How to create my own device templates?

Is there any way to create my own device templates? Here's my intended result:
I have several tiles that use the "Presence" template, and I like the default template just fine for those tiles. However, there is one virtual presence sensor that I have, and I want to create a new template so that the tile and all text is transparent or hidden when the presence is "not present" and becomes a solid yellow color with the words "Guest Mode" when the device reports "present".

Objective is to either modify the existing template for THIS PARTICULAR TILE without effecting the other tiles using that template. OR, preferably, create a clone of the old template to modify, and then add that template to the list of templates so I can easily call it up again for additional tiles in the future.

You may want to checkout my Simple CSS Editor:

There is a section in the opening post titled Tile Styling Templates, which talks about the first attempt I have made at doing a simplified version of what you describe, without the per-status settings, i.e. when the status is "present". You may still get some use out of the editor, however. I expect you will, for now, need to use CSS to adjust the styling of your tiles. My CSS editor allows you to enter this in a textbox for one tile, then use the "template copy" option to apply the same settings to other tiles on the dashboard, where you get to choose the tiles the "template" is applied to. Depending on what other options you want to adjust, this may do what you need.

To find out what you need to include in the Custom CSS, you may also want to have a look at and/or post a question on the CSS thread many of us use:

There is more that I want to do in this space with my CSS editor, including the ability to share template settings, both between Dashboards and between Community members, but I'm struggling to find the time to get back to this project at the moment. If you have any suggestions I am happy for you to post them on the topic and I can take a look.



Another qualified contestant in this space is [BETA] Tile Template Generator by the inestimable app maker @thebearmay -- pretty much nothing you cannot do with it.


This rabbit hole is a lot deeper than I ever thought...

Yep, and we haven't even mentioned Tile Master, if your primary goal is multi-device display and control.

At the moment I have just one tile to edit showing info from only one device. I created the HTML device, named it, used the template creator to copy the template for presence attribute of the presence device. It generated like one line that doesn't even track state. So then I apply that template to slot 1 of the HTML device. Now I have a tile on my dashboard that says "Guest Mode: null" and doesn't ever display any information or track any changes to the devices presence...

Apparently I have a lot of reading to do first.


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