Dashboard and Rule Engine

That's a great question. Can you share links to some of the device drivers?

The core thing the Weather Tile is looking for is the device to implement a weather attribute. That triggers the weather tile being rendered instead of a generic thing tile.

It's looking for a few key attributes:

  • weather - description of the weather/forecast [required]
  • forecastIcon - should report a Weather Underground compatible icon name [required]
  • city - replaces the device name in the top-left (location is used as a fallback)
  • temperature - numeric temperature (without units)
  • feelsLike - numeric temperature (without units)
  • wind - in MPH
  • illuminance - hidden for now
  • humidity - as a percentage (without units)
  • percentPrecip - as a percentage (without units)
  • localSunrise - time
  • localSunset - time

If I remember correctly, weather and forecastIcon are the only required attributes. The rest of the attributes are conditionally displayed based on whether or not they are implemented in the device driver.

For reference, the weather tile was originally built around the SmartWeather device and the Weather Station 2.0 community device.

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