.
I only set the boot mode to LR in your app.

Device was factory reset and not included in HE so it should be unassociated.
I'll delete the old HE mobile app entry and not open it up except for the the initial QR scan, when retrying.
Once more unto the breach...

Not sure what could have happened, if device was powered off when QR was scanned, and boot mode was changed to LR and saved before powering up the device it should have paired in LR mode. If you tapped on the SS entry in the mobile app though, you may have accidentally set the boot mode back to Mesh before powering the device?

The mobile app only messes with the boot mode if you tap on the entry in the SS list to edit it. Otherwise it should not touch it. You can also update to the beta apps which I think both have LR boot mode now (although iOS may display it incorrectly). Both the beta apps are supposed to be getting close to a final release, they are working pretty good.

I joined the beat 2.0 and installed the app but it looks like they have deleted or moved the SS menu item.
Can't find it yet....

PS I did reset, power off, scan QR, verify LR boot in your app, re-power and nada in the logs or Devices.

Go to devices tab and then tap add device at the top, you will see the Smart Start section in there.

Try shutting down the hub and unplug for 30 seconds in case the zwave radio is having an issue, this will fully restart it.

If still not working, start an exclude on the hub and then put the device into exclusion mode. Hub should tell you unknown device excluded. That will reset and restart the device and in my experience it will start the SS join right afterwards.

Thank for the burried menu location.
I'll the the 'ol shutdown etc. I don't have a ghost and I have tried excluding it but not after a power off.

Did the exclude give you the unknown device excluded message?

Also, make sure the SS entry is enabled (check mark on list view in my app)

No message for exclution as I had excluded it before all this testing and resets.
I do notice I have a ghost now so I have to try and get rid of that, maybe that's been my issue with trying to reassociate as LR.

Stupid me and the Ghost.
Didn't realize the first attempt left a ghost behind even though I though I saw the Excluded message.
Thanks for the insight.

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Not sure if that was it or if you tried excluding it again and it worked now? You should ALWAYS get feedback on exclusion if it works, it will say unknown device excluded and then the device resets and restarts. If you don't get anything then the device is not in exclusion mode or not talking to the hub.

Either way, its working now it sounds like.


@JCC nice write up. I'm gonna include in in my newbie message. That said, if I could make one suggestion. At the top, specify that it's for c8/c8 pro only. A few people have been confused and thought LR worked on the c7 and I think one person thought it was available on the c5. Just a thought.


Thanks, added a note at the top for C8/C8 Pro or later hardware. Cool to be included in the newbie stuff, glad this was helpful.

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Made a couple other updates to the main post reflecting your troubleshooting @dnickel -- let me know if there's additional text that you would suggest to reflect your understanding now.

I posted a link to my app, my simple instructions and a link to this post on Reddit just now. Posted on r/hubitat_elevation and cross posted to r/Hubitat

Guide for using Z-Wave Long Range on Hubitat C-8

by u/jtp10181 in hubitat_elevation


Do you mean 2.3.9.xxx?

Maybe I need more coffee. SMH. Wowzer. I'm running real Alpha stuff today :person_facepalming:

You already got a reply on Reddit.

That allows me to make more mistakes, faster. :wink: