Sylvania LIGHTIFY Smart Switch 8 Functions/ 4 Buttons

They aren't $8 any longer. $25 last time I checked. :frowning:

Mine work fine, too, and my only repeaters are a bunch of Peanut plugs and one of @iharyadi 's awesome devices.

My only problem is that the Sylvania buttons are $25-30 everywhere I look instead of $8-12 like they used to often be. Are you guys still able to find them at a better price? I'd like to get a couple more.

I've been checking around from time to time as well and it's been a while since I've seen them that cheap. Now that mine are working so well I wish I would have bought more.

On sale again on eBay. This seller has them in lots of 4 and lots of 12, with Make an Offer capability. Shipping is excessive, but I figured I'll make an offer on a lot of 4, so now wait and see . . .

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In making the eBay offer, a window popped up suggesting $22.46 to be the magic number, so I entered that for my offer. Accepted. I had a further surprise when, upon checking out, shipping had been reduced as well, works out to $9.35/remote! The lot of 12 could possible be even cheaper . . .

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@Ken_Fraleigh these switches are driving me mad. I wrote a post for Mike for any advice, then I read your post. But I tried that combination at least 100 times. It doesn't work for me. I guess the european version has a different firmware vs the US one so the pairing process is different. Don't know what else to think.

Hmm. I wonder how they behave when paired to a Lightify gateway...

Do you have a link to the exact version you're having issues with? I'm wondering if it might be better to just run it through that as an intermediary... I don't know how button controllers report to Lightify yet, but I'm interested in adding them to the driver :slight_smile:

Check two posts below that one for the exact Amazon link.

I know mine don’t flash blue to join, I think it is a redish-orange. The pairing procedure you described is how I joined them. I don’t know what other zigbee devices are on your hub, but I know Peanut plugs will keep them from joining or working properly. I have Samsung plugs and some GE switches and dimmers that they have been working with and haven’t had any issues since joining them. When I got the second HE just for end devices, I paired all nine of my Lightify switches first and was amazed how smooth it went. With my first HE hub I had joined the Peanuts first (not knowing at the time they were problematic) and it took literally hours to get all of the switches to join. They did each take a minute or two to complete configuration and show up as a Lightify switch on the new hub because of all the configuration information that needs sent.

It's a different product. I will return them back. Thanks for the help Ken.

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I looked back at your link to it and it looks like something I’ve seen on the European Sylvania websiite. It must be a newer version.

Yes, it does a lot of things I don't really need, and we don't have a driver. They are going back to Amazon. :slight_smile:

I’ve had good luck with these if you can get them there

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Do tell, please.
How do you have a xiaomi motion & centralite outlet on the same hub? Everytime I add the centralite the Xiaomi falls off a day or so later.

It's one of my dev hubs maybe one or two perminant devices on it.

Well, this thread is getting a little old, but I'll post here as a first try. I have several of the Lightify 4-button switches, and when they work they work rather well. I have two problems with them, however...

  1. Pairing them with HE is rather iffy. I go through the pairing process, and most of the time not all the functions of the switch are enabled. The missing functions seem to be random. One time it will the button-1 press function that is not recognized. Another time it will be the button-3 release function. Every time I pair these switches, something seems to be missing from it's capabilities. Is there any "magic sauce" that will help me to pair these switches so that all the functions work, first time and every time?

  2. For some reason, with one particular switch button, and it's associated group of lights, when I press the button to turn on the lights, the lights briefly flash and then turn back off. Looking at the log, I see the button press, the light level being set, and then for some reason I see that the light group was turned off with no command being logged that would do that.

I love these switches, because once they are working properly they are quite versatile and work consistently. But getting them to pair and work properly seems to be a trial and error sort of thing. Any suggestions on how to make this work better?

Am I the only one who, after a HE hub reboot, if I press a button on the switch (which turns on a light), it turns it on and off - with one press.

Yes, but not one your going to like. I used to have the exact same experience with these (minus the on/off light behavior, which I have never seen). It is entirely a mesh issue. A lot of info needs to be sent to them in order to configure correctly.They will pair and work flawlessly on a hub with no other devices, or with SmartThings (2018) outlets as the only repeaters. Last year I discovered that my Lightify 4-button switches that routed through these outlets always worked on the first press and never needed rejoined. I ended up buying a second HE hub last December and dedicated it to end-devices. I put all of my motion, contact, and temp sensors on it as well as my 9 Lightify 4-button switches, 12 2-button switches, 5 SmartThings buttons and 4 SmartThings outlets. It’s over 70 devices in all and I haven’t had a problem with any of them since. I paired all of the switches before I added anything else to the hub just to see if they would be stable by themselves. I then slowly added more devices each day, to see if any problems emerged. I eventually also added 4 GE zigbee in-wall dimmers to the mesh, because I was worried about overwhelming the SmartThings outlets as I kept adding devices. They don’t repeat nearly as well, but haven’t caused any problems.
My other hub has about 70 Zigbee lights, and my Z-wave devices. Everything is integrated using HubConnect.

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So you're running zigbee on two hubs? I have another hub device but it's only running LAN devices and some OLD chatty Z-wave (HEM V2's), but Zigbee is turned off. I don't mind moving my push button devices to that device and using them via HubConnect - I'm all in on HubConnect already as it ties in my Honeywell Thermostat (via Smarthings) + Hubconnect Proxy + Hubconnect Homebridge. The only Zigbee repeaters I have are @iharyadi's Zigbee devices. Would I need to make sure my 2nd hub is on a different Zigbee channel and then turn it on?

Yes sir I am.

You’ll have to turn it on first I believe, then change the channel. If you’re using the SmartThings hub, it’s probably already taking channel 20 (which is the case for me), and another hub on 15 or 25? Channel 15 isn’t great for me, and I don’t have real close neighbors (so probably my own Wifi on channel 1), so my end devices are on 19 and my bulbs are on 25.

I would pair all of your Lightify buttons next to the hub prior to adding anything else (it takes a long while to complete and you’ll think it’s not going to, but it does). That’s how I did mine back in December and I haven’t touched the configure button since. I know that Mike Maxwell said it was a long configuration process and I wonder if it overwhelms some repeaters and that’s why there are configuration issues.

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