Please see Release 2.3.3 Available - #16 by bravenel
The following issues are known to exist in Release; these will be fixed in the next release:
- Rule 5.1:
- Creates an extraneous Event Subscription when Mode is used both in Required Expression and Trigger, possibly leading to double triggering.
- Deleting a Disabled Action does not clear the disabled actions indication.
- Triggers with annual dates throwing an error when initialized.
- Throws an error when DateTime variable deleted that is in use in a Condition.
- Variable Fade in Set ColorTemperature actions is broken.
- Erroneously displays buttons for ELSE and END-IF in certain action creation sequences.
- Won't run actions if Required Expression removed but option 'Cancel pending actions when Required Expression becomes false' still selected.
- Throws an error for a bad date, e.g. 4/31. Shouldn't offer 4/31 to begin with.
- Throws an error for variable in repeat for line 8851.
- Hub Variables: Cancel button for Rename Variable text input commits the typed in text instead of cancelling the change.
- Room Lights:
- Transition upon Activation is not using the correct starting value for the transition.
- Turn Off after motion stays inactive not cancelled upon re-Activation.
- Not handling Wiz Scenes.
- Thermostat Schedule 2.0: Problem with ecoMode handling can prevent setpoints being set properly.
- Basic Rule: Does not handle Set Thermostat Mode or Set Thermostat Fan Mode correctly.
- Button Controller 5.1 / Button Rule 5.1: Throws an error for Change Color Temperature over time.