[Wiki] webCoRE Documentation Digest

What to do if webCoRE IDE / Dashboard is acting strange?

  • Make sure webCoRE is operating properly (note above)

  • Make sure you entered the password correctly (or reset the password for the IDE in webCoRE)

    • this is set in HE Console -> apps -> webcore -> Settings -> Security -> "Choose a security password for your dashboard"
  • Typically this a browser caching issue that occurs if the webCoRE IDE files have been updated (css, html, js)

    • in webCoRE Dashboard -> select 'Log Out'. (on left)

    • Clear webCoRE login data

      • HE console -> Apps -> webCoRE (main instance) -> Settings -> Security -> "Clear all browser security tokens".

        • Ensure you next/done your way out of webCoRE (at bottom of each page)
    • then register your browser and login again

      • ensure you start with just 1 webCoRE instance registered, and ensure it is working before adding a 2nd, 3rd, etc.

        • it is best if you do have multiple webCoRE instances to ensure the account settings
          are consistent across them

most times this will resolve your issue. If it does not, do browser cache/data cleanup and exit:

If you really want to clear things out, after logout do the following:

  • follow above steps (except for logging in again)

  • Clear all browser caches

    • Many times this is NOT just hitting the 'reload' or 'refresh' button near your address bar.

      • internet searches for clear browser cache with the name of your browser can help

        • you are trying to clear cookies and data (so if you go here, don't decide to keep your cookies)
      • you want to ensure the browser pickups up latest data from webCoRE server vs. caching it.

      • Exit your browser

  • reconnect to dashboard.webcore.co, staging.webcore.co (or your server for Dashboard/IDE)

  • register your browser again (follow above suggestions on start with 1 first and ensure it is working)

Note, if you are running a local html/js/css server to host the webcore IDE files, you first should ensure this server is running and is up to date with latest html,cs,js files from the HE webCoRE repos.

  • It is common to see folks using the wrong repo for these files. See notes 1, 2 in the main webCoRE thread (listed above on Install Information for webCoRE on HE).