Who would like to see Zigbee 3.0 on our hubitat hubs?
Is it as simple as a firmware update or do we need a new zigbee dongle?
Sorry if this was covered in other posts, I used search and saw no such info
Who would like to see Zigbee 3.0 on our hubitat hubs?
Is it as simple as a firmware update or do we need a new zigbee dongle?
Sorry if this was covered in other posts, I used search and saw no such info
Not really simple no.
Was there some specific reason you wanted this?
Isn't 3.0 backward compatíble ?
Does it make sense continues betting on 1.2 when new devices getting into the market are 3.0?
Just sense checking....
Yes, completly backwards compatible.
Thanks for the reply.
So if new 3.0 devices are released, then hubitat would still fully support all the features without being zigbee 3.0?
I realize since 3.0 is backward compatible, the device would still work with HE, but I wonder if we're missing out on any enhanced functionality or is 3.0 more about compatibility vs. enhanced functionality.
Not missing anything, other than the annoyance of needing to provide a unique key during join that's provided with the device.
All the latest Samsung sensors are 3.0, and they work just fine...
Thanks Mike
As Zigbee 3.0 in theory solves the problem of inteperobility (except for smart energy) would it not mean better support for devices that uses other protocols without the need to default it to a backup protocol?
Would this not mean that for example that Philips Hue devices could be paired directly to HE through ZLL (It's native protocol) as it is supported by zigbee 3.0?
Or I'm just missing all the inteperobility thing?
Are there any ZigBee 3.0 bulbs on the market yet? I don't know of any. I know a recent Hue Bridge update added ZigBee 3.0 support to that, but I'm not sure if any of the existing bulbs have gotten such an update, or if that's even possible. My understanding is that LL is a bit of a "lighter" profile and that part of the problems with these bulbs on HA networks is that routing HA traffic is overly taxing on their limited resources.
As you may know, ZigBee 3.0 networks are backwards-compatible with ZHA 1.2 devices. They'll also work with current ZLL devices, but I'm not sure if that's because they join "natively" under the ZLL profile or because they fall back to ZHA 1.2, with which the 3.0 network will work. If I had to guess, I'd say it's the latter. We'd probably need ZigBee 3.0 bulbs to see any real difference here, as I imagine/hope something designed for that version of the protocol would be well equipped to handle routing any kind of ZigBee traffic.
PS - Hey, Sylvania/Osram/Lightify, where's that 3.0 firmware for the bulbs you promised while back when you stopped giving US customers the option to flash them to ZLL firmware, thus preventing them from working on a Hue Bridge or similar networks? Your reasoning was that you were standardizing on 3.0. The Hue Bridge supports 3.0 now, and your bulbs still don't work. We're waiting.
That was my initially understanding as well, but when i read about zigbee 3.0 inteperobility model it seems that 3.0 will respect the native protocol with the built-in support.
Not sure what to make of it.
If zigbee 3.0 means the bulbs will default to ZLL... That's a huge win for most of us and support as well. Most of these bulbs right now are nothing but trouble other than sengled.
Not sure, I have seen arguments that are
in contradiction. In theory it should.... But theory is one thing now in practice can be totally different.
There is a lot of bulbs and other interesting Zigbee 3.0 devices coming: https://www.zigbee.org/zigbee-products-2/#zigbeecertifiedproducts/?view_30_filters=[{"field"%3A"field_41"%2C"operator"%3A"is"%2C"value"%3A"57295d4703f18db6346a6127"}]&view_30_page=1
I assume that Zigbee 3.0 remotes can still use group messages? Then I think the Hubitat is limited when using certain remotes (Anyone used Trådfri Remote or Dimmer?).
I'm okay with annoyance of security especially a device that might be used to unlock a door.
Aqara as announced a new range of sensors and switches that will use zigbee 3.0. Products will be released mid-aug.
So I sure hope Hubitat can support zigbee 3.0 as aqara devices are very popular
We don’t need Zigbee 3.0 for support as it will fall back to Zigbee 2.0. What we need is Full compliance to the Zigbee protocol for officially supported drivers. Hopefully these new devices meet that requirement.
We can use the existing devices now with the existing community drivers, and if you have Trådfri outlets, repeaters or Xbee, they are stable.
If I understand correctly, 3.0 devices will basically work with HA, BA, ZLL or any other zigbee protocol? Therefore this is the reason the controller does not need to be 3.0? Is the all correct?
We already support a number of devices that are Zigbee 3.0 certified, and they all work just fine.
In fact, I have yet to find a 3.0 device that doesn't work...
Is the HE fully zigbee HA and ZLL capable? If so, if I understand correctly, this would mean all 3.0 devices would be compatible within the confines of HA and ZLL versions of the Zigbee protocol. You are most likely more versed on the specifics than I could ever imagine to be, but is there any part of the HA or ZLL versions the HE does not fully meet?
yes as far as I know, in the end the drivers do all the work, the hub just pushes serial frames around.
As far as ZLL goes, we don't support touchlink, other than that ZLL as near as I can tell is just a tighter spec riding on top of ZHA 1.2
We also don't have OTA implemented at this time.
In the end 3.0 fall back to ZHA 1.2 is on the device manufacturer to implement, I have no idea what 3.0 or 1.2 certification actually entails, I see the manufacturers filling out all sorts of forms, but I have no idea if any of these devices are actually tested for compliance with any of the submitted paperwork.
In my mind the first actual test of all this will be when Xiaomi releases their 3.0 certified devices...
Will the behave correctly?, or not...
Zigbee certification actually requires testing by a Zigbee Alliance certified independent test provider. There are a limited number of certified test providers and the device manufacturer chooses one and submits the device for testing (along with the appropriate amount of $$$).