I am trying to port over VLCthing for notifications. VLCthing can do a lot more, tts and such. Not sure if that will work. I am more trying to get it to work to pass links to VLC on my computer which then I use to play sounds through Alexa. Looks like everything should be working, and I know my VLC server is working as it functions with ST. Looks like it authenticates, but nothing happens on VLC. Logs just show, no connection. I don't have much knowledge of HTTP headers and I am thinking its something tied with them or parsing the return. Hoping that someone could glance at it and spot what I am missing and provide a little guidance. Thank you.
* VLC Things. A SmartThings device handler for the VLC media player.
* For more information, please visit
* <https://github.com/statusbits/smartthings/tree/master/VlcThing.md/>
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright © 2014 Statusbits.com
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Version 2.0.0 (12/22/2016)
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
preferences {
// NOTE: Android client does not accept "defaultValue" attribute!
input("confIpAddr", "string", title:"VLC IP Address",
required:true, displayDuringSetup:true)
input("confTcpPort", "number", title:"VLC TCP Port",
required:true, displayDuringSetup:true)
input("confPassword", "password", title:"VLC Password",
required:false, displayDuringSetup:true)
metadata {
definition (name:"VLC Thing", namespace:"statusbits", author:"geko@statusbits.com") {
capability "Actuator"
capability "Switch"
capability "Music Player"
capability "Speech Synthesis"
capability "Refresh"
capability "Polling"
// Custom attributes
attribute "connection", "string" // Connection status string
// Custom commands
command "enqueue", ["string"]
command "seek", ["number"]
command "playTrackAndResume", ["string","number","number"]
command "playTrackAndRestore", ["string","number","number"]
command "playTextAndResume", ["string","number"]
command "playTextAndRestore", ["string","number"]
command "playSoundAndTrack", ["string","number","json_object","number"]
command "testTTS"
tiles(scale:2) {
multiAttributeTile(name:"mediaplayer", type:"mediaPlayer", width:6, height:4) {
tileAttribute("device.status", key:"PRIMARY_CONTROL") {
attributeState("stopped", label:"Stopped", defaultState:true)
attributeState("playing", label:"Playing")
attributeState("paused", label:"Paused",)
tileAttribute("device.status", key:"MEDIA_STATUS") {
attributeState("stopped", label:"Stopped", action:"music Player.play", nextState:"playing")
attributeState("playing", label:"Playing", action:"music Player.pause", nextState:"paused")
attributeState("paused", label:"Paused", action:"music Player.play", nextState:"playing")
tileAttribute("device.status", key:"PREVIOUS_TRACK") {
attributeState("status", action:"music Player.previousTrack", defaultState:true)
tileAttribute("device.status", key:"NEXT_TRACK") {
attributeState("status", action:"music Player.nextTrack", defaultState:true)
tileAttribute ("device.level", key:"SLIDER_CONTROL") {
attributeState("level", action:"music Player.setLevel")
tileAttribute ("device.mute", key:"MEDIA_MUTED") {
attributeState("unmuted", action:"music Player.mute", nextState:"muted", defaultState:true)
attributeState("muted", action:"music Player.unmute", nextState:"unmuted")
tileAttribute("device.trackDescription", key: "MARQUEE") {
attributeState("trackDescription", label:"${currentValue}", defaultState:true)
standardTile("status", "device.status", width:2, height:2, canChangeIcon:true) {
state "stopped", label:'Stopped', icon:"st.Electronics.electronics16", backgroundColor:"#ffffff", action:"Music Player.play", nextState:"playing"
state "paused", label:'Paused', icon:"st.Electronics.electronics16", backgroundColor:"#ffffff", action:"Music Player.play", nextState:"playing"
state "playing", label:'Playing', icon:"st.Electronics.electronics16", backgroundColor:"#79b821", action:"Music Player.pause", nextState:"paused"
standardTile("refresh", "device.connection", width:2, height:2, inactiveLabel:false, decoration:"flat") {
state "default", icon:"st.secondary.refresh", backgroundColor:"#FFFFFF", action:"refresh.refresh", defaultState:true
state "connected", icon:"st.secondary.refresh", backgroundColor:"#44b621", action:"refresh.refresh"
state "disconnected", icon:"st.secondary.refresh", backgroundColor:"#ea5462", action:"refresh.refresh"
standardTile("testTTS", "device.status", width:2, height:2, inactiveLabel:false, decoration:"flat") {
state "default", label:"Test", icon:"http://statusbits.github.io/icons/vlcthing.png", action:"testTTS"
details(["mediaplayer", "refresh", "testTTS"])
simulator {
status "Stoped" : "simulator:true, state:'stopped'"
status "Playing" : "simulator:true, state:'playing'"
status "Paused" : "simulator:true, state:'paused'"
status "Volume 0%" : "simulator:true, volume:0"
status "Volume 25%" : "simulator:true, volume:127"
status "Volume 50%" : "simulator:true, volume:255"
status "Volume 75%" : "simulator:true, volume:383"
status "Volume 100%" : "simulator:true, volume:511"
def installed() {
log.debug "installed()"
log.info title()
// Initialize attributes to default values (Issue #18)
sendEvent([name:'status', value:'stopped', displayed:false])
sendEvent([name:'level', value:'0', displayed:false])
sendEvent([name:'mute', value:'unmuted', displayed:false])
sendEvent([name:'trackDescription', value:'', displayed:false])
sendEvent([name:'connection', value:'disconnected', displayed:false])
def updated() {
log.debug "updated with settings: ${settings}"
log.info title()
if (!settings.confIpAddr) {
log.warn "IP address is not set!"
def port = settings.confTcpPort
if (!port) {
log.warn "Using default TCP port 8080!"
port = 8080
def dni = createDNI(settings.confIpAddr, port)
device.deviceNetworkId = dni
state.dni = dni
state.hostAddress = "${settings.confIpAddr}:${settings.confTcpPort}"
state.requestTime = 0
state.responseTime = 0
state.updatedTime = 0
state.lastPoll = 0
if (settings.confPassword) {
state.userAuth = ":${settings.confPassword}".bytes.encodeBase64() as String
} else {
state.userAuth = null
def pollingTask() {
//log.debug "pollingTask()"
state.lastPoll = now()
// Check connection status
def requestTime = state.requestTime ?: 0
def responseTime = state.responseTime ?: 0
if (requestTime && (requestTime - responseTime) > 10000) {
log.warn "No connection!"
name: 'connection',
value: 'disconnected',
isStateChange: true,
displayed: true
def updated = state.updatedTime ?: 0
if ((now() - updated) > 10000) {
return apiGetStatus()
def parse(String message) {
log.debug "parse description = ${description}"
def msg = stringToMap(message)
if (msg.containsKey("simulator")) {
// simulator input
return parseHttpResponse(msg)
if (!msg.containsKey("headers")) {
log.error "No HTTP headers found in '${message}'"
return null
// parse HTTP response headers
def headers = new String(msg.headers.decodeBase64())
def parsedHeaders = parseHttpHeaders(headers)
//log.debug "parsedHeaders: ${parsedHeaders}"
if (parsedHeaders.status != 200) {
log.error "Server error: ${parsedHeaders.reason}"
return null
// parse HTTP response body
if (!msg.body) {
log.error "No HTTP body found in '${message}'"
return null
def body = new String(msg.body.decodeBase64())
//log.debug "body: ${body}"
def slurper = new JsonSlurper()
return parseHttpResponse(slurper.parseText(body))
// switch.on
def on() {
// switch.off
def off() {
// MusicPlayer.play
def play() {
//log.debug "play()"
def command
if (device.currentValue('status') == 'paused') {
command = 'command=pl_forceresume'
} else {
command = 'command=pl_play'
return apiCommand(command, 500)
// MusicPlayer.stop
def stop() {
//log.debug "stop()"
return apiCommand("command=pl_stop", 500)
// MusicPlayer.pause
def pause() {
//log.debug "pause()"
return apiCommand("command=pl_forcepause")
// MusicPlayer.playTrack
def playTrack(uri) {
//log.debug "playTrack(${uri})"
def command = "command=in_play&input=" + URLEncoder.encode(uri, "UTF-8")
return apiCommand(command, 500)
// MusicPlayer.playText
def playText(text) {
//log.debug "playText(${text})"
def sound = myTextToSpeech(text)
return playTrack(sound.uri)
// MusicPlayer.setTrack
def setTrack(name) {
log.warn "setTrack(${name}) not implemented"
return null
// MusicPlayer.resumeTrack
def resumeTrack(name) {
log.warn "resumeTrack(${name}) not implemented"
return null
// MusicPlayer.restoreTrack
def restoreTrack(name) {
log.warn "restoreTrack(${name}) not implemented"
return null
// MusicPlayer.nextTrack
def nextTrack() {
//log.debug "nextTrack()"
return apiCommand("command=pl_next", 500)
// MusicPlayer.previousTrack
def previousTrack() {
//log.debug "previousTrack()"
return apiCommand("command=pl_previous", 500)
// MusicPlayer.setLevel
def setLevel(number) {
//log.debug "setLevel(${number})"
if (device.currentValue('mute') == 'muted') {
sendEvent(name:'mute', value:'unmuted')
sendEvent(name:"level", value:number)
def volume = ((number * 512) / 100) as int
return apiCommand("command=volume&val=${volume}")
// MusicPlayer.mute
def mute() {
//log.debug "mute()"
if (device.currentValue('mute') == 'muted') {
return null
state.savedVolume = device.currentValue('level')
sendEvent(name:'mute', value:'muted')
sendEvent(name:'level', value:0)
return apiCommand("command=volume&val=0")
// MusicPlayer.unmute
def unmute() {
//log.debug "unmute()"
if (device.currentValue('mute') == 'muted') {
return setLevel(state.savedVolume.toInteger())
return null
// SpeechSynthesis.speak
def speak(text) {
//log.debug "speak(${text})"
def sound = myTextToSpeech(text)
return playTrack(sound.uri)
// polling.poll
def poll() {
//log.debug "poll()"
return refresh()
// refresh.refresh
def refresh() {
//log.debug "refresh()"
if (!updateDNI()) {
name: 'connection',
value: 'disconnected',
isStateChange: true,
displayed: false
return null
// Restart polling task if it's not run for 5 minutes
def elapsed = (now() - state.lastPoll) / 1000
if (elapsed > 300) {
log.warn "Restarting polling task..."
return apiGetStatus()
def enqueue(uri) {
//log.debug "enqueue(${uri})"
def command = "command=in_enqueue&input=" + URLEncoder.encode(uri, "UTF-8")
return apiCommand(command)
def seek(trackNumber) {
//log.debug "seek(${trackNumber})"
def command = "command=pl_play&id=${trackNumber}"
return apiCommand(command, 500)
def playTrackAndResume(uri, duration, volume = null) {
//log.debug "playTrackAndResume(${uri}, ${duration}, ${volume})"
return playTrackAndRestore(uri, duration, volume)
def playTrackAndRestore(uri, duration, volume = null) {
//log.debug "playTrackAndRestore(${uri}, ${duration}, ${volume})"
def currentStatus = device.currentValue('status')
def currentVolume = device.currentValue('level')
def currentMute = device.currentValue('mute')
def actions = []
if (currentStatus == 'playing') {
actions << apiCommand("command=pl_stop")
actions << delayHubAction(500)
if (volume) {
actions << setLevel(volume)
actions << delayHubAction(500)
} else if (currentMute == 'muted') {
actions << unmute()
actions << delayHubAction(500)
def delay = (duration.toInteger() + 1) * 1000
//log.debug "delay = ${delay}"
actions << playTrack(uri)
actions << delayHubAction(delay)
actions << apiCommand("command=pl_stop")
actions << delayHubAction(500)
if (currentMute == 'muted') {
actions << mute()
} else if (volume) {
actions << setLevel(currentVolume)
actions << apiGetStatus()
actions = actions.flatten()
//log.debug "actions: ${actions}"
return actions
def playTextAndResume(text, volume = null) {
//log.debug "playTextAndResume(${text}, ${volume})"
def sound = myTextToSpeech(text)
return playTrackAndResume(sound.uri, (sound.duration as Integer) + 1, volume)
def playTextAndRestore(text, volume = null) {
//log.debug "playTextAndRestore(${text}, ${volume})"
def sound = myTextToSpeech(text)
return playTrackAndRestore(sound.uri, (sound.duration as Integer) + 1, volume)
def playSoundAndTrack(uri, duration, trackData, volume = null) {
//log.debug "playSoundAndTrack(${uri}, ${duration}, ${trackData}, ${volume})"
return playTrackAndRestore(uri, duration, volume)
def testTTS() {
//log.debug "testTTS()"
def text = "VLC for Smart Things is brought to you by Statusbits.com"
return playTextAndResume(text)
private startPollingTask() {
//log.debug "startPollingTask()"
Random rand = new Random(now())
def seconds = rand.nextInt(60)
def sched = "${seconds} 0/1 * * * ?"
//log.debug "Scheduling polling task with \"${sched}\""
schedule(sched, pollingTask)
def apiGet(String path) {
log.debug "apiGet(${path})"
if (!updateDNI()) {
return null
state.requestTime = now()
state.responseTime = 0
def headers = [
HOST: state.hostAddress,
Accept: "*/*"
if (state.userAuth != null) {
headers['Authorization'] = "Basic ${state.userAuth}"
def httpRequest = [
method: "GET",
path: path,
headers: headers
log.debug "httpRequest: ${httpRequest}"
return new hubitat.device.HubAction(httpRequest)
private def delayHubAction(ms) {
return new hubitat.device.HubAction("delay ${ms}")
private apiGetStatus() {
return apiGet("/requests/status.json")
private apiCommand(command, refresh = 0) {
//log.debug "apiCommand(${command})"
def actions = [
if (refresh) {
actions << delayHubAction(refresh)
actions << apiGetStatus()
return actions
private def apiGetPlaylists() {
//log.debug "getPlaylists()"
return apiGet("/requests/playlist.json")
private parseHttpHeaders(String headers) {
def lines = headers.readLines()
def status = lines.remove(0).split()
def result = [
protocol: status[0],
status: status[1].toInteger(),
reason: status[2]
return result
private def parseHttpResponse(Map data) {
//log.debug "parseHttpResponse(${data})"
state.updatedTime = now()
if (!state.responseTime) {
state.responseTime = now()
def events = []
if (data.containsKey('state')) {
def vlcState = data.state
//log.debug "VLC state: ${vlcState})"
events << createEvent(name:"status", value:vlcState)
if (vlcState == 'stopped') {
events << createEvent([name:'trackDescription', value:''])
if (data.containsKey('volume')) {
//log.debug "VLC volume: ${data.volume})"
def volume = ((data.volume.toInteger() * 100) / 512) as int
events << createEvent(name:'level', value:volume)
if (data.containsKey('information')) {
parseTrackInfo(events, data.information)
events << createEvent([
name: 'connection',
value: 'connected',
isStateChange: true,
displayed: false
//log.debug "events: ${events}"
return events
private def parseTrackInfo(events, Map info) {
//log.debug "parseTrackInfo(${events}, ${info})"
if (info.containsKey('category') && info.category.containsKey('meta')) {
def meta = info.category.meta
//log.debug "Track info: ${meta})"
if (meta.containsKey('filename')) {
if (meta.filename.contains("//s3.amazonaws.com/smartapp-")) {
log.trace "Skipping event generation for sound file ${meta.filename}"
def track = ""
if (meta.containsKey('artist')) {
track = "${meta.artist} - "
if (meta.containsKey('title')) {
track += meta.title
} else if (meta.containsKey('filename')) {
def parts = meta.filename.tokenize('/');
track += parts.last()
} else {
track += '<untitled>'
if (track != device.currentState('trackDescription')) {
meta.station = track
events << createEvent(name:'trackDescription', value:track, displayed:false)
events << createEvent(name:'trackData', value:meta.encodeAsJSON(), displayed:false)
private def myTextToSpeech(text) {
def sound = textToSpeech(text, true)
sound.uri = sound.uri.replace('https:', 'http:')
return sound
private String createDNI(ipaddr, port) {
//log.debug "createDNI(${ipaddr}, ${port})"
def hexIp = ipaddr.tokenize('.').collect {
String.format('%02X', it.toInteger())
def hexPort = String.format('%04X', port.toInteger())
return "${hexIp}:${hexPort}"
private updateDNI() {
if (!state.dni) {
log.warn "DNI is not set! Please enter IP address and port in settings."
return false
if (state.dni != device.deviceNetworkId) {
log.warn "Invalid DNI: ${device.deviceNetworkId}!"
device.deviceNetworkId = state.dni
return true
private def title() {
return "VLC Thing. Version 2.0.0 (12/22/2016). Copyright © 2014 Statusbits.com"
private def STATE() {
log.trace "state: ${state}"
log.trace "deviceNetworkId: ${device.deviceNetworkId}"
log.trace "status: ${device.currentValue('status')}"
log.trace "level: ${device.currentValue('level')}"
log.trace "mute: ${device.currentValue('mute')}"
log.trace "trackDescription: ${device.currentValue('trackDescription')}"
log.trace "connection: ${device.currentValue("connection")}"