[BETA] A Z-Wave Mesh Tool [C7 and 2.2.4+ Only]

I figured it out. Had to "check box" every app I have installed prior to installing HPM.


On installation the HPM attempts to match existing apps/drivers so they can be included which is a nice feature.


I added a new Aeotec Smart Switch 7 the other day and I now get this error.
It's a supported device so maybe something I need to do to kick it in the pants?
app:5362022-02-26 10:44:33.095 warnLiving Room Power Bar has no zwNodeInfo. (Not a z-wave device?)
Seems to report ok in the Mesh screen though.
0x7A OK Living Room Power Bar 40kbps 2 ms

count: 130 3.29 ms 28 dB 0 34 2 0 None DIRECT

For some reason, it seems that the NodeInfo data is not always available for devices. So far I have been unable to reproduce this. There have been reports that a hub reboot fixed it for some other users.

Anyway, it won't harm anything, you just may have "NO DATA" for the device in some of the enhanced search filters since we are unable to determine some of the device details without that data.

Thanks, I'll just ignore that one.
One another note, I now have a device that has no Repair button when expanded. All the rest do and this one used to as well.
Strange things are afoot Watson :slight_smile:

The repair option is not available for sleepy devices.


Interesting. I never considered a multi-function mains powered repeater as a sleepy device.
I guess the Aeon Multisensor 6 is a weirdo.

How does the tool determine whether a device is Z Wave or Z Wave Plus?

I have 41 devices - all Z Wave Plus, but one - a Fibaro Roller Shutter 3 shows as Z Wave not plus.

Z wave plus devices are identified by the supported command classes.

Can you share a screenshot of the data section of the device details page for this device?

@tony.fleisher Thanks. I did check and all hardware versions of the Fibaro Roller Shutter 3 are Z Wave Plus. Here are the details:

I have some questions.

What is RTT Avg? I have some devices that have a very high value here, but seem to perform fine.

What is RTT StdDev? I'm assuming that is standard deviation?

I also have some devices with very high values here.

I have some devices that show "unknown" for both of the above.

I have 1 device (A Zen34) that shows "NO DATA" for listening, beaming, FLiRS, and Z-Wave Plus. Could this cause potential problems? I have another Zen34 that shows up fine.

In general, my zwave mesh is fine and I don't have many problems, so I'm mostly just curious about the numbers.

@johnwill1 Odd. This is definitely z-wave plus. Where are you seeing the tool report that it is not?

@waterboysh NO DATA will show up if either: a) the device does not have zwNodeInfo data element, or b) (most likely) the device is not authorized in the app (e.g. it is a new device and you didn't add it to the list).

The primary stats, including RTT Avg, are detailed in this excellent announcement post:

Correct. In addition to the stats detailed above, the hub stores "transmissionCount", "sumOfTransmissionTimes", and "sumOfTransmissionTimesSquared" for each device. This data is used to calculated standard deviation.

Calculation details are in Post #18 :slight_smile:

Unknown for RTT Avg and other stats from the z-wave details page indicates that the hub hasn't recorded stats for the device (often it is a battery sensor that hasn't been sent any packets since the hub was last rebooted).

Unknown for StdDev when RTT Avg is not unknown usually means that the std dev cannot be calculated (often because of overflow in the counters).

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@tony.fleisher After switching on the on the "Authorise Extended Device Data" in the app settings, a new box with Z Wave Plus - Yes and No filters appeared.

I've screenshot it below. Actually I'm a bit confused now - after applying the "no" filter, is that telling me that the "Garage Door" repeater (the Fibaro Roller Shutter 3) is Z Wave or the "CCTV NVR" (Fibaro Outlet)? Either way - both should be Z Wave Plus. Thanks.

Edit: I've just looked at two of the Fibaro Outlets Data in the Device Details page - both are the same but the Data looks very different. The first is "Rear Lounge" outlet:

The second is the "CCTV NVR" outlet and that looks altogether different, with a lot of missing info:

Why would there no deviceid, inClusters and deviceType shown? It's always worked correctly, it's not a ghost and all appears to be fine apart from the missing information. It's not part of any automations so it would be relatively easy to exclude it and re include it if that was recommended (once I clamber through the loft - :unamused:)

If you are absolutely sure it is the same device as the other, and working correctly, I’d consider adding in the information (copy/paste) using the Custom Device Note app instead of climbing up into the loft.

Yes it is the same - I bought three at the same time. They're not great to be honest - I think I have 4/5 total and the on/off switch doesn't power on/off the outlet anymore (though thankfully it still works for inclusion/exclusion with a triple press)

I wasn't aware of that app but I'll take a look now.

Unfortunately I already went into the loft so excluded it and then included it again. In the Data section, it's now showing the inClusters but is missing the zwNodeInfo:

I'm not sure how long that should take to populate but the neighbours are all listed and it now shows "NO DATA" for Z-Wave plus in the mesh details app:

I'll keep an eye on it and see if everything sorts itself out.

That is odd. A refresh (or repair) from the standard z-wave details page should populate the zwNodeInfo property.

Thanks Tony - The refresh did it. I had been turning the outlet on/off via the preference pain and hitting refresh there also without any luck. Refresh in z-wave details page sorted it.

So why would it show 80,000ms RTT Avg for a device that always responds nearly instantly? That's 80 seconds. I guess at this point I should probably be asking Hubitat support; your app only shows what the hub reports.... It just seems so odd to have several devices with an RTT listed that high.

I'm getting into the "Well, if it's not broke...." category, but it seems like if the numbers can't be trusted then I can't use it to troubleshoot future problems that may arise....

I don't pretend to know all the details of Z-Wave. But RTT is "round trip." Perhaps that device is simply slow to return a response to a command, even if it gets there and is executed quickly. Or perhaps the route back is more error prone and subject to more retries before the hub receives a good "ack." Or perhaps a small number of very large times have skewed the average. A median would be much more revealing, but that's not what's provided.

Pretty sure those numbers are just what SiLabs makes available from their Z-Wave SDK, so it's not in Hubitat's control. For troubleshooting, you can always start statistics afresh by shutting down the hub, unplugging it for 30 seconds, then plugging it back in.