C8 Migration from C7

My C-8 just arrived. Updated C7/C8 to .102 prior to migration. C-7 to C-8 migration said it FAILED to restore. Hub rebooted, things LOOKED like they restored? I'm going to reboot the C-8 again, and re-do the C-7 migration and see if it still fails.

If migration fails, it doesn't fail subtly. Either database will come up empty, or a category of devices (Z-Wave or Zigbee) will not work at all. This is very likely a disconnect between actual result (success) and failure reported in the UI. It's being investigated.

@gopher.ny I PM'd you, but Zigbee seams dead and trying to factory reset a Hue motion sensor and doing a discovery fails...discovery doesn't detect the reset motion sensor.

That sounds eerily like this other post here... I suspect there's a weird zigbee bug that's hitting some of us -- it doesn't seem super widespread, but there have been a few similar posts around here lately.

I'm experiencing the same thing, so I'm hopeful a resolution will come soon.

Nyce 3041 Zigbee Motion Sensors Won't Pair - :bellhop_bell: Get Help / Devices - Hubitat

@gopher.ny @mike.maxwell

ETA - dunno if v103 knocked something back in place or what, but I'm once again able to pair/add zigbee devices -- there is much rejoicing!

I went into Zigbee logging screen, and there's absolutely ZERO entries. It's like Zigbee doesn't exist.

ZigBee logging is in real-time, you would need to keep it open for at least several minutes to see if anything shows in there. It won't record previous logs there before you opened ZigBee logging.

Known issues post is showing a ZigBee issue is known. Hopefully they will figure out a good for you soon.

Can you try going to Settings - Zigbee details, and clicking Reboot button there? This button is available on C8s and last few firmware revisions only. This is an effective equivalent of a power cycle for Zigbee radio.


@gopher.ny Did not help. Paired devices show no activity and I'm unable to pair a factory reset Hue motion device. I left the Zigbee log window open for a while, and zero entries from any devices or the one that I attempted to pair.

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I've current got two c-7 hubs. If I add the c-8 to this (primarily for the improved z-wave performance) would I be able to easily mesh it with the other two? I'm not keen on throwing away perfectly usable kit. What would we advise?

Yes, absolutely.

So an update...opened a support case DM with Bobby Re;Zigbee issue. He had me update the C7 to 103, create a new cloud backup, then update the C8 to 103 and restore from cloud. That fixed the existing paired Zigbee devices. But I'm still unable to pair a factory reset Hue motion sensor to the C8. C8 never discovers it in pairing mode.

And .103 fixes the failed restore message that I was also seeing yesterday on .102.

@gopher.ny Any Zigbee pairing advice for me?

Is your old hub still on? Make sure it's off.

It was shutdown and power cable pulled as soon as the cloud backup was finished.

Bring up the old hub (shut down the new one) and see if it works on there now... @brad5 any advice?

Hmm I thought I saw someone say Zigbee keeps frame counters .... since the C7/C8 are clones of each other, would bringing up the old hub (new one off) and try to pair throw devices out of sync when I bring up the new hub (old hub off)?

Hmm.. .Good question...

Pardon me for jumping in the middle of your conversation. I am thinking about making the C7->C8 migration soon. Ambassador Rick - would you please look at my crib sheet and see if I have everything in order? Thanks.

I have Hub Protect active on C7 hub

  1. Upgrade platform on C7 to latest version

  2. Create a local backup of C7 to PC

  3. Disable cloud apps like- Alexa, Google, what others_______________

  4. Create cloud backup of C7 for migration....regular cloud backup is ok....will disabled apps migrate?___________

  5. disable radios on C7, optional power down

  6. power up C8 and use Findmy hub to get the IP address assigned by your router.

  7. Register C8 at Portal.hubitat.com

  8. Upgrade C8 platform before anything else

  9. restore cloud (migration) backup to C8

  10. Set Zigbee channel to 20 (C7 was ch 20)


That about sums it up. Also you can watch this... How to migrate devices and apps to the new Hubitat Elevation Model C-8 hub - YouTube

Note: Yes, disabled apps, rules etc will migrate. Also check your z-wave table for ghosts prior to migration.


Ok, C-8 showed up today (even though tracking said Tuesday???). The packaging was in bad shape, ripped open, the C-8 was about to fall out. Hubitat box was scuffed, but the product inside looked ok.
I migrated from C-7 to C-8.
Everything seemed to go ok. I had to re-authorize Google Home. My HD+ Hubitat Dashboard for Android took some finagling. I had to copy the backup files, manually edit them for token and cloudtoken, and then put the modified files back on Hubitat using the Hubitat File Manager (Thanks to @johnwill1 and @Ranchitat for the tip).
My logs are looking clean - nothing strange popping up.
Got the C-7 prepped for sale, but don't really plan on selling it. Performed a soft reset and leaving it alone for now.
Took about an hour and a half, but only because I proceeded slowly, read a lot, watched the migrate video, double-checked every step. I didn't want this process to go south by user error.
I was lucky that 103 came along just in time for my delivery and possibly saved me some heartache.