[Release] Quick Chart - Chart your data, quickly and easily

Introducing 'Quick Chart'
Chart your data, quickly and easily. Display your charts in any dashboard.

Special thanks to @JustinL for his many contributions!


  • Many different chart types: bar charts, line graphs, pie charts, and more.
  • Choose as many Devices and Attributes that you want
  • Light weight and user friendly
  • Save the charts in a virtual device
  • Use the charts in any dashboard

Note: This uses the free quickchart.io backend. No signups necessary, but does require the internet to work. Also is limited to 10,000 free charts a month.

Quick Chart is going through an ownership change! Thanks to @JustinL for taking over the reins of this one. You can find the latest code on his Github...

When reporting problems...

  • Be sure you are on the latest version. I won't troubleshoot an older version.
  • Turn on debug and screenshot the issue happening in the log. One line or just the error doesn't cut it. I need a log.
  • Post the screenshot of the log with an explanation of the problem.



Here is my first chart. Not sure why the text is so dim Any way to change it?

Are you using a dark mode plugin -vs- using the chrome built in dark mode??

No dark mode at all. Mac Monterey with Safari.

No idea then. Has to be something with that browser.

I'll look into changing font colors.

Here is another graph as it appears during construction.

And here is the first graph again

using Chrome on Mac.


Sorry, got pulled away...

New bundle available...

0.0.2 - 07/12/22 - Added option for background color


I'm on BM 1.2.8. When I go to search options and use the keyword "chart" I do not find this app. I tried again after choose the manually refresh bundle list and it still found no search results.

Logs, in case it's helpful

In any case, I selected the show new bundles option and it shows up there just fine.

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Love the look of these charts :slight_smile:

My first attempt to make one failed with:
2022-07-13 12:27:20.934 errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method sendEvent() on null object on line 432 (method pageConfig)
... and now there is a broken Quick Graph Child listed that errors every time I try to click into it.

Not actually sure what I did wrong though, because I tried again and got it to work fine (using the same Virtual Device created by the first attempt).

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New bundle...

0.0.3 - 07/13/22 - Minor changes

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Thanks! I was able to rescue the broken chart with that update - all good now.


This could be cool. When trying to set up my first chart, I got the below error. It won't let me access the child app anymore, so i can't turn on logging i don't think. this is what i've got. I initially started setting up one device with multiple attributes, then decided i wanted the chart to use multiple devices, so went to toggle that switch and then it gave me this error.

Also, is it possible to for the same chart to use different attributes from different devices? When I select to use multiple devices, i can only select a single attribute - maybe that's by design?

From first post:

  1. Select up to 4 devices using the same attribute per chart

------------- OR ------------

  1. Select 1 device and up to 4 attributes per chart

Got this working. So far so good! Nice work. Going to have to start thinking about lots of use cases now that it's an easy, low bar to chart stuff (never got into the Hubigraphs stuff because it seemed like a lot to get it going)

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Where will I find "Normal Stuff Library"?

Bundle Manager --- It's where it's at! :slight_smile:
(Maybe other places too? :man_shrugging:)

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It will soon :grin: (fixes that error too)

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