I see a lot of posts with issues and just wanted to share my positive experience on the process to setup Hubitat C8 as an average customer who cannot code, but can copy-paste from detailed how-to guides Granted I spent a week reading the posts here in preparation, and my setup is fairly simple. Almost all of my devices are from ST, Zooz, Monoprice so everything was supported, and troubleshooted already.
Having used SmartThings for 8+ years it was a big change. I had bunch of custom drivers and apps from the community as well. Over the years, I had accumulated almost 100 zigbee/zwave devices so the task of resetting everything and pairing again was daunting to say the least. Moving the handful of Hue and Kasa devices each was piece of cake (Love the LAN processing of Kasa devices!). I did not integrate Ecobee Thermostat and Rachio Sprinker, I just let them run their calendar based schedules from their app, and override from HomeKit.
Started on Z-wave from powered devices (In-wall switches) closest to hub, and built from there on. Having the ability to exclude from Hubitat Hub was awesome, rather than trying to exclude all from ST and then add here. Had to reset the zigbee devices, tried to add battery powered sensor first and had trouble, gave up, added a powered outlet, and everything went smoothly thereafter. Followed the same zigbee channel settings from ST, to spread Hue/Hubitat/Wifi as far as possible. Smoothest pairing was with the Zooz outdoor motion sensors; and the trickiest was the Monoprice 4-in-1 sensor that would always show up as a Zipato bulb.
I came across a post that said the devices page does not immediately update, that was the light bulb moment. For battery powered devices, until the device reaches back to hub or something like that, any change I made on devices settings was not updated. Once I changed the driver from Zipato bulb to Zooz 4-in-1, and triggered motion, then it started showing motion! Same with ghost devices, took couple of days to see the remove option, and then couple of tries to get rid of ghost devices.
ST was very simplistic and novice user friendly. Hubitat is super configurable and seems a bit intimidating at first, but with exploration, and reading some guides and posts, it helped. Loving the Rule Machine, as well as the dedicated apps for button controller, light control, etc. I did not use WebCore as I did not want to code, and will probably stay away here as well. Most of the logic in my automations is simplistic, so far.
Some of things I am still troubleshooting:
- Zooz Zen72 dimmers get 100% signal from Homekit somehow. I have the 700 chip Zen27 that work fine with Homekit signal. Looks like I am not alone
- Looking for Hubitat version of Simple Event Logger. Currently installed the Google Sheets Logging app, but longer term I prefer the format from earlier.
- I noticed a LOT of folks shared that they are running >1 hubs, with one hub dedicated for cloud processing stuff and other for managing devices. I have to figure out hub cpu/memory usage to ensure I am not overloading it.
I have yet to add Sylvania bulbs, and few other contact sensors, but should not be an issue I think. So far so good! I should have taken the jump to Hubitat earlier! Local processing is awesome, and quick!!