[FINAL RELEASE] Tuya Zigbee mmWave Sensors (code moved from the Tuya 4 In 1 driver)

As announced earlier, the size of the "Tuya Multi-Sensor 4 In 1" driver became too large, and it is impossible to add new devices to it. All the mmWave sensors support will be moved to this new 'Tuya Zigbee mmWave Sensor' driver.

If your Tuya (or other brand) mmWave 'presence' sensor works OK with the 4-in-1 driver you are using, there is no need to move to this driver now.

However, any improvements and new models will be added to this new driver only. When the new driver is confirmed to be working OK for everyone, the old 4-in-1 code will be stripped down to support only the basic 'motion active' / 'motion inactive' events, without any extra features. I have to do this to free up code space for adding new Tuya PIR motion sensors models into the old driver. If someone accidentally updates the old 4-in-1 driver to the basic functionality only new versions, there will be a warning and link to instructions on transitioning to the new mmWave sensors driver (this one).

The work on the transition is still in progress, but the basic functionality is working, hence the [BETA] tag. However, it will be better to discuss the new driver in a new thread (although there is still some planned work) rather than in the old thread to avoid confusion.

Please use the community Hubitat Package Manager (HPM) to install the new driver - search for 'Tuya Zigbee mmWave Sensor'.

The latest development branch version which contains the newly added devices and bug fixes can be updated manually from this link :


You can use this procedure for a quick manual update of the driver.

For any issues or questions on this new driver - please comment here.


Supported mmWave radars :

Remark: most of the Tuya 5.6 GHz radars are rather chatty, sending the distance to the detected object every second during the time period when they detect a presence.

New 24GHz Tuya radars :

Device Features Links
Linptech / Moes 24Ghz Presence Sensor ES1
Product Profile: TS0225_LINPTECH_RADAR (Tuya TS0225_LINPTECH 24GHz Radar)
Model: TS0225
Manufacturer: _TZ3218_awarhusb
Reports: Motion/presence, Illuminance, Distance
Configuration: motionDetectionDistance, motionDetectionSensitivity, staticDetectionSensitivity

(sellers links are now removed)

Tuya 5.8GHz Radar With Siren Alarm Motion Lux
Product Profie: "TS0225_HL0SS9OA_RADAR" ("Tuya TS0225_HL0SS9OA 24GHz Radar")
Model: TS0225
Manufacturer: _TZE200_hl0ss9oa
Reports: Motion, Illuminance, humanMotionState ("none","large""small", "static")
Configuration: presenceKeepTime, ledIndicator, radarAlarmMode, radarAlarmVolume, radarAlarmTime, motionFalseDetection, motionDetectionSensitivity, motionMinimumDistance, motionDetectionDistance, smallMotionDetectionSensitivity, smallMotionMinimumDistance, smallMotionDetectionDistance, breatheFalseDetection, staticDetectionSensitivity, staticDetectionMinimumDistance, staticDetectionDistance

(sellers links are now removed)

Driver status: fully functional

Tuya Zigbee Human Presence Detector 5.8GHz
Product Profie: "TS0225_2AAELWXK_RADAR" ("Tuya TS0225_2AAELWXK 24GHz Radar")
Model: TS0225
Manufacturer: _TZE200_hl0ss9oa
Reports: Motion, Illuminance, humanMotionState ("none","large""small", "static")
Configuration: presenceKeepTime, ledIndicator, radarAlarmMode, radarAlarmVolume, radarAlarmTime, motionFalseDetection, motionDetectionSensitivity, motionMinimumDistance, motionDetectionDistance, smallMotionDetectionSensitivity, smallMotionMinimumDistance, smallMotionDetectionDistance, breatheFalseDetection, staticDetectionSensitivity, staticDetectionDistance

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Tuya Zigbee Smart Human Body Sensor 24GHz Radar Detector
Model: TS0601
Manufacturer: _TZE204_kapvnnlk
Reports: presence, distance, humanMotionState (none, small_move, large_move), battery level
NO ILLUMINANCE! The batteries are only for a backup, and will be depleted very fast!
Configuration: fadingTime,maximumDistance, radarSensitivity, smallMotionDetectionSensitivity
Spammy device: yes? (to be confirmed)

Driver status: W.I.P. (basic functions are working)
(sellers links are now removed)
Smart Human Presence Sensor
Model: TS0601
Manufacturer: _TZE204_sooucan5
Reports: Motion/presence, illuminance, distance
Configuration:radarSensitivity, minimumDistance, maximumDistance, fadingTime, detectionDelay
Spammy device - Yes

Amazon : link
Zigbee Human Presence Sensor 24G 5.8G Radar
Product Profile: "TS0601_SXM7L9XA_RADAR" ("Tuya Human Presence Detector SXM7L9XA")
Manufacturer: _TZE204_sxm7l9xa
Reports: presence, illuminance, distance
Configuration: radarSensitivity, detectionDelay, fadingTime, minimumDistance, maximumDistance
Spammy device: Yes

(sellers links are now removed)

Driver status: fully operational
Tuya Zigbee Human Presence Detector
Product Profile:
Model: TS0601
Manufacturer: _TZE204_ijxvkhd0
Reports: Presence, Illuminance, Distance
Configuration: NONE yet (TODO!)
isSpammy: Yes?

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Loginovo Zigbee Mmwave Human Presence Sensor
Product Profile: "TS0601_YENSYA2C_RADAR" ("Tuya Human Presence Detector YENSYA2C")
Model: TS0601
Manufacturer: _TZE204_yensya2c _TZE204_mhxn2jso
Reports: Motion, Illuminance, Distance
Configuration: NONE (TODO!)
isSpamy: Yes

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Driver status: Basic functionality only (TODO!)
Tuya Zigbee Human Presence Detector mmWave Radar w/ Built In Relay

Product Profile: "TS0601_SBYX0LM6_RADAR" ("Tuya Human Presence Detector SBYX0LM6")
Model: TS0601
Manufacturer: _TZE204_sbyx0lm6 _TZE204_dtzziy1e _TZE204_clrdrnya
Reports: Motion/Presence, Illuminance, Distance
Configuration: NONE (TODO!)

(sellers links are now removed)<

Driver status:Basic functionality OK

Device Features Links
Tuya Smart ZigBee Smart Ceiling-mounted Human Presence Sensor 5.8 GHz mmWave radar
w/ distance measurement
Device Profile: "TS0601_TUYA_RADAR"
("Tuya Human Presence mmWave Radar")
Zigbee ID: "TS0601"
Manufacturers: _TZE200_ztc6ggyl _TZE204_ztc6ggyl _TZE200_ikvncluo _TZE200_lyetpprm _TZE200_wukb7rhc _TZE200_jva8ink8 _TZE200_mrf6vtua _TZE200_ar0slwnd _TZE200_sfiy5tfs _TZE200_holel4dk _TZE200_xpq2rzhq _TZE204_qasjif9e _TZE204_xsm7l9xa
Price range: Low
Reports: presence, illuminance, distance.
Configuration: radarSensitivity, detectionDelay, fadingTime, minimumDistance, maximumDistance
Spammy distance reports: Yes

Driver status: fully operational

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Tuya Smart ZigBee Smart Ceiling-mounted Human Presence Sensor 24 GHz mmWave radar
w/ 'Scenes'
Zigbee ID: "TS0601"; "__TZE200_vrfecyku"
Price range: High
(sellers links are now removed)
Tuya Smart ZigBee Smart Ceiling-mounted Human Presence Sensor 24 GHz mmWave radar
w/ 'Fall Alarm'
Device Profile: TS0601_RADAR_MIR-HE200-TY"
("Tuya Human Presence Sensor MIR-HE200-TY")
Zigbee ID: "TS0601"; "__TZE200_lu01t0zl"
Price range: High

Driver status: basic functionalities only (motion/presence and radarSensitivity)
Tuya Square Black 24GHz radar w/ LED

Device Profile: "TS0601_BLACK_SQUARE_RADAR"
("Tuya Black Square Radar")
Model: TS0601
Manufacturers: _TZE200_0u3bj3rc _TZE200_v6ossqfy _TZE200_mx6u6l4y

Reports: presence, existance_time, leave_time, indicatorLight (!!!) every 4 seconds!
Configuration: LED enable/disable (nothing else!)
(sellers links are now removed)<
Driver status: fully functional (LED enable/disable, presence detection timers)
Caution: extremely chatty device!
OWON ZigBee Occupancy Sensor OPS305
10GHz mmWave radar from OWON

Occupancy only, no configurable settings!
(sellers links are now removed)


Versions history

  • ver. 3.0.6 2024-04-06 kkossev - (dev. branch) first version
  • ver. 3.0.7 2024-04-21 kkossev - deviceProfilesV3; SNZB-06 data type fix; OccupancyCluster processing; added illumState dark/light;
  • ver. 3.0.8 2024-04-23 kkossev - added detectionDelay for SNZB-06; refactored the refresh() method; added TS0601_BLACK_SQUARE_RADAR; TS0601_RADAR_MIR-HE200-TY;
  • ver. 3.1.0 2024-04-28 kkossev - commonLib 3.1.0 speed optimization; added TS0601_KAPVNNLK_RADAR, TS0225_HL0SS9OA_RADAR
  • ver. 3.1.1 2024-05-04 kkossev - enabled all radars; add TS0601 _TZE204_muvkrjr5 @iEnam; added the code for forcedProfile change; added 'switch' for the TuYa SZR07U; Linptech: added ledIndicator; radar attributes types changed to number (was enum)
  • ver. 3.1.2 2024-05-08 - added _TZ3218_t9ynfz4x as a new Linptech manufacturer; fixed HL0SS9OA and 2AAELWXK wrong IAS illuminance reprots; existance_time reanmed to occupiedTime
  • ver. 3.1.3 2024-05-11 - added TS0601 _TZE204_7gclukjs; fixed debug trace logging;
  • ver. 3.1.4 2024-05-14 - added TS0601_24GHZ_PIR_RADAR profile TS0601 _TZE200_2aaelwxk and TS0601 _TZE200_kb5noeto for tests; added TS0601 _TZE204_fwondbzy;
  • ver. 3.2.0 2024-05-24 - commonLib 3.2.0 allignment
  • ver. 3.2.1 2024-05-25 - Tuya radars bug fix
  • ver. 3.2.2 2024-06-04 - commonLib 3.2.1 allignment; deviceProfile preference bug fix.
  • ver. 3.2.3 2024-06-21 - added _TZE204_nbkshs6k and _TZE204_dapwryy7 @CheesyPotato
  • ver. 3.2.4 2024-07-31 - using motionLib.groovy; added batteryLib; added _TZE200_jkbljri7; TS0601 _TZE204_dapwryy7 all DPs defined; added Wenzhi TS0601 _TZE204_laokfqwu
  • ver. 3.3.0 2024-09-15 - deviceProfileLib 3.3.3 ; added _TZE204_ex3rcdha; added almost all DPs of the most spammy ZY-M100 radars into spammyDPsToNotTrace filter; fixed powerSource for _TZE200_2aaelwxk (battery); added queryAllTuyaDP for refresh;
  • ver. 3.3.1 2024-09-28 - added TS0601 _TZE204_ya4ft0w4 (Wenzhi); motionOrNot bug fix; 'Disable Distance Reports' preference (for this device only!)
  • ver. 3.3.2 2024-10-07 - TS0225 _TZE200_hl0ss9oa new fingerprint; added switch to disable the spammy distanceReporting for _TZE204_iaeejhvf _TZE200_dtzziy1e _TZE204_dtzziy1e _TZE200_clrdrnya _TZE204_clrdrnya (LeapMMW/Wenzhi)
  • ver. 3.3.3 2024-10-19 - humanMotionState 'small_move' and 'large_move' replaced by 'small' and 'large'; the soft 'ignoreDistance' preference is shown only for these old devices that don't have the true distance reporting disabling switch; fixed the duplicated 'luxThreshold' and 'illuminanceCoeff' preferences.
    *ver. 3.3.4 2024-11-17 - TS0225 _TZE200_2aaelwxk power source changed to 'dc'; bug fixed for 'humanMotionState' attribite - 'presence' is now changed to 'present'.
  • ver. 3.3.5 2024-11-30 - (dev. branch) added TS0601 _TZ6210_duv6fhwt (Heiman presence sesnor); added TS0601 _TZE204_uxllnywp @ Televisi
  • ver. 3.3.6 2025-01-04 - changed TS0601 _TZE204_ya4ft0w4 dp102 scale to 10 - tnx @Jon7sky
  • ver. 3.4.0 2025-02-02 - deviceProfilesV3 optimizations; adding add TS0225 _TZ321C_fkzihax8 into LEAPMMW new device profile @Wilson; changed TS0601 _TZE204_ya4ft0w4 dp102 scale back to 1

Reserved #4

Thanks Krassimir. I spotted this driver earlier when you mentioned it in thenother thread, and tried one of the above devices (switching from the 4 in 1). I didnt have much time to test, but had issues and switched back.

Issue I had was none of the preferences were showong up at all, not even after pressing configure, saving device, saving preferences, resetting etc.

Switched back to the 4in1, all is good. Wil go back to this again when i have a bit more time - thought it was wroth mentioning as might be something obvious/a quick tweak that was overlooked.

Thanks for your outstanding efforts/support with these device.


The first versions published a week ago had just a few radars enabled; in the current version, all the existing models/manufacturers are enabled. When you have a chance, test and let me know if any issues.


Version 3.1.1 adds a bonus for the alpha-testers :slight_smile: - a preference to disable the Linptech radar LED :


However, the Linptech/Moes sensor must be version 1.0.6 (application:46). The firmware upgrade is possible only via Tuya GW for the moment.



I've lost track of where I saved info on the cheap Tuya GW that you recommended. Thinking that since I'm using the Linptech I might as well invest in a Tuya hub for FW updates. Can you refresh my memory? :slight_smile:

Are there any mmwave sensors with temperature / humity yet?

Would love to have one sensor on AC/DC per room and NOT 3 on batteries.

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If you look at the list of devices that Kkossev has compiled at the top of this topic, he notes what the sensors can report. Scan down the list looking for what you want. I don't see any there that include what you're looking for. That would be nice.

There is an interesting new mmWave radar combined with a temperature and humidity sensor - designed and assembled in Santa Monica :

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Thanks for the updated driver for mmWave sensors and also adding the square Tuya radar, it's working great!

With regards to the Moes sensor, some options seem to be missing although I am on v3.1.1, see details below:

Device details




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Update to the latest dev. branch version, this should be fixed already.

I finally decided to present the attributes with their numerical values, i.e. the motionDetectionSensitivity will have a numerical value of 5, instead of text value “5 - high’ . The main reason is that these attributes must be easily evaluated in RM5 or WebCoRE, which is much easier when they are numbers.


All good after updating and reconfiguring the device settings again.

However, I still don't get the LED indicator mode option although I have latest firmware?

You won’t see the new attribute, until it is not reported back from the device. The Current states are showing not what is sent to the device (as a preference), but what is really received .

Try flipping the ledIndicator preference on and off (always click on the ‘Save preferences’ button - will the ledIndicator attribute show up?

I have also noticed, that sometimes the HE device web page needs a refresh (F5) so that the current states are updated in the UI.

Also, can you propose a better name for this ‘existence_time’ attribute? This doesn’t sound like the right term for me… and while the new driver is on Alpha development stage - now is the right time to change it.

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I don't have the LED indicator mode option in preferences (tried 2 different Moes sensors, same result)?


Presence time ?

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That’s weird.. is the driver version 3.1.1 2024/05/04 11:40 PM ?

No, the link for this version is not in the first page.
static String version() { "3.1.1" }
static String timeStamp() {"2024/05/04 7:44 PM"}

It’s clear now… will push it later this evening when home.

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