S2 bootstrapping - Unknown status code

Hi Bryan. This is not a specific device. Mentioned in this thread, I did take a C8, restore platform, and a few other steps, and can join LR devices, and it works. Had the same problem with the C8 before I restored the platform. Tried a similar on the C8 Pro that I use for my Day to Day operations with the main difference of not wiping all devices, and I cannot get it to work.

This is not z-wave device related, it is something with the hub.

Issue was on two different hubs with multiple different devices.

They were able to get it to work on a non-production hub with resets and platform reversions, not sure why/how what fixed it exactly.

The main C8-Pro production hub they are still not able to get to work correctly.

Hi Bryan. Understanding this may be an odd condition, what or how would you like to proceed, or what is the suggested next steps. I really do not want to remove and re-add everything.


Now that we are production, still have problem. What are next steps.

I am getting this on my main hub as well. Never tried LR while in beta.

Both devices I tried work fine on my other C8 hub.
The Z-Wave DB on my main hub was migrated from a C7 a while back.

Also, the main device I was trying to get added, I added in mesh mode using SmartStart and it worked fine that time, just wont join with LR. The device says "LR" right on it.

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Just to bring this discussion back.
First, I want to say I am glad to see someone duplicate the problem, as well as sad to see..
I am hoping this will get some visibility, as I really feel like I was swept to the side.
I do understand a push for the release, and being busy. Could have been better with
communications. :slight_smile: I am not new to software and hardware development, spending
better than 25 years developing commercial products and applications. :wink:

To summarize:
The C8 I listed above that "worked" did not have any devices restored from a backup, instead it was reset, had a platform update, and then a release update.
The C8-Pro was similar, no reset, platform update, release update. Retained "all" devices. This is the device that will not add LR.

Noted, better late and all that...

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Thanks Victor.
Do we have a next step, or something I can do to assist debugging this?

This is a tricky one... the underlying issue is with zwave/ip gateway, and we have to find a workaround. We're working with the vendor to see what can be done here.


Thanks Victor!

I see a couple more users reporting a similar problem.
Should we move this thread out of the Beta category?


Since a few shared the link outside the beta already, I am moving this post public, as who ever tries to access the shared link will get an error, otherwise.


Thanks Bobby!

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Did you reset the z-wave radio on that hub first?
Was that hub previously migrated to your new hub? Whatever issue the current hub has may have carried over from the old one, so a radio reset would clear that out (hopefully).

This was incorrectly marked as a solution by "bfara83".
Currently there is no solution.

Another victim:


I am having the same issue with a Zooz zse18 800lr. Smartstart mesh works, smartstart LR gives this error. V


Resetting the radio does appear to work, until you restore a Cloud backup.
As noted in this thread, my C8-Pro has roots back to C5, with Cloud migrations starting with the C7->C8->C8 Pro...


  • Cloud Backup
  • Soft Reset
  • Reset Radios
  • Add LR Device

Up to this point I can add/remove both z-wave devices, including LR devices.
But wait!!
Next I restored from a cloud backup. After I attempted to add LR devices, and exhibit the same failed attempt with the S2 bootstrapping error.

I broke down and completely rebuilt my network.
Why you might ask ??
First I must say that I really did not want to spend an entire day doing this. I have a need to use a few LR devices, and the only way I could determine to do that was either use a different Hubitat device or not restoring from cloud after I reset the radios. I chose the rebuild...

Steps (starting from a V, fully restored from the cloud):

  • Removed all z-wave devices
  • Reset Radio Z-Wave.
  • Power down device for 5 minutes, then reapplied power
  • Re-added all Z-Wave
  • Fixed all rules, groups, controllers, etc..

All now works (including LR devices).
Only took 14 hours...

At this time, I am not sure if "restoring" a cloud backup will break it again. Might try on one of the test hubs.


Another one.

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Hey Victor, I wanted to check and see if you had any progress with the vendor on this?

I had a LR device paired with my C-8 but the migration to a C-8 Pro broke it and the device won't add again due to this :frowning: unfortunately need LR in this case.

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Just leaving this here