Hi All,
Im looking for a device recommendation. I want an air quality sensor that can:
- Connect to Hubitat ( I dont care if I have to write a custom driver to parse an API or web page)
- Read Ozone(O3), PM2.5, CO2
- Costs under $200 CAD
Any thoughts?
Hi All,
Im looking for a device recommendation. I want an air quality sensor that can:
Any thoughts?
Are you looking for a device to monitor indoor air quality or outdoor?
OpenWeather has an API for air pollution, there is a community create virtual device to poll that
I am using a AirGradient DIY Presoldered Kit that you can customize the sensors on if you like. I updated the code on the WEMO D4 Mini to write directly to a Maker APi instance on a Virtual device driver. You would need to get a Ozone sensor for it though. Does the AirThings sensor do O3.
I haven't seen O3 on all of the sensors I have looked at. It tends to be temp, Humidity, CO2, TVOC, and PM2.5
Indoor air quality.
I like the AirThings Vue which is connected to Wifi and has a web integration. It can’t detect Ozone though, and is over your price threshold.
Seems like the new Ikea Air Quality sensor (PM2.5 & tVOC) VINDSTYRKA is available in some local stores across Europe.
It is Zigbee (unlike the previous Ikea AQ model), priced at about 43 Euros.
It's now hard to find but available in the US and I went to IKEA and picked one up after ordering it online. I am now trying to load an IKEA device to my Hubitat, but there is no air sensor device option, just bulb, button controller, outlet and repeater.
I tried a manual zigbee pairing after putting the Vindstyrka in pairing mode, but nothing happened. I also tried all the various (5) IKEA devices, but no luck there either. Lastly, I tried the one air sensor device you can choose (by device type), frient. Nope.
That's all I've got.
Any ideas how to proceed?
thanks! G
Hang in there till @kkossev writes a driver.
Looks like he put out an 'alpha' version of a driver...
For a CO2 sensor, I use co2.click: (StackPath)
and wrote a custom driver to check the web portal. I automatically open dampers to let fresh air in when co2 levels are above 800ppm in our home.
You're not going to get quality sensors in a product 200$ cad... depends why you need so much data.
I'd be happy if you did. I'm using a Qingping Pro, and it's fantastic. Great user reviews, and it stacks up strongly against professional grade AQ sensors. Components they use are not cheap.
I'm bringing it's readings into Home Assistant via the Xiaomi Miot Auto integration, and then I bring the values into HE using the Home Assistant Device Bridge integration. From there I can use it in my HE automations and I also share them to HomeKit via Homebridge for a more convenient way to quickly look at the numbers when I'm not near the AQ monitor.
Looks like it doesnt do Ozone. Ozone is unfortunately a MUST for me.
If OZone is a must you are going to have a very tough time finding it. I couldn't even find a sensor to add to the DIY stuff i have. It is very hard to come by.
Have you looked at the Ecowitt WH45 air quaility sensor? The indoor sensor does temp, CO2, humidity, pm2.5 and pm10. It is $170 at Amazon. The gateway is $34. With the gateway you can add 4 outdoor sensor that do pm2.5. Up to 8 temp sensors and 8 mosture sensor for plants also a lighting sensor. Ecowitt gateway does have a local Hubitat integration.
This is the one I use. Works well and alerted us to bad indoor air quality when the Canadian forest fire smoke made its way down to us here in PA.
In case anyone is interested the new Ecobee thermostats come with a built in air quality sensor now.
Yes, but be aware that this only measures VOC, while CO2 is estimated and PM2.5 is not measured at all.
Lol so it’s essentially useless for my purposes. I have a sensor connected to my Ecowitt which detects all those. Thanks for the info!
Do you think that will be possible add CO2 sensor.
For another Ikea some guys did add CO2 sensor and others.
I kept wanting to hand him a finer tipped soldering iron. Good hacking!