G'day All, seeing as cybrmage hasn't been around since 2020, I've taken the liberty to clone this app to my GitHub, make some minor tweaks and publish it via HPM:
I've also written an RM 5.1 Rule (available from my GitHub below) that uses a Smart Switch to detect when your Netatmo Basestation stops communicating back to the cloud servers and will power cycle it.
I’d suggest there’s been a copy paste error then, I haven’t changed any code around the authentication process.
I’d recommend going into the Netatmo dev portal and copying the keys into a text only document (eg notepad on windows or textedit on Mac), then copying them into the app.
If falls, you might need to go into the “apps code” section on Hubitat, open the app and hit the oauth button. Then save and exit the apps code.
I’m assuming others are receiving this email as well, but looks like we’ll need to update the way the app authenticates:
Netatmo API Security Update
Dear Netatmo developer,
To improve the security of our products, we inform you that the Client Credentials grant type method will be completely removed. It will no longer be possible to authenticate with the username and password of the user.
The effective date of this update is October 2022.
How can you authenticate with Netatmo API ?
From this date, the OAuth2 authorization code flow must be followed for authentication.
Ok. I just noticed some language about refresh tokens, which I don’t think the app uses. The Tesla Connect app that I use needed to be updated to periodically generate refresh tokens, so I was thinking that was the case here as well. If not, then great!
Sorry for any confusion. I realised I had just made a silly mistake myself and it was quickly corrected. In my case it was just I forgot to enable OAuth in the App editing screen itself, and thought I was gonna do it in the App at runtime