C7 running latest fw (this has been happening for about a month, and. I have tried a few different ones, but all same result)
Every few days my previously stable C7 is locking up. Can’t get in to ui via browser, but can get into the recovery console (:8081), and to get it to work from there, I have to do a soft reset and then restore database. It will work fine for a few days and then lock up again.
I am wondering the best way to troubleshoot this, and wondered if any of you gurus could please help?
Hi, I have been working through this for a bit as well, link below. Been doing a lot of testing, restores, downgrades, watchdog monitoring rules, and well... by chance are you using ecobee?
Personally, I have found that when ram gets below (and stay's below) 180MB free (out of 512MB total on the C7 and C8), my hub performance starts falling off a cliff. I wrote a rule to reboot my hubs in the early hours of the morning if this happens.
I've also noticed recently that HE is chewing through ram quite rapidly in recent releases and I wonder if there isnt a memory leak causing the issues. I've noticed my uptime is only a couple of days atm and it used to be at least a week.
FW 2.3.6 was not an issue. Once changed to 2.3.8 in Feb the C7 started becoming unresponsive within hours. Eventually found deleting the ecoBee Suite Helpers seems to allow the C7 to stay up for days. The current step is now to use webcore to replace the three helpers.
I am curious, are you using the HE ecobee driver or ecoBee Suite Apps to create the drivers?
I have seen many posts where people have had issues with hub lockups, and it ends up being related to the ecobee integrations. I would first try using the disable checkbox on any ecobee apps / devices and see if that helps.
Often these LAN based apps and drivers heavily load the hub. Ecobee seems to be problematic if set wrong, but it isn't the only one that loads the hub quite heavily.
Many people keep or buy an older hub around just for these intensive apps, and keep everything else like their Zigbee and Z-wave on the "main" hub. I use my old C5 just for this purpose, and for my old Iris V1 devices that I want to keep around. You can probably pick up a C5 or C7 for less than $50 going by Ebay pricing.
Ok - I disabled the app and devices, and I installed the hub info app, though I am not quite sure how to use it - if memory is what needs to be tracked, how do I track that over time? (I am sure I can go read how somewhere, but if you know, I would appreciate it!). Before this issue, I would normally go months in between rebooting the hub. Free memory is currently 342592.
I will see how long it stays up, and report back. I appreciate the help!
The downgrade was attempted. It got complicated as HE webcore did not downgrade nicely (at least there were lots of errors in log). The downgrade will be a backup approach and weekend project if needed. (I had feared it might not be possible. I am grateful to @jtp10181 suggesting to uninstall and restore WC form a backup).
Currently exploring another track which is to not use the ecobee suite helpers and recreate them as pistons. So far so good, so I am now letting it run to see if all stays up.
Do you know if the load on a C7/C8 would be similar if its devices are shared via Hub Mesh?
I am considering splitting things between a C8 and C7; however, webcore uses all of them to operate various pistons. This can mean although the C7 is, say, running ecoBee Suite, its devices would be shared via Hub Mesh to the C8. It could mean less on the C7, and only running ecoBee.
I guess I am not sure what you are asking exactly.
If you share a device, the shared hub (pretend it is your C8) will have much less load than the hub where the device is hosted (the C7) .
It doesn't matter which model (C5, C7, C8) hub is the host, and which is the shared hub. The idea is to split up the LAN devices, and the hub which has the rules/automations. The only exception to this might be the C8 Pro, which has more memory and a faster processor, that may be able to handle everything all in one hub, up to a point. But even then I think you are better off splitting things up.
I have been having almost daily hub lockups on my main hub and once on my backup hub. Mine are C8's but I have remote C7 and another C8 that are running fine. Been behind the scenes sharing those experiences with Hubitat staff and they are looking into it as an OS issue. I have questioned certain apps and suspect one as the heaviest load, but the strange thing is that app, is on my backup hub. The devices created by the app are then shared to the main hub via HubMesh. So in theory, as talked about above, it shouldn't be causing the issue since its on another hub. That hub did lock up once though so who knows... My main hub is rebooting while we speak.
I might employ the reboot for memory as mentioned above and see if that helps. Sucks when things don't run and I have to get into the diagnostic menu every day... Especially when I'm not home.
BTW I have Ecobee running on one of the remote hubs and have never had an issue with it.