This driver is now marked as [FINAL], as it is replaced by the new [RELEASE] Tuya Zigbee Thermostats and TRVs driver.
Please note, that if you are using this driver with your existing devices and it works OK, there is no need to update or change to the new driver!. It will still be supported (bug fixes, HE platform changes), but any new devices or new features will be added only in the new 'Tuya Zigbee TRVs and Thermostats' driver.
This driver can be installed using Hubitat Package Manager – HubitatCommunity
If you have installed the driver manually, please use the "Match Up" function of the HPM.
The last hotfixes and new features are available in the development branch:
Supported models
Model 1 (AVATTO)
(AE link)
( link)
Driver status: everything working (as this is the author's thermostat )
Model 2 (MOES)
(AE link)
Driver status: confirmed to be working OK
Model 3 (testing)
This device has a firmware bug that results in sending multiple duplicated packets over the Zigbee network on temperature settings change. This will not take your HE hub down, but is better to avoid.
(AE link)
Driver status: waiting for confirmation
Model 4 (BEOK)
(Beok Controls site link)
Driver status: confirmed to be working OK
While the same driver may work with other Tuya thermostat models (different than these listed below), this is not guaranteed because of the commands differences between the models and manufacturers.
- Hubitat Elevation dashboards
- Hubitat mobile app (to be tested!)
- Amazon Alexa
- Google Home
- HomeKit (new)
Currently, not all of the functionalities and settings that are available from Tuya SmartLife app for the specific model are implemented into this HE driver.
The basic functions that are working at the moment are:
- Synchronizes the thermostat clock to HE hub time and day of the week.
- Switches the thermostat On and Off (thermostatMode).
- Reads the thermostat temperature sensor (temperature).
- Sets and reports the thermostat target temperature (heatingSetpoint).
- Sets and reports the thermostat operation mode ('manual' or 'scheduled').
- Reports the thermostat actual operating state ('idle' or 'heating') - relay open or closed state.
- Reports the PID algorithm output variable as calculated by this simple formula
(AVATTO model only)
The driver adds some extra options and features:
- Automatic or manual selection of the thermostat group
- 'Force Manual' option - switches back the thermostat into 'manual' operation mode if it was accidentally put into 'scheduled' mode. Default is off.
- 'Resend Failed' option - resends the commands for setting up the thermostat setPoint and mode, if failed by any reason.
- Debug and Text info options. The debugging option is switched off automatically after 30 minutes.
- Minimum and maximum limits for the heating setpoint.