webCoRE for Hubitat Updates

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Who knows ... knows!

A simple logout/login bought everything back to life.

Thank you !!!!

PS This "Digest" is great! I have now a nice list of things to read ... :+1:


Regarding echo not speaking and pausing and resuime pistons fixing ....
Check the logs....if you see something like

I had to edit the Echo Speak Device driver as follows

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Hi @tim.ocallag the only think you changed is the phrase which will appear on the Log? I had the same log as yours claiming my device is offline.

no, if you look closely, there was a return in the orig line...so it never gets to the next line

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But a quick question about that. Is this an error on EchoSpeaks code? Why the devices are getting this "OFFLINE" state even though are online on EchoSpeaks APP?


Very good question ...I really have no idea...what is baffling is that pausing and resuming a piston would make it work for a while. @ nh.schottfam helped me with this solution : )

Pausing/resuming worked on my case and I created a piston to pause and resume pistons :rofl: . but with this alteration you did it worked again so I will delete that piston.

I don't understand the warning on line 65....does that make sense to someone ? thanks

Just saying that you used an else followed by an if instead of an else-if, and thus may have gone in one level more than intended. If your logic is working no need to change, but if you were having issues it would be something to check.

@tim.ocallag it is telling you that you have followed a condition with a trigger.
Not good practice im afraid.

Ever since the last update, I've noticed some of my pistons not firing on the events they are supposedly subscribed to and as I was digging in further, I changed some of the devices and get the following message when I try to save my devices from the Webcore app in HE.

This is in the logs (the crazy other messages just started appearing in the last 2 days or so too)

Whenever I save a piston, the logs in the Webcore dashboard always show "device missing from piston. loading all from parent" and that's when I noticed that the events don't always trigger the piston or, if they do, they are not always passing the correct info (i.e. button 1 pushed) but I think that's related to the overall issue that shows up when I try saving my devices.

I have tried clearing the data through the Webcore app and from my browser, I've tried several HPM repairs and a couple weeks ago, I even just uninstalled and reinstalled WebCore (only able to save a few pistons but that probably cleaned things up in the long run) and nothing has helped. I've also searched and searched both here and the Webcore forum and couldn't find anything so I thought I'd just suck it up and ask. :slight_smile: Any suggestions you have would be awesome - just let me know if you need additional info. THANKS!!

I have a window stand that my dog sits on...our dog is on a diet and has to loose weight. I made the stand into a dog scale and setup using webcore to log his weight to a google sheet automatically.
My webcore piston is sending events to google way to often.
My goal is the following

if weight on scale within valid range
loop while in range
capture min valid value

when out of range log min value to google

I'll post my piston but there is very smart people here that may have a simpler solution

Also, whats getting to google sheets is not always the right number (the weight is 47.x ya I know, he needs to lose weight)

I dig this. Cool project.

Why do you want to capture the minimum? Wouldn't you want something like the average of his time on the scale? Or does the scale ever settle down and remain unchanged while he's there? Like, if weight is now and remains unchanged for 4 seconds and is greater than 35, log weight? Does he hang out there or sleep there? Or just jump up there for a sec to check what's going on?

For me, once I was convinced the scale reading was rightish, I would drop it down to only log it once an hour, 6 hours, day, whatever is best for tracking. You can do that with a variable, too. If logged is false, log info, set logged to true. If logged is true for one hour, set to false.

The value jumps around a bit.... here is some events (below)... One of the issues is that he goes crazy when the mailman goes by and at that point he generates extra force on the scale for some high values... so average would be fine if I could reject the higher ones.... so I just took the simple approach ...
also..he will hang out there for a while watching outside

for what its worth here is the stand

Very cool. I would disallow values for when mailman is in the area :slight_smile:

Me thinks the mailman needs a presence sensor lol :smiley:


hmm...now I'm thinking i should put valid samples into an array and then when he gets off....create an average, reject high ones and then redo the average....this would be simple to do in perl or c ...just not sure how easy to do in webcore

I'm trying to debug my piston ....but I'm running into the Logs not being current....I have to exit out and back in to see updated logs (from several minutes ago).
I'm using Firefox....is there a method to do such that the Logs show up in real time?
Note there are some there for sure...but several newer ones are missing.

Its evident when the Trace Ended time and the top time in Logs do not match

However if I back out and go back in ...I lose the earlier entries...

If I remember correctly, logs should be updated in realtime. I haven't needed to look at logs in a while (a good thing really), but I think it is realtime. Try a different browser maybe and see if that works for you. Could be an update thing with firefox. I use chrome, and haven't used firefox in probably a decade.

Besides turning on WC app logging (and logs/Trace) remember you can open multiple instances of HE.
When I debug I have WC open in one window and usually logs and devices open in 2 other windows so you can see everything at the same time.