[FEATURE REQUEST] MQTT broker hosted on Hubitat hubs

Undoubtedly, the best approach is to run an MQTT broker on a dedicated, always-on server on the home LAN.

However, I think that this DIY solution is not affordable for the average smart home user. Excluding us (the computer geeks), how many non-tech users will be willing to set up just another hardware box and type magic spells like "mosquitto_sub --cafile /etc/mosquitto/ca_certificates/ca.crt -h -t "test" -p 8883 -d -u "JohnSmith" -P "XYZcorp@1" ?

I have searched this forum to find out what home automation gadgets were mentioned to need a MQTT broker, these are a small number of the search results :

There are many more devices mentioned in the Hubitat forum that mention the need for an MQTT broker.

Of course, some of these devices support other communication methods (such as HTTP), so MQTT is not the only possible way to integrate them in Hubitat. However, in most cases, the recommended solution in the HE forum threads is "Install Home Assistant."

For Home Assistant-only users, running the MQTT broker on a Home Assistant box will result in equally good (or equally bad) performance as if was possible to run a MQTT broker on Hubitat box for Hubitat-only users (if this possibility was available).