LR Enrollment

If you have another hub (or any Z-Wave controller), you can use it to perform a general exclusion. You could also factory reset the device or add in a third, temporary virtual device between the exclusion and inclusion on the same hub.

I posted a link to instructions above.

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I have always entered my new ZWave devices manually, and have not used SmartStart.
Trying to use Hubitat app SmartStart to add a Zooz ZSE41 800 LR Open/Close Sensor.
Using iPhone 15 Pro Max with 3 camera lenses. When I try to use SmartStart to read the Code on the device the app uses my camera, but the Code is very small and way out of focus. Not readable by the app. It appears to be trying to use the wrong camera lens?
Using the regular iPhone camera app, it clearly sees the Code and reads it, but that does not get that Code information into the SmartStart app. Here is what the regular iPhone Camera app reads from the code: 9001339520032518127936599556043604063211954805008328001001793030780220006342867257345005120803003

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Are you using the beta 2.0 app? That one might fix the camera issues with the newer devices.

You can use my app to manually key in the entire DSK if you want. Set the grants to S2 Auth and Boot mode to Long Range.

Also, if you have an iPad or any other mobile devices, try on another device and the app should work better,

My 14 pro made the QR code very small too but I just kept moving the phone until it became clear. Once it was clear. It picked it right up. Is was small but it worked for my zooz contact sensor.

Not having success, here.
Since you cannot side-load apps on an iPhone, I don't believe there is a beta version of the Hubitat app for the iPhone. The Hubitat app for iPhone may be able to read the QR Code. It asks for the device name after scanning the QR Code, but all of the values shown are blank.

I installed your SmartStart app. But when I try to manually enter the DSK data in the format: ppppp-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx I have way more digits (see my previous post) than the app expects for DSK data. ???

Your full DSK is part, but not all, of that long code.

Look at what the 1st 5 of the DSK are (shows on the QR code). Delete the numbers before that in that long string of numbers. Stop when you get to 35 characters, delete the numbers after that.

Not following you.
The PIN is 25181. Looking at the digits I provided, above, those PIN digits start at 12 digits from the beginning of the digits. I entered the PIN digits and the next 35 digits. Added a name and a startup mode. The SmartStart app does not allow me to "Save" the data.

It exists and is installed via TestFlight:

Thanks, Joel.
I didn't think I was a Beta tester for using Hubitat ZWave LR.
The Hubitat SmartStart app on my iPhone does not seem to work for adding LR devices.
I installed the Beta Mobile App using Testflight, but couldn't even find the SmartStart portion of the app.
Guess I'll wait a while until Hubitat LR comes out of Beta.

It is under Devices > + (plus icon) > Add SmartStart Devices, as documented in "How to Add a Z-Wave LR Device":

(That being said, on iOS, I think the 1.x app technically works, too, as long as you don't edit the entry after scanning--LR isn't a manually selectable "boot mode" in 1.x like it is in 2.x, so saving anything else will not work.)

Yeah the old app should work too but since they had camera problems with the newer iPhones I thought the new app might solve it.

Using the Beta 2.0 SmartScan app on my iPhone, the device was correctly scanned and added to my HE. It did NOT work when using the released version.

Looking at the Devices page, I don't see how this device is any different from any other ZWave device. Other than the @jtp10181 app (thank you, your app is really helpful), Is there some (any) indication on my HE that this device is connected via LR?

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Check your Z-Wave Details page - here is the last mesh entry and the first LR entry in my table.

ETA - the highlighted "LR" entry will show up that way -- it's not a highlight I added to the screenshot.


It will also be 0X0100 or greater. Smaller are mesh devices.

I had the same problem as described at New Mobile app - first impressions - #12 by jsprince3. I looked at the Add Device Page documentation. I saw the standard Add Device screenshot under Naming a Device. I then expanded the How to Add a Z-Wave LR Device entry which has:

Open the Hubitat mobile app and go to Devices > + (plus icon) > Add SmartStart Devices

I mistakenly put 2+2 together and looked for the Add SmartStart Devices button on the Devices page after connecting to the hub and clicking Devices > + Add device. I didn't click the device tab in the new app. I know this is because the V2 app is new but the difference between accessing things while connected to the hub from the app home page vs. accessing things after clicking Connect to Hub wasn't obvious to me.

Can #2 of the How to Add a Z-Wave LR Device documentation page be more explicit - something like:

Open the Hubitat mobile app. Select the :bulb: (Devices) tab. Select the + (plus icon). Select Add SmartStart Devices.

Isn't that basically what it says now? :slight_smile: It's not clear to me from the description where the breakdown is.

In retrospect, yes but since at least two of us inserted a step of "Connect to Hub" between Open mobile app and go to Devices, I just thought inserting the bulb icon and putting Devices in parenthesis, might be a stronger clue to other people using the new app. The combination of having the word "Devices" in the description (which isn't show on the home screen) and the standard hub Devices page being the first screenshot on the page led me astray. As I commented in another thread, Customer's don't read", so it may not make a difference. Maybe it's just me (except it's not, :wink:).

OK, this helps: you must be using Android. :smiley: The tab labels are not shown per Android convention unless that tab is active. This text has been revised to indicate that this is what is meant, not the hub web UI.


Guilty as charged