Help, please! Zwave Network

Correct, I already assumed and said that above based on a couple other recent reports of the same thing happening with people trying to migrate to a Pro hub.

So they are not including because the devices themselves have not been excluded or reset, the hub is waiting for them but the devices will not try until they get reset. BUT DO NOT start resetting them yet. You either need to delete the all the LR "device" entries from the hub devices list first or follow my directions from above:

  • First before you do anything, you will need to go to each of the devices (in devices list) that was LR and is now missing from the z-wave details. Edit the DNI of each one and add _OLD to the end. This will make way for new devices to be paired.

  • Then you will need to exclude / reset each device, and if you still have them in SmartStart they will re-join automatically. Add "NEW" to the name of each device so you can pick them out in swap apps.

  • Once they are all joined again you can use Swap Apps to swap from the old to the new.

  • Once swapped then you can delete the old device which has _OLD in the DNI (I forget if it will be the one with NEW in the name or not but go by the DNI), and then finally clean up any of the device names as needed.

It only shows AFTER there is a failure, while it is still in the failed state, once a new backup is done it clears the warnings. I will see if I can find the screenshot that was posted somewhere.

How should I Exclude/Reset them?
From the Devices screen do a "remove device"? or
From the ZWave Details screen do a "ZWave Exclude" and then put the physical device in Exclusion mode?

Make sure you fix the DNI of the old device entries as I suggested before you do this. You can either find the factory reset directions for each device, or you can exclude using the hub. You can actually exclude any device even if it is not currently paired / talking to the hub. You just put the hub into exclusion mode, then put the device into exclusion mode. The Hub should say "unknown device excluded", which then will reset the device and it should automatically pair again using your SmartStart settings.

Changed the DNI for devices to add "OLD".
Excluded all physical devices. Received "unknown device deleted" for each.

Devices still appear in the Devices list. Should I just "remove device" in the Devices screen?
All devices still appear in SmartStart as "not included, pending". They are not automatically pairing. Should I just delete them from SmartStart and then add them back using SmartStart?

You can, but if you have any rules/apps tied to them it will break it all, that is what the rest of the instructions are for, to preserve that.

Deleting and readding them will just put them back in the same state, wont hurt anything but probably wont help either. You could try rebooting or shutting down the hub and restarting it. Also may need to power cycle the devices (while hub is running).

You can watch the live logs, it will say something about SmartStart Join Started when it finds something and starts the process.

Deleted the devices from SmartStart. Added one back to test, and as you said, it remains in pending status. I was able to Include and then Exclude the device in Mesh mode. But does nothing in SmartStart.

Here is the Log entry:

2024-06-13 03:46:10.220 PM[warn] Z-Wave device id: 0 failed S2 bootstrapping - Unknown status code - the device needs to be excluded then included again to use securely.

[sys:1] 2024-06-13 03:46:05.522 PM[info] Z-Wave SmartStart Join Started

Any other ideas?

Is this something that Hubitat Support can help with?


I have used a Cloud Restore to get back to a working Hub. Not working!

After a Cloud Restore, My Devices screen and ZWave Details screen do not agree, apparently because the Hubitat Cloud Backup service is not properly backing up the ZWave radio settings for Long Range (LR) devices.

The bootstrapping error is a documented issue and unfortunately the only known fix right now is a full radio reset: S2 bootstrapping - Unknown status code - #25 by jtp10181

You will not be able to include any LR nodes unless you do a radio reset, which means going through that whole DNI exercise with every device and pairing all devices again.

There could possibly be a fix in the future, but nothing as of right now.

Possibly if you cloud restore back to before you switched your devices to LR, it might fix it, but you would then have another mess to clean up there as well.


Are you Fu$&ing kidding me?????

Why isn’t the problem with LR cloud backups noted on the Release page????

Why isn’t this problem noted on the Release notes with the BOLDED recommendation NOT to use Long Range???????

And i would love to Backup prior to the introduction of Zwave LR, but habitat cloud backup is limited to Only 5 backups!!!!

Why the hell was LR released when you Hubitat knew about the problems??????

:person_shrugging: Apparently the the LR backup/restore not working is only isolated cases and otherwise it has been tested and works. Same with the bootstrapping error, limited cases. They are both being worked on with the z-wave chip vendor.

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There is an isolated change you will have to rebuild your entire zwave network?????????????? That is BS!!!! That should be made clear in the release notes!!!!!!

At this point i don’t believe that doing the dni change will fix the problem, or leave my network in a stable condition. That leaves a complete hub reset!!!!!!!!!!!

Well you can just add those device back as mesh and not use LR in the meantime and hope for a fix. Would be the same end outcome as if they never released LR at all.

That still doesn’t work. After doing the dni rename and deleting the devices i now have 3 Orphaned devices in Zwave Details.
So as best i can tell, my zwave network is permanent screwed up.
YES. LR should not have been released!!

Why hasn’t hubitat made us aware of these known problems?????

Those orphaned devices in z-wave details I would guess are due to restoring a cloud backup from when you were mid-stream of switching devices to LR. If the backup still had those devices as mesh nodes, but the hub devices list had them as LR nodes (due to only restoring z-wave) it would not match up and they would show no device linked in Z-Wave details.

It is still recoverable, those dead nodes can be removed (not always easy unfortunately) and you can pair whatever devices are missing back again as mesh nodes. Even if you cannot remove those dead nodes immediately, you can probably get everything else working in the meantime.

I know it sucks, not saying it doesn't. Just trying to lay out your options.


Because they've only just been discovered and even Silicon Labs didn't know. That is why Hubitat is working with them. Since they're LR devices, they won't affect your mesh if there are ghosts. Just keep on trying to remove them. They will eventually go.

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Yes. I understand that. But by now, there should be a CAUTION NOTE on the Release Page that advises Users of these problems, and perhaps suggesting that they hold off using Long Range until the problems are resolved.

I'm not so sure about that part... Other LR supporting hubs aren't having this specific issue.

But the end result is the same either way.

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Do you know if they are using Z/IP or the Unify Gateway? Supposedly some of the LR issues are stemming from the Z/IP Gateway.

Neither. Zwave JS uses their own, and Z-Way uses their own.

Neither use z/ip or unify gateway as is. Similar to how hubitat did it before they went for certification and forced them to go Z/IP.

Although I did talk to a dev that uses the unify gateway the other week in Austin, and is not having any obvious issues.


Yeah I had to look back at a discussion I was having with someone elsewhere, and they were also having problems with LR using Z/IP, along with another company they work closely with who also uses Z/IP on a hub. They said the same thing about Z-Wave .Me and Z-Wave JS not having any issues, but also knew they are not using Z/IP. Common theme seems to be the Z/IP Gateway :frowning: