[Updated] One 2 Many Switching

Sometime I want to turn on one or more switches by turning on one.

This little app will let you use a 'control' switch to control a number of 'follow' switches
Either turning them on/off in sync with the control switch
Or... Reversing the operation and doing the opposite to the control switch




There are now two versions in my github repository

A ‘stand alone’ version which would need to be installed multiple times if you want more than one switch setup - this version is no longer updated

A ‘parent/child’ version (recommended) for creating multiple switch scenes


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One to Many is now included in 'Cobra Apps'



Question -

I've noticed that when I use One to Many with my GE Zwave Plus dimmers (configured with the Generic Z-Wave Smart Dimmer device type), the dashboard/status/level on the following dimmer never updates. I'm trying to figure out if this is an app issue (unlikely) or a driver issue (likely). Everything actually controls correctly, just the status is all out of sync on the following device - which makes the dashboard pretty useless.

In the log, if I turn it on, then dim, then turn off (from the dashboard) I see the following. Notice the debug message when I do the dim command:

app:382018-12-09 08:52:58.043 am debugLIVING_ROOM_LIGHTS_SYNC (App Version: 1.5.0) - [Living Room Light Dimmer] set to: off

dev:762018-12-09 08:52:58.016 am infoLiving Room Light Dimmer was turned off [digital]

app:382018-12-09 08:52:57.747 am debugLIVING_ROOM_LIGHTS_SYNC (App Version: 1.5.0) - Control dimmer is off - Setting [Living Room Light Dimmer] to the same...

app:382018-12-09 08:52:57.743 am debugLIVING_ROOM_LIGHTS_SYNC (App Version: 1.5.0) - Continue - App NOT paused

app:382018-12-09 08:52:57.742 am debugLIVING_ROOM_LIGHTS_SYNC (App Version: 1.5.0) - Checking for any restrictions...

dev:772018-12-09 08:52:57.713 am infoLiving Room Overhead Light Dimmer was turned off [digital]

dev:762018-12-09 08:52:43.368 am debugmissing- bin: 56.0, levelValue:56, crntLevel: 99, crntSwitch: 1, type: digital

app:382018-12-09 08:52:42.099 am debugLIVING_ROOM_LIGHTS_SYNC (App Version: 1.5.0) - Control dimmer is 56 - Setting [Living Room Light Dimmer] to the same...

app:382018-12-09 08:52:42.095 am debugLIVING_ROOM_LIGHTS_SYNC (App Version: 1.5.0) - Continue - App NOT paused

app:382018-12-09 08:52:42.093 am debugLIVING_ROOM_LIGHTS_SYNC (App Version: 1.5.0) - Checking for any restrictions...

dev:772018-12-09 08:52:42.059 am infoLiving Room Overhead Light Dimmer was set to 56% [digital]

dev:772018-12-09 08:52:42.056 am infoLiving Room Overhead Light Dimmer is on [digital]

app:382018-12-09 08:52:33.749 am debugLIVING_ROOM_LIGHTS_SYNC (App Version: 1.5.0) - [Living Room Light Dimmer] set to: on

dev:762018-12-09 08:52:33.721 am infoLiving Room Light Dimmer was turned on [digital]

app:382018-12-09 08:52:33.453 am debugLIVING_ROOM_LIGHTS_SYNC (App Version: 1.5.0) - Control dimmer is on - Setting [Living Room Light Dimmer] to the same...

app:382018-12-09 08:52:33.449 am debugLIVING_ROOM_LIGHTS_SYNC (App Version: 1.5.0) - Continue - App NOT paused

app:382018-12-09 08:52:33.447 am debugLIVING_ROOM_LIGHTS_SYNC (App Version: 1.5.0) - Checking for any restrictions...

dev:772018-12-09 08:52:33.420 am infoLiving Room Overhead Light Dimmer was turned on [digital]

Ok, I think this may actually be an app issue (or incompatibility between the app and my devices)... I can't replicate the behavior in RM or the dashboard.

The only time the following dimmer status does not get updated is when it is moved by the One to Many app.

That’s very strange.
Reporting ‘status’ of the device is a function of the driver, rather than an app


That's what I thought too, I can't explain it either.

Unless how you're setting the dimmer level is somehow different than how the dashboard for RM set it? Beats me. I haven't had a chance to look through your code for clues.

Let me know if there is any data that you want me to collect on this. I converted everything over to RM rules, but I still have my original One too Many apps - they are just paused.

Both use the standard ‘setLevel’ command.

Was there any actual errors (usually in red) in the logs?

The logs posted above are all I see... But I do know on my hub this:

Results in this until I refresh the follower switch:

I'll try recreating it from scratch again... That worked for my presence app issue...

Nope, just remade an app from scratch. Same behavior. Oh well. At least my RM rule works I guess. I swear everything I have done this week on HE hasn't worked. HE seems a lot flakier than ST was (for me).

So for me this O2M app does NOT update the follower switch status in HE:

But this RM rule does update the follower switch status every time:

Try changing the driver to non smart and add the device to the poller app, then test. I been using this O2M app and it works fine.

No point in changing drivers and resorting to scheduled polling, really.

It works fine in RM 100% of the time, so I personally don't think it is a driver issue.

I was just reporting back to try and help - I've already converted my needs to RM, so am fine.

Could you post your rule then?

The dimming RM rule (and my old O2M rule) is posted 2 or 3 above this one.

I couldn't figure out any way to do it in just one RM rule, so I have the one above that syncs the dimmer level and a second RM rule that does the device on-off syncing.

Got it, thanks

Hi Andy,

It seem that your github Apps are no longuer avalable. I was interested in the this Apps. Were can i find it.


@Cobra has taken his github offline but has promised to bring it back. It will likely be announced here at some point, but you can also try his site. http://hubitat.uk/

It is unlikely that my apps & drivers will ever return to github

However; they will return on my website at some point.


Sorry to say it Andy but you are the Grinch this Christmas.....

It's not Dec 25th yet...