TS0225 Linptech Presence Sensor doesn't work after adding

I order my first one of these a little over a month ago. It works as expected.

I'm on the latest non-beta code and I can't seem to get this to add correctly.

I've already returned a new one and replace it thinking it might be defective.

Hubitat finds it and loads the built in driver. After that...nothing. The device is just stuck in Active and nothing shows in the logs.

I have reset the device and deleted several times.

After being discovered by Hubitat...the blue light on the device just keeps blinking blue. Same after you power it down and back up.

I tried the clear keys options to add it etc. No difference.

I've done this all several times.

Any ideas? Thanks!

PS - Tried a couple other drivers as well...and loaded the "Device" and tried to clear it.

I suppose your hub is a C-8 model…
When pairing the sensor, look at the live logs ‘Hub’ device type. Are there any error messages?

A C8-Pro

It's not adding even though it creates a device.

sys:12024-05-26 11:24:21.590 AMerrorThe device join failed and was not added to your network. Make sure the device is compatible before trying to pair the device again.

It looks to me like the device doesn't respond to the initial information exchange.

dev:2852024-05-26 11:23:54.734 AMdebugskipped:[raw:catchall: 0000 8021 00 00 0040 00 A17E 00 00 0000 00 00 0800, profileId:0000, clusterId:8021, clusterInt:32801, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:A17E, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[08, 00]]

The second try at the exchange above is imediately followed by...

sys:12024-05-26 11:36:32.739 AMinfoZigbee Discovery Stopped

I have placed the device within 4 ft of the hub. I have factory reset the device by holding the button down for 5 seconds.

It doesn't think it's joined the network either as every time I power the device up/down the blue light just keeps flashing like it's looking for something to join.


Rebuilt my Zigbee network twice and it added.

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So, I'm having a different issue that I don't understand. Bought a LINPTECH presence sensor back in June 2024 off Amazon. Has been running great since I installed it....

Decided to get a couple more, and for some reason, these two don't seem to do any luminance reporting... only motion. (it's also a little odd that one didn't have LINPTECH stenciled on the front, but the model and S/N on the back all match: 2312052

Motion/presence seems to work, but nothing for Luminance.

I've tried 2 sensors, and paired/removed/reset/repaired in various permutations, but no luminance...

I did a couple "rebuild networks" and mine finally joined.

The second one I tried (from Amazon) had no name at all on the front of it.

Yup. I'm not having issue having it join at all. It's just that when it joins, it doesn't have Illuminance, only motion.

The only real difference I can tell is the default device name:

March: Tuya TS0225_LINPTECH 24Ghz Human Presence Detector
June: Linptech Human Presence Sensor

and the Data field is missing the Tuya

March data field:

  • endpointId: 01
  • application: 45
  • manufacturer: _TZ3218_awarhusb
  • model: TS0225
  • tuyaVersion: 1.0.5

June data field:

  • endpointId: 01
  • application: 46
  • manufacturer: _TZ3218_awarhusb
  • model: TS0225

The first one has been paired to the HE hub using the custom driver - hence the different default name and the additional 'TuyaVersion' record in the device Data field.

The second has been paired using the HE inbuilt driver. It has come with a newer firmware version that allows turning off the blue LED.

Would that explain why Illuminance isn't in the config, because it's now pairing with the built in, and therefore missing Illuminance? (and I really can appreciate that whole "turning off the blue LED thing).

Any thoughts on how I can get the Illuminance back? I don't think going back to the version of Hubitat was running in March would be ideal :slight_smile:

You can use the custom 'Tuya mmWave Sensor' driver to turn off the LED, then switch back to the stock driver.

It looks like switching to the Tuya mmWave Sensor driver go the illuminance back for my new one. I'll try it on the second new one to be sure.

If I'm reading the MMwave release page, I'd have to get a firmware upgrade for the 1.0.5 version to get it to 1.0.6 to be able to turn off the LED... (?)

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Yes, the Linptech sensor must have a Tuya firmware version 1.0.6 ( * application: 46 in HE).
Unfortunately, the OTA update is not available for other systems, except Tuya gateways,

So, note to self. 1.0.6s go in bedrooms, 1.0.5s go in non-critical locations.


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