Hi Jeff.
I have the S2 bootstrapping error.
When looking at the /mobileapi/zwave/smartstart/list it does show bootmode 2.
I assumed it has something to do with the app.
Also, I was working with @bcopeland as well.
I can duplicate this on my old C8.
Did a soft reset on a C8 I had sitting on my bench.
Attempted to use SmartStart with the same device on the C8 and received the same error as the
{"listSize":1,"items":[{"dsk":"16105-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-45195-24002","status":"not included, pending","nodeName":"test1","nodeLocation":" ","grantKeys":3,"bootMode":2}]}
Did you reset the z-wave radio on that hub first?
Was that hub previously migrated to your new hub? Whatever issue the current hub has may have carried over from the old one, so a radio reset would clear that out (hopefully).
Hub was not migrated.
Steps Taken
Update to (restarts)
Unregister Hub
Reset z-wave.. (restarts)
Reset zigbee.. (restarts)
Soft Reset (restarts)
Register hub
Turn off zigbee
Watch hub log
Add device via SmartStart
Plug in device
Observe SmartStart in log
Observe S2 bootstrapping error
Device as in Hub, or the device you are trying to pair?
I was asking if you had migrated from the old C8 to the C8-Pro at some point.
I think you said somewhere you have factory reset the devices as well? I think if they were not reset they would not even attempt a SS join anyway, but the error indicates you should reset it.
I have a brand new Zooz device thats not even out yet. I could try to replicate on my dev C8 using the Android app.
Corrected in post.. hub..
Yes. Have factory reset. Have tried devices that were included and brand new out if the box.
The current C8 Pro was migrated from this C8 that i just spun back up.
The C8 that i am testing on now has been reset (radios and hub).
I am not home right now but when i get back i will try my wifes Iphone.
I added a LR node using the Android app, worked fine for me other than showing as security none until I rebooted the hub. Otherwise device is paired and working.
I've added multiple devices with the android app - scanning the QR code, as the manual entry way isn't fixed for LR on android yet.
As long as you scan the QR code to enter the smartstart data and don't try to edit the smartstart entry after scanning it in (as that will break it right now too), it "should" work.
Yeah that's what they have been doing but keeps getting that bootstrapping error on two separate hubs. Very strange. I just wanted to try out a new Zooz device with Android in case the app was scanning it in wrong somehow.
Ok, so I have it working.
I restored an old platform, and then updated to on an older C8 that
exhibited the same problem as the C8-Pro.
Started with a C8 that I reset the radios, and did a soft reset.
No additional packages, drivers, rules, devices, etc.
Tried adding Zooz device to C8 using SmartStart.
Fails with an S2 boostrapping error.
Tried several Zooz devices, both new out of the box, and used ones.
Next Steps:
I performed an "Install Platform" on the C8
- Backed up to the cloud.
- Added the Zooz device using SmartStart.
- Applied power to Zooz device
- Verified Zooz device was added
- Remove/excluded the Zooz device.
- Factory Reset the Zooz device
- Updated to
- Backed up to the cloud (Backup gives me a baseline to start if I need to reset)
- Added the Zooz device using SmartStart.
- Applied power to Zooz device
- Verified Zooz device was added
Device was added however, it is not showing as the correct device type/brand. This should be a Zen73 800LR.
@jtp10181 , I believe you have another thread somewhere I read regarding this:
[edited] https://community.hubitat.com/t/2-3-7-2-3-9-z-wave-driver-not-matching-correctly-with-s2-inclusion-c8/126988
An old platform or an old backup (backups to change platform version)? What platform version did you go back to originally?
Yeah just manually change the driver and run configure that is not really a big deal if it matches the wrong driver.
Yes. Did that.
I used the install platform, not a backup.
Steps above should indicate that.
Am i missing something?
The bulleted list it was clear but in the first part I was not sure what platform you reverted to, as it could make a difference. Unless that first sentence was maybe a summary of how you got it working (TLDR)?
Your correct, it was a summary.
I took the C8 from the bench, has not been used since January(ish) of 2024, reset the radios and did a soft reset. Effectively allowing me to start fresh. When that had the same problem as the C8-Pro, I decided to do the "Install Platform" option from within the Diagnostic Tool and started testing again from that point.
The C8-Pro is my production hub. It's history goes back to C5.
I have 1 C5, 2 C7's, 1 C8, and 2 C8-Pros.
C7 was restored from C5, with devices manually readded
C8 was migrated from C7 (migration process)
C8 Pro was migrated from C8
I am assuming there is/was a remnant somewhere through the process that has
contributed to the problem I have.
Some additional updates.
I tried to repeat the Restore Platform on the C8 Pro that is currently serving all my devices.
- Cloud backup
- Started with version
- Diagnostic Tool -> Restore Platform (reboots)
- Update to (reboot)
- Attempt to add a Zen04 800LR
Same problem when attempting to add a LR device.
sys:12024-05-02 09:50:56.436 PMwarnZ-Wave device id: 0 failed S2 bootstrapping - Unknown status code - the device needs to be excluded then included again to use securely.
sys:12024-05-02 09:50:51.742 PMinfoZ-Wave SmartStart Join Started
@bcopeland @support_team
Good Morning.
Just pinging here again to keep this alive. Still a problem. Would love to start using/testing my LR devices.
Starting to feel "un-loved".
Your device is failing S2 bootstrapping for some reason.. There is nothing code wise we could even modify for this to get fixed..
We take the QR code and pass it to Zipgateway (SiLabs Controller SDK).. Zipgateway then handles everything and just passes us a status which we are reporting in the logs..
We have seen this before on some devices that required a firmware update to operate properly.