HONGTAT TAN created a new ST smartapp + device drivers that work with pure and unmodified Tasmota v8 devices. I modified the app and device drivers to work with Hubitat ******* it required a significant amount of work due to the limited hubitat implementation of hubitat.device.HubResponse object, the lack of a proper query parameter + plus the different arguments required in addChildDevice method ******
Previous Tasmota apps for HE required a modified firmware, something that I was never particularly fond off.
** 9/27/20 - fixed a namespace error discovered by Abhijeet_Ghosh. Thank you Sir. **
** 11/29/20 - I received my Sonoff PowR2, and ported the "Tasmota - Metering Switch" driver for Sonoff POW, PowR2, limited to measusing power consumption (Watts) and Energy (Wh), and CH1, CH2 and CH3.
Ported Device Drivers and sample devices tested:
tasmota-generic-switch.groovy : for Tuya Switches, Sonoff Basic, Sonoff TX, Sonoff Mini, etc. with 1 and 2 channels only. Other channels will eventually be supported.
tasmota-fan-light.groovy : For Sonoff Ifan03 fan controller and light controller (tasmota-child-switch-device.groovy)
tasmota-metering-switch.groovy: For Sonoff POW, POWR2, only reports Watts, and allow control of 1 or 2 channels only.
Non ported device drivers in my GitHub should also work in polling mode (not in real time).
Real-time device status
Pure Tasmota & HE integration (No need for additional MQTT bridge)
Tasmota v8 Device (with a working module / template)
After configuring the IP address, you MUST manually initialize the device from the device screen (click the initialize button) - otherwise, the device will only work on polling and not in real time
Due to limitations of this beta code (the escape of the URL query parameters is still quite basic) it may not work if your device name have a rare condition
Please make sure to install the SmartApp and ALL device handlers.
"Your idea is stupid and slow and I don't like it" - Don't use the code
"Your app/driver is crashing my Hub. I submitted a support ticket" - Don't do that, the fine folks at Hubitat Inc. do NOT maintain this code. This software is given free of charge with no support, implied or otherwise. I may still help...
"The latest update broke it, FIX IT" - I do this for fun, please don't make it un-fun.
"I have a great idea for a feature" - Go ahead and post it, I might get around to it...
"You ignored my great idea" - See #2
"I hate you for getting my hopes up, your app/driver is awful/buggy/stupid" - Ok, please write a better one so I can use it
"Please fix your code, it's broken" - I write this because I enjoy coding. I will continue to support and provide updates as long as that remains the case.
"I stole your code and made it soooo much better" - Thanks. Please post it so I can start using it.
"You are awfully sarcastic, I don't like you" - That's ok, I don't need you to
(thank you @thomas.c.howard for the original FAQ this one was based on)
I'm sorry, but this is the same app that your release 3 weeks ago. That one wasn't "real-time" and neither was this one. This app/driver relies on polling to the switch to get local changes made on the switch rather than a real-time status update. Calling this real-time is deceptive and misleading.
Interesting. I’m glad you commented on this Ryan. It caught my eye because I am running 17 Teckin SP10s with @markus driver, i do have access to his new beta but I haven’t tried to update yet. The current driver is working great.
The additional (claimed) features in the subject of this post was enough click bait for me. Thanks for posting your findings.
That's just the nature of the "generic" drivers working their magic but the most important part is they are well supported. That said if this works for you and your happy then that's what counts
@pgux there is a bug in this that any device that is not a generic 1 ch switch will not report data until polled. This does not seem to have any affect from brand. All 1ch plugs and switches work, all dimmers, 2ch plugs, and power meters have this bug. Doesn’t really matter on the specific devices I have, as you can still give the off command even if the device is off and it will work. It would be nice though if this were to work. Two of my 2ch smart plugs are inaccessible so no way to press the button, but the dimmers button is pressed. However, no automations based on if a button is pressed so I am fine. Also the power monitoring doesn’t show a power variable. Again don’t have any automations for the power so no need..just want.
@jchurch this occurs for all devices with your integration. However, the power monitoring does work, but it must be refreshed to work.
@gusthepenguin I got that error too. It is a namespace error. I just changed the namespace and now it works. I forked hiss repository and edited this. Here it is:
Tasmota Generic Switch cannot be found because it has been renamed to Tasmota Generic Switch Test. Renaming it back works.
Thank you for correcting this! it seems that I uploaded a test file to my github.
Sorry not opening the HE community and check my messages in a while. ST community was always very supportive, but my experience with in HE community has been awful. That is why I am not using this frequently.
I corrected my github project.
Hello, I have some problems with sonoff tx 3 gang. the 3 gang work well with tasmota, but when I try to configure this in HE only shows 1 gang. Do you know what is the problem?.
@ropalet 3 ganG is supported with a different driver but it doesn’t get push alerts about the state being changed due to the button. Just use TH4E for multi-gang devices.