I am experiencing the same issue with all recently purchased and freshly added Shelly 1 and 2.5 switches. But my older Shelly 1 switches added a few months ago are working just fine.
All Shelly switches are running the latest firmware released in November 2020.
I have noticed that from both the Dashboard and from the Device page, if switch is off and I select to turn it on, Hubitat does not detect the new "on" state. But if I call refresh from the device page then the state is correctly identified.
Pre Condition: switch is off, dashboard shows it's off, state in device page is off.
Open dashboard and device page in two separate tabs.
- Click on dashboard icon. Light turns on, but dashboard is stuck on hourglass.
- On device page note how the status is still shown as "off"
- Use device page to call refresh command
- Dashboard now shows the light is on, the device page now shows status as "on".
The reverse, on to off, is also true.