[RELEASE] Linptech/Moes 24Ghz Presence Sensor ES1 ( TS0225 _TZ3218_awarhusb ) drivers

Well, you can review the first post of this thread.

Behind the sensor that is mounted on a wall, sorry

No worries. You can try reducing sensitivity or you can try shielding it. Temporarily try a pie pan.

Hi, can someone explain "fade"? How it works and in what scenarios does it work best?

Answered or discussed up thread.

Thanks, very detailed and helpful.

Which of the two driver options are the best. I did have an experience the other night where I tried using a remote switch (Zooz) to trigger some lights (a routine on HE) and nothing worked on the Zigbee network, like nothing it. I checked the HE hub (internal network web page) and the Zigbee network was down. I tried rebooting,.. Nothing, Zigbee still not operative. I rebooted again... Nothing. I disconnected the Linptech device, rebooted the HE hub and Zigbee started working again. The sensors was placed on my desk facing upwards and left there, with a ceiling fan operating (ugh). It took hours before the Zigbee network went "offline" but as that was the only thing changed in the HE setup and I have never had the entire Zigbee network go down before, I can only conclude with the evidence I have that the Linptech device jammed up the Zigbee network.

Was this a device issue or a sensor issue due to looking directly at a moving ceiling fan? Oh, one other item of note, the "motion active" never went to "inactive" and I had default device driver settings (Tuya 4 in 1 Driver Ver 1.5.3 used).

At this point, I thing Gassgs's version is just a Linptech/Moe's -specific subset of Kksossev's wider 4-1 code, so they should both work the same overall.

Since Gassgs's version is lighter, that's what I'm using, and it's been working well. When I was using the wider 4-1 driver, it worked just fine too.

Unless you've looked at your logs and seen some sort of crazy level of events from your sensor there, doesn't seem possible that the Linptech could interfere at that level w/your Zigbee devices or the hub's radio. If the hub was being overwhelmed generally then that would likely affect both Zigbee and Z-Wave automations.

Just keeping the sensor in active state because it was seeing the ceiling fan shouldn't cause anything significant to happen other than it staying active.

Did you check your hub's Zigbee details page to see status there when things were not working?

FWIW, info on how to get the current version of @kkossev's general motion/presence driver and more info about it is here:

I saw an alert on my iPhone version of the internal network webpage, like if there was a hub update, there was a red "1". I clicked on it and the notification read something along the lines of "the Zigbee Network is not functioning" or something like that.

I will review the logs to see what was happening.

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Is it possible to have a healthcheck interval for the Linptech/Moes radars please?
One of my Moes radar was left unplugged for over 14 hours, but the sensor was still showing online and active.
Please advise, thanks.

You can use the 4-in-1 driver, until the dedicated Linptech driver gets healthCheck update... I am currently trying to finish the Aqara E1 TRV driver, before the winter comes .. : )

Note, that only one copy of any HE driver code is present in the memory, i.e. one and the same driver copy processes the messages from all the devices that are assigned to use this driver. The driver static data (@Field ...) is shared between all the devices that use this same driver.

I.e, if you are already using the Tuya 4-in-1 driver for other radars or Tuya motion sensors, installing also the single-device dedicated Linptech driver doesn't bring any benefits in my opinion, it just uses more memory for one more driver loaded during the hub startup.


@kkossev, thanks for the update.
Yes, I have actually gone back to the Tuya 4-in-1 driver as I need the healthCheck figure.
I believe nearly all my sensors use the 4-in-1.
Sorry, if my question was not clear, but I was actually querying why the Moes radar using the 4-in-1 driver did not change the healthStatus to offline when the power had been disconnected for over 14 hours and if it's possible to control the healthcheck interval?

Sensors using 4 in 1


I've replied in the 4-in-1 thread, seems like because of some reason the scheduled job was not running.

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Discovered one of my Linptech was offline this morning. Waving my hand in front of it and no actviity. Quick unplug/re-plug sorted it. My other two Linptechs (and all my other Zigbee devies) are fine, automations are running, they are showing online, so seems like something particular to the Linptech.

Anyone else run into this?

Same. After the 2nd time, I returned it to Amazon and got it replaced. So somewhere, there's a defective one that Amazon will ship out to someone else I presume.

I thought about NOT returning the USB cable, thinking that would cause them to not reship it. But eventually I decided that it was too subtle, since it's under the flap in the box.


Thanks. Can't remember - did you have just the one? Wondeing how big your "n" was. :slight_smile:

I currently have 3. Which is what gave me the clue that one of them wasn't behaving like the other two.

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Thanks for confirming.

Nope. What are you using for a power supply?