[RELEASE] Tuya Zigbee Multi-Sensor 4 In 1 (PIR motion sensors) w/ healthStatus

Hi @Greenwave ,

The 'Tuya Zigbee mmWave Sensor' driver is available for installation via HPM. Once you install it, you can update to the latest development branch version manually from HE Drivers Code editor (use the 'Import' button to ensure you are on the latest version).

However, do not expect the SNZB-06P to work much better than with the 4 In 1 driver... The drivers are pasive, they just receive the 'presence' status as sent by the device and convert the Zigbee message to Hubitat standard 'motion' event. That's all.

The Sonoff mmWave sensor is just too sensitive; the same complaints about presence/motion stuck in an active state are reported also in other home automation forums.

The new mmWave 'presence' sensors driver is now published here :


Bought this guy. It’s supposed to have motion temp and hum.


Looks like this guy only has motion. No temp / humidity despite listing claiming otherwise.

Unfortunately, there are cheaper modifications that look the same as the Neo 3 in 1 multi sensor, but do not have the T/H chip inside :

I have added this fingerprint in the latest dev. branch version as a motion sensor only.

I have updated in GitHub both the development and the main branches to version 1.9.0 , time stamp '2024/05/06 10:39 AM'.

Starting with this version, the support for all mmWave sensors except the Linptech is considered deprecated. Linptech/Moes will be deprecated as well in one of the next updates.

The support for the Tuya mmWave sensors continues in the new driver 'Tuya Zigbee mmWave Sensor' :

Once the driver is updated to version 1.9.0 and the web page is refreshed, there will be a new 'info' tile in the Preferences section :

when clicked, it will open a GitHub WiKi page on a new tab in the browser. Currently, there is not much info there, except the instruction to switch to the new driver.

Note, that the mmWave basic functionalities - motion and illuminance will continue to work with the old driver (this one), but all the extras, like the specific mmWave radar Preferences are stripped from this driver and moved to the new one.

If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please comment here.


Did you mean deprecated?

Thank you - corrected!

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so if we are running both a linptech mmwave and a non mmwave device using this driver what are your recommendations..

Use the new Tuya Zigbee mmWave Sensor driver for all mmWave 'presence' senosrs, including Linptech/Moes.

Use this driver (Tuya Zigbee Multi-Sensor 4 In 1) for all other motion sensors (motion only, motion+illuminance, motion+illuminance+temperature+humidity).

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isnt that actually more code and memory on the hub .. or are you stripping out some of the code on the one driver to reduce the footprint.

as the driver code files are quite large.

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I don't think that the code size of the driver has much impact on the hub performance, other than the hub taking some more time to boot up when restarted.

There is only one copy of each driver in the memory - every device that uses the same driver, is using the same driver instance.

I have optimized the new Tuya Zigbee mmWave Sensor driver as much as possible, and I think that the performance is rather good. Here are the device usage statistic of my C-8-Pro developments hub :

Only 1.5% of the CPU time is used (for hub uptime 4d 13h 5m 18s)
1h 37m 17s = 5837 seconds
The most chatty radar has consumed 19.9% of the time consumed by all devices paired to this hub.
5837 * 19.9 /100 = 1,161 seconds
The driver has processed 287,174 events from this chatty device.
1,161 / 287,17 = 0.0040448055882496 seconds per call

Four milliseconds of processing time consumed by the driver is rather good, in my opinion.


Hello and thank you again for this driver.
I have the Tuya 4in1 driver and device (TS00202).
Does this also report "accleration" like the AeoTec multisensor does?

No, TS0202 models do not have an acceleration sensor.
The supported Tuya vibration sensors are listed here : [RELEASE] Tuya Zigbee Vibration Sensor.

Hi, I am using a TS0202 PIR which works well with this driver except for the powersource variable detection which always stays on battery.

Current States

  • battery : 100
  • batteryVoltage : 3
  • healthStatus : online
  • motion : active
  • powerSource : battery

State Variables

  • packetID : 0
  • rxCounter : 39848
  • deviceProfile : TS0202_MOTION_IAS
  • driverVersion : 1.5.3 2023/09/30 12:32 PM
  • txCounter : 282
  • notPresentCounter : 0
  • motionStarted : 1720029379356
  • tuyaDPs : {}


  • endpointId: 01
  • application: 46
  • manufacturer: _TZ3000_kmh5qpmb
  • model: TS0202
  • tuyaVersion: 1.0.6
this model
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I have not found a way to distinguish between battery and USB power. This device does not send any Zigbee messages to allow this..

Myself I am using a Ring Z-wave extender that sends an event when switching the power source.

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Like you I have Linptech device and they all work great except about once a month or so they stop functioning. They have been great for the most part with only a single somewhat annoying issue. I have 6 device and they ALL, like clockwork, lose their mind about once a month and need a power cycle. No changes are required to the hub, as soon as I power cycle them, the immediate start working again as expected. So I don't think it's an issue with the hub or the drive. I'm exploring programable USB power switches that can power cycle these automatically for me every couple of weeks. It would be nice if we could get driver or the hub to issue a command to power cycle the Linptech devices for us in the middle of the night every couple of weeks, without requiring additional HW. Any ideas? @kkossev I'm using

  • endpointId: 01
  • application: 46
  • manufacturer: _TZ3218_awarhusb
  • model: TS0225

controlled by a separate C-7 hub on its own Zigbee channel for these devices running driver version:
Linptech / Moes 24Ghz Presence Sensor ES1 driver

  • V2.0.1 02-25-2024 Bug fix for returned fade time values over 255.

Did you ever get this working? I have the same one but have not had any luck. (Sorry about resurrecting a comment from January.)

Yes, @kkossev has kindly added the device profile: TS0601_MUVJRJR5_RADAR

See mmWave sensors thread:

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Do we know if the following is supported by either driver? I can't find am model number on it: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806084807998.html

Almost all of the known Tuya-based mmWave sensors are supported in the Tuya Zigbee mmWave Sensors driver.

So I would estimate 90% chance to work with this driver. If not, please post the device model/manufacturer in the mmWave sensors driver thread,