Like many, I have motion sensors in the bathrooms to control the lights. But I've been dissatisfied by the lengthy delay needed by shower/bath users vs visitors to the loo. Although I love showing guests my automation in the form of lights turning on, in reality, my goal is getting them turned off.
"Hey, why don't you turn the light on?"
"Hey, why didn't you turn the light OFF?"
Which one have you heard the most in your life, so far? This "HA stuff" is all focused on the 2nd one, for ME.
It blindingly obvious that I need another sensor to detect motion in only the bath/shower area. But... I really don't need another $60 motion sensor, and have been waiting for cheap. Nuttin' so far, so I threw in the towel and bought some of the Lowes Iris Zigbee motion sensors. (I've been trying to avoid Zigbee.)
I was distressed to find that these didn't have a 'flat' at the correct angle to capture motion in only the bath/shower area. I really needed the ball and socket that came with the ZWave Motion sensors and I found Thingiverse and Treatstock and this:
I don't have a 3D printer, but via Treatstock got 3 sets of them printed for me for $12.16 all in. I requested them printed at 50% scale and they seem like they'll be fantastic.
I gorilla glued the socket piece to the Motion sensor and put a Command strip on the ball piece and Bob's your Uncle.