Hubitat hub if disconnected from internet …

… how long would it be fully functional?


Too many variables to answer in as few words as your question :slight_smile:

Why is the Internet lost?? Total Power failure? Then the Hub wouldn’t have electricity either… and of course the switches and lights the hub was controlling wouldn’t have power.

Only the internet lost? Do you have apps that require an Internet connection to function: IFTTT ?Then 100% of those apps wouldn’t function. Alexia? Homekit (Homebridge), Google Home? All need Internet.

If only the Internet is down, then only the internet related features are down. RM works, Hub Link would work BUT SmartThings would be impacted so some of the data from ST to HE would be impacted. Dashboard would work, Lutron Integration would work.

The specific Hub’s mix of Apps installed and configured would determine the answer… could be Zero (immediate loss due to no Alexia, and Alexia is the only way you interact with the hub, for example) to Forever.

Give it a try… reach on over and unplug the Ethernet wire from the Hub. At my house, it would keep working. All my motion sensors would still report motion, causing the Hub to send ZWave commands to switches and bulbs.

from hub behavior ... it seems to be getting updates over the internet aside from the official hub releases that need to be user downloaded for hub update.

  • not sure if such updates are happening?
  • if yes, what is the nature of these updates?
    -- how long would the hub continue to run if these updates were blocked because the internet connection is unavailable?


I unplugged my Ethernet cable from the Hub and pressed some WallMote buttons… everything worked. Lutron didn’t, because the connection between the Lutron hub and the Hubitat was severed. Had “the internet” gone down instead, the telnet connection between the two local hubs would be fine. I plugged it back in and it took a good 15 seconds before the Pico’s started working again.

In other words, my Hubs are all on a switch, and the switch connects to other devices which connect to the ISP connection to the Internet. If the internet went down, for me, nothing bad would happen.

I’ll check my FW logs for Internet traffic from Hubitat to be certain.

Edit: FIrst look at my logs show no Internet Traffic to/from the Hubitat hub since 4am.

sure ... i have done that too. everything keeps working for me. but i have only tried that for an hour or so.

my question is a little more focused on the fact that there are seemingly some updates happening to the hub which fix issues like delay with zwave devices and couple of other similar things that i have noticed. if the hub was disconnected from the internet for a month, 6 months, 1 year ... would everything continue to work locally or it would stop working because it was unable to contact the hubitat server and receive whatever other updates it may be receiving?


You’re implying “patches” vs upgrades, if I understand. And then that would form the answer too… it would keep on operating EXACTLY as it had been. No ghostly improvements due to “patches”.

sort of but the question isnt so much about the “patches” if that is indeed happening.

its more about “call home” + any form of “license update” and if that is happening.

Ok, so your original question was aimed directly at Hubitat staff and I interjected. I’ll back away from the kbd now :slight_smile:

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So for clarification, you are asking how long your automation would continue if there were no “pushed patches.”

Based on that premiss of it functioning now, it would function as it is now until a something changed (e.g. looping error, memory overrun, something happening to one of the devices it controls, etc).

Looking at the “pushed patches” part of things, I was under the impression that the updates/patches were manually pulled. I read the thread you reference above and there are a few reasons why a z-wave mesh would improve over time besides a pushed updated.

So, if I’m reading the sub-context correctly (and I may not be), the real question here is if the staff are pushing updates.

Does not work long without internet. Had problem with my internet connection tonight. This morning I noticed that hub had crashed. At first I did not check internet connection. Just rebooted a hub by pulling power plug. Hub stuck at 70% initializing, then I noticed that my internet was not working. Until I restored internet connection , hub would not boot completely. I guess whether application or other hub link won’t initialize…

well…so much for theory :slight_smile:

I think there is an NTP request process at startup that would be failing w/out internet. Also, on a daily schedule time is synced w/ NTP requests. In theory over time disconnected your device might not keep adequate time. The request on startup may be a show stopper for no internet connection but I have not tested specifically.

Now I have to change my whole stance. I do remember reading on another thread how the HU updates it's Sunrise/Sunset times daily.

There are no secret patches being pushed to hubs.

Any and all updates are controlled by the user, and are released via firmware downloads that the user must interact with in order to initiate.

The hubs do call home so to speak, once every 24 hours to update cloud info, this is the data that's shown in the portal page.

We also push a message to the hub when new firmware is available, but again, it's not downloaded or installed until initiated by the user.

Sunrise/Sunset events are calculated within the hub based on lat/long settings on the location page, these are not cloud dependent.

If you have no internet, it's likely that your time will drift as there won't be any NTP for the hub to get time updates from, but this is true for any lan device that attempts to keep accurate time.


dashboard needs to load external libraries from the internet to your device, the hub will still function just fine with only lan access.

The expectation is that after initial registration, the hub should run without the need for internet. Of course remote access, cloud integrations, software updates, push notifications, text messaging would all not work without an internet connection.

My crashed at 3AM, then was stuck at 70% after reboot until I restored the internet. What could be the cause for hub crashing? I can setup local NTP server if that will help…

aside from time sync is this another thing that cause the hub reboot to fail or get stuck if no internet is available?

currently to my knowledge no, but that doesn't mean there couldn't be one lurking somewhere.

Is this reproducible in your setup?

havent tried reboot while disconnected from net ... will try and report back.

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